It also wears down their teeth. Pigs can pretty much eat anything that humans can eat since our digestive systems are very similar. But can they eat pine needles? IF your guinea pig chews on the stuffed toy, the stuffing inside may be harmful. Secondly, the size difference. He sells pine cones from his yard pine tree on eBay. Just like humans, guinea pigs have likes and dislikes. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. Pine wood. Without water guinea pigs become seriously ill. Good quality hay always available which should constitute the majority of their diet. However, that too has health risks for delicate Cavies. However, you should always bear in mind the consequences of your pet’s food. If you look at the incisors then the top and the bottom should be the same in length and you should not see any signs of decay. As they’re prone to weight problems, it’s your responsibility to keep their diet properly balanced. Can guinea pigs eat ice cream cones? Guinea pigs can eat a variety of fruits and vegetables and green leaves. Ensure water doesn¿t freeze in winter. Now that you are well aware of pine cones as food and chewing toys, here are some frequently asked questions and answers that you might find helpful. They have aromatic oils in them which are not good for guinea pigs at all. Stick to the article to know more about the uses and effects of pine woods for Guinea Pigs. Check regularly to see if your guinea pig eats normally, and is not having any difficulty with their food. How about oyster crackers?, Can Guinea Pigs Eat Savoy Cabbage? We do have a page on things that are toxic to pigs that you can find under the pig health header on the main website. It also makes cleaning more difficult. You can sterilize the pine cones prior to giving them to your guinea pigs by baking them in the oven at 200° for 20-30 minutes. Offer them to your pet. Still, the best treatment is to avoid feeding pine cones to Guinea Pigs., Can Guinea Pigs eat Locust Beans?, Can Guinea Pigs Eat Jerusalem Artichokes? Rats are rodents that need to chew on things regularly to keep their teeth trimmed and healthy (because their teeth grow continuously throughout their life). If your pigs are active and fed a well balanced diet, then the overall % of their daily intake comprised of … But it’s only safe if: the type of wood is known to be safe, and if the wood is clean and free of any potential contaminants like fungus and of course chemicals. The largest directory of guinea pig foods that they could quite possibly eat or not eat, reviewed for you, and we mean every single possible food. Pineapple skin. (Maybe this is why people keep buying pine cones for their Guinea Pigs from my friend). Unfortunately, pine cones are not good for guinea pigs at all. You can give it to them to nibble and chew on. S. Skittypigs Junior Guinea Pig. So steer clear of giving them to piggies, and give them something that you know they will enjoy instead. Guinea pigs like to forage ad eat. Chewing habit of your guinea pig might be something you are troubled with, but trust me, it is beneficial for your guinea pig’s health. It can lead to Diarrhea and other digestive issues in guinea pigs. Guinea pigs can eat all types of apples, just make sure the apple is fully ripe and doesn't have a sour taste. However they probably won't 'eat' it. Using your hands, make sure that you scrub off any dirt, sap, or bugs on the cones. Guinea pigs are herbivores that eat mainly grasses and other vegetation. So, choose your pet’s food wisely. On top of that, hay is a source of food for guinea pigs, so giving them chew balls made of hey means feeding them. Mar 30, 2017 #2 i <3 piggies13 said: Being herbivorous animals, Guinea Pigs are not capable of digesting it. Guinea pigs can eat all types of apples, just make sure the apple is fully ripe and doesn't have a sour taste. Plastic tunnels or toilet paper tubes are also good items that they can rest in. 0 6 Best Beddings for Guinea Pigs 2020. This wooden bridge serves the dual purpose of being a chew toy as well as a safe structure your guinea pig can hide under. But are they something that guinea pigs could chew on and enjoy like tree branches are? There are guinea pigs who chew on pine cones and have no problems. Let the pine cones soak for 20-30 minutes in order to remove any remaining sap or bugs that stuck on them. I am more concerned about the sugar content but let's get real. If you are seeking for additional vitamin C to your pet diet, then here are some fruits guinea pigs can eat without any problem: 1. Their excitement seeing these will guarantee happiness to you. Vegetables should represent the bulk of the