The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Reply. Example: My hoarding of unnecessary things is getting out of hand. Answer: You can add manyof the other sentence starters in front of "I believe" to make a change. I'll have them repair my car. And take it out when i can . Question: What are other ways to start a sentence instead of "I will explain"? When that happens, you need to think about other ways to refer to that person, place or thing. You can also refute any objections that you expect your reader might have. If you're gonna start a sentence with a conjunction of any kind, you have to make sure that you're actually producing a sentence. 7. Question: What sentence starters should I use when writing a persuasive essay? Adding ideas in your writing. You can use a variety of words to show reasons or examples for your position: How can I start an essay for examples of three things w/o being repetitive or using the word things. You can also add an adverb (word ending in "ly" which describes the verb). Generally, I tell students to begin a first draft of an essay by setting a timer and just writing down everything they think or know about the paper topic. You can find them by searching on the website or just type the kind of essay you are wirting in Google along with "Owlcation" and VirginiaLynne and you should find what I've written on that topic. Answer: There is not just one sentence starter that works for any particular position in a paper. 1. 11. For example "the book" could be replaced by the title of the book, or a phrase like "what I'm reading," of "novel" or just "it.". Answer: Here are the best sentence starters for children who are just learning to write: Sequence Words: First, Second, Third, Next, After, Afterwards, Before, During, Words that Show Time: At noon, In the morning, At bedtime, Later, Soon, Words that Show Place: Around, Behind, Above, In front of, Under, Near, Over, Outside. Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on April 27, 2018: How about an electrifying (or provocative) gastronomical event? You may, however, encounter people who mistakenly believe that starting a sentence with a conjunction is an error, so consider your audience when deciding to structure your sentences this way. Adjectives are “coordinating” if there are more than one, and they both modify the same noun. In the sentence, "Mason managed my favorite market," "Mason" is the subject, "managed" is the verb, and "market" is the direct object. Indeed. With a sentence starter, you might still use "this," but it won't stand out as repetitive. this works really well thank you,helps a lot i'll try to share with my friends about this website. They bickered for five minutes. Question: What other words can I use instead of "I"? You might also consider asking a friend in your class to read and respond. Although they can be somewhat awkward, you can also use phrases like: "this writer." However, that can become monotonous and that is why I suggest that you try using some of these sentence starters, or "ing" words (called gerunds) or other types of phrases which come before the subject. [M] [T] Has he come yet? So you can replace "it" by using the name of the object, a synonym, or a phrase that describes the object. 1. Some part of the school (our class, a hallway). Question: What are some words to use besides "the"? Thank you! The way you are currently presenting information to readers enables them to know immediately what is being expected of them, and why. I need an envelope. It is worth noting, however, that starting a sentence with a coordinating conjunction still looks nonconformist to many people, so you are advised to reserve this practice for impact. Question: What would be another way to say, "I believe that...? This is an emergency. x. Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on June 22, 2020: Hi Anggi--I have not published this in book form, but I've thought about doing that and publishing on Amazon. Finally, in case the question is actually about the formatting of the paragraph, it is important to know that each paragraph in English is indented, and starts with a capital letter (as do all first words in an English sentence). You can start with a description or short story from each of the two which shows that comparison. 6. Does the sentence contrast or contradict? To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. Question: Are there different types of essays? thanks - we will check out all your postings!! You can write down just words or phrases. It was their friend Mark inviting them over to his house for dinner. Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on March 28, 2019: Hi Ariana, I’m glad to hear my article helped. To diagram a sentence, start by drawing a horizontal line with a vertical line through the middle. 3. Beginning a sentence with the imperative form of a verb may feel inappropriate, as it essentially involves telling the reader what to do. This is incredibly helpful for me! Introduce a strong narratorial voice. And if you enjoy writing copy that captures attention, the “pitch”-style opening sentence might seem easy and fun to write. Answer: The word "my" is a possessive pronoun which doesn't really have a substitute. Sentence starters are excellent words to use as the first word in a paragraph because they will help you link the ideas of each paragraph together. My essays will be a million times better now! That will make a thesis or main idea for your essay. Question: What other words can I use instead of "many"? Here are some alternatives to "I believe". Go back and see what I did to "eliminate" the "I"! It begins training you to think about how your ideas relate to one another and helps you to write essays that are deeper, more connected and logical. Thank you for helping me get a 30/30 on my writting. Liz went to the store to get some groceries. Consequently, Joy laughed and told him, "We are on our way!". Make Words from Letters and make them count! According to a usage note in the fourth edition of The American Heritage Dictionary, "But may be used to begin a sentence at all levels of style. This does not have to be full sentences. What is another word I can use for ¨the¨? Concluding? Question: What are the best transitions to use with my body paragraphs when I'm writing an essay? For the most part, the end of the sentence would not be where most people would try to add variety. For example, “June’s car broke down on her way to work. Every craft demands that beginners learn in stages. When you write, your reader has those thoughts in their head, and those alternative points of view can make them disagree with you and feel that your paper doesn't really seem very convincing. Answer: Yes, I am a real English instructor. ALPHABET SENTENCES. 1. Any of these sentence starters will work, but persuasive writing sometimes focuses on the more common or emotionally charged language, avoiding the more academic-sounding words. Which of them is your brother? Er. We had a fabulous and exciting time on vacation. If you are using "the" repeatedly, it probably means you are always writing sentences which start with the subject. A few of the most popular ones to use are: Additionally, Therefore, In contrast, In conclusion. If you are contrasting, use a contrast transition etc. Word or phrase that shows relationship between ideas. Answer: There are many different types of essays that I have written articles about, including: You can find many sample topics on these types of essays on my web pages. She became an actress. Moreover, teenagers are annoyed that they can't get the attention of their parents, who are always working or shopping on their phones. However, if you follow the easy five tips, I give for writing better sentences: you will be able to hide the fact that you are using "I" a lot by not starting every sentence with the personal pronoun. Are you adding information? Listening, Liz smiled and nodded. You can also use these questions for help. How to use they in a sentence. Some of these words work alone and others need to be put into a phrase. Answer: Here are some other ways to talk about the middle of a story: After establishing the beginning situation, Halfway through, the story continues with. A complete sentence must: begin with a capital letter, end with a punctuation mark (period, question mark, or exclamation point), and contain at least one main clause. A typical way of starting a sentence in English is with the subject. I’m trying like mad to drop that absurd little word from the start of my sentences, and it’s going pretty well. 13. The idea behind an alphabet chain is to use all 26 letters in as short a sentence as possible, as is done in some of the examples below: 1. I have an earache. A rule against beginning a sentence with a conjunction has pedagogical usefulness. Google that and you'll find it. Dialing seemed to take forever. Languages don't work that way, and certainly English doesn't. Here are some sample first sentences on that topic: Did you know that in America about 41% of children were living on the brink of poverty in 2016? Here are some samples: Especially in the summer, I like swimming. Larry’s family went to the zoo, but they didn’t enjoy it. Answer: What you are describing is a "cause" transition. Clearly, the answer may be simple but requires some explanation. If the sentence contains a direct object, draw another vertical line that stops at the horizontal line. This has been helpful through out all my essays and quite easy to understand, This is quite helpful and I really enjoyed this website and it was really easy to use. [M] [T] Kate has a cold. There are a number of confusing grammar rules in the English language, and whether or not it’s okay to start a sentence with and is one of them.Many of us, from a very young age, have grown up being told that starting a sentence with a conjunction such as and is a big no-no. However, that can become monotonous and that is why I suggest that you try using some of these sentence starters, or "ing" words (called gerunds) or other types of phrases which come before the subject. If you've found this technique helpful, or if you have another sentence starting technique, please add your comments below to help out other writers. Question: How many sentences should there be in a five-paragraph essay? 4. It's an old piano. In the first paragraph of an essay, you will generally give examples first and then put the thesis sentence at the end of the paragraph. THANKS FOR THE HELP BECAUSE I WAS REALLY IN TROUBLE GETTING ALL MY WORK DONE!!!!!!!! ... and more than half of them start with a question, so their editors haven’t edited the questions out. The 1959 edition of Strunk and White’s The Elements of St… It has been very useful. Question: What is a good sentence to end an introductory paragraph with? 1. Good grief! These are the words like so, but, or, yet, and, for that we mentioned earlier. It's so simple but helpful at the same time, I just want to know more about writing a good essay. Words in a sentence: find it: Sentence generator powered by WordHippo. Does this sentence add evidence? Verbs indicate the sentence's action. Question: What other words can I use instead of "that" in essays? Use any of these alternatives to add clarity and variety to your writing. Here are some sample openings to sentences: Have you ever wondered what would happen if...? She ran into her roommate Joy in the produce section. You are motivating me to think about that more! Question: Does an essay have to have a bibliography? Or, the dress with flowers.Especially when writing fiction, the latter sentence structure is very commonly used as it makes the second option more dramatic. A topic sentence tells the main idea of the paragraph. Don't always start the sentence with the subject. First of all, they argued about whether they were out of blueberries, and secondly what they should buy for dinner. Question: Can I start a sentence using the word "My"? You can use them to begin sentences, but they are connectors; make sure you choose the one that makes sense for what you want to say. Question: What are other ways to start an essay? Example sentences with the word they. Let’s examine them, so you can try them yourself. You can also find step by step instructions on how to write these essays. It is dank and dreary working in the mines. The fact of a sentence starting with "This" is actually a useful signal to your readers that what is about to follow is probably a description or comment regarding an action that you have just asked them to perform. His children were scared of the lions; they left right away. Beginning writers benefit from being guided. We use "the" when there is only one possible thing it could be talking about, and the audience knows exactly which one it would be. Repeat a few times. Question: How do I write my essay introduction when comparing two texts? But when one or both of the independent clauses are long, we may opt to use a period between them instead of a comma, starting the second sentence with the coordinating conjunction. The rest of the paragraph will explain the topic sentence and give examples and reasons to back up that assertion. I’ll include examples of each approach, too. Zbiór rzetelnych opini o produktach i preparatach medycznych. We have been breaking this rule all the way from the 9th century Old English Chronicle through the current day. : ), Thanks a lot...these words really helped me...i'm a student, Thanks a lot for this I'm a student and after reading this I was mind open all I want to say that this is the best❤❤❤❤. You should also think of different ways to address your subject. It is very helpful in my essay writing and it improves my understanding too so I believe that it will give more Hint in writing.Thanks and God will bless you for done this job. Question: Is there another way of saying "suddenly?". Furthermore, I would not use "looks" to describe the intangible noun "reason". 2. So, would a sentence like "Especially I like swimming" be correct? can you recommend an alternative for the words: Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on March 12, 2018: Hi Fuat, I now understand your question more clearly. In a dialogue or quoting someone talking, I think it would be appropriate to use the sentences "I have a number of hobbies. Oh. thanks so much you really helped me to complete my story for school hw! A lot of people will say that you can’t start a sentence with “because” and be using “proper” grammar. A random word generator performs a simple but useful task - it generates random words. Use a Variety of Words and Constructions to Start Your Sentences