treats you offer, as they’re nutritious and most guinea pigs love them. Guinea pigs can indeed eat grass if you prepare it properly. Wrap the cones or wood in foil and bake for 1-2 hours at 200 degrees. We have already looked at whether guinea pigs can eat Christmas trees here. It won't poison your dog to eat the occasional pine cone, but as the staff pointed out, they do pose a choking hazard so be careful. Pine cones make a great chew and play toy for bunnies. Rabbits are much bigger than guinea pigs, and while they might not do it intentionally, a rabbit’s hind leg kick can seriously injure a guinea. Wooden Chew Sticks. Typically, a combination of nutritious pellets and fresh timothy hay are the best recipe for success, but you can also give your pet delicious treats from time to time. They can cause severe respiratory problems and can also be responsible for allergies that lead to chronic problems with the skin. Answer: Some great, harmless, easy to find chewing toys for Guinea Pigs are hay, toilet paper tube, paper bag, grass. Oranges. If you have ever wondered casually, can guinea pigs pine wood or not, you already know that they can eat pine cones or chew pine wood only when they are sterilized. If you have enough time to dedicate to your guinea pig, interact and play with them, then you shall do just fine with a single guinea pig. But it’s only safe if: the type of wood is known to be safe, and if the wood is clean and free of any potential contaminants like fungus and of course chemicals. Pine cones aren’t healthy for Guinea Pigs. Can Guinea Pigs safely eat the flowers on Chickweed,or is it poisonous to them? So, I had to research and consult with other Guinea Pig owners about offering pine cones to Guinea Pigs. They have aromatic oils in them which are not good for guinea pigs at all. In the description, she said that there was a lot of debate about pinecones being safe or unsafe to hamsters and she does not know whether they are safe for hamsters. It can cause choking hazards to Guinea Pigs. Guinea pigs like to explore, but they also like to feel safe and secure. However, it can also make them fat if they eat too much of it. What made him offer me pine cones is that he has some regular buyers of pine cones who are also Guinea Pig parents like me. Avocado contains a fatty acid like chemical called persin, which can be harmful to your guinea pig’s digestive system. It also contains a lot of fat in it that can get deposited in the organs and arteries of our guinea pigs. Can guinea pigs and hamsters live together. Related Post: Will Guinea Pig jump off bed? So, this can be lethal for your pet. Pine and cedar shavings. 4. Before you let your guinea pig out of their cage, you will need to ‘guinea pig-proof’ the room where you plan to let them out. Unfortunately, pine cones are not good for guinea pigs at all. Keep reading! Many breeders use milk sop as a supplement for sows with big litters and it works well. Can guinea pigs eat pine needles? Any kind of essential oil can cause diseases like nasal congestion, muscle aches, anxiety, and other skin diseases to Cavies. The Answer is Yes! eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'onlineguineapigcare_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_1',321,'0','0']));They are fascinating things and make great decorations as well as playthings for children to collect. They have aromatic oils in them which are not good for guinea pigs at all. Hopefully, the article suffices your queries. Pinewoods can be used as a good chewing toy. A small orange slice is great for guinea pigs as a treat. However, not all of them like it. To help you find the best and safe fresh food for your guinea pigs we’ve put together a food chart showing how often and how much you can feed these foods to your piggies. Let’s find out the truth. The short answer is that yes, guinea pigs can and do eat pineapple. Made from natural wood sticks and held together with wire instead of glue, this tunnel has it all. The reason is the high acidity, … So steer clear of giving them to piggies, and give them something that you know they will enjoy instead. Guinea pigs like to chew on things, so make sure to put away or hide anything that they could chew on – electrical cords, mats, rugs, trinkets, etc. Chewing something is a classic rodent’s pastime often encouraged by owners. Pinewoods doesn’t add any nutritional value to Guinea Pig’s diet. However, they must be carefully prepared before being given to your bunny. Wood can provide an enriching and FREE way of giving our guinea pigs a chewable that will (or might) last a while. Answer: pine cones aren’t suitable foods for canines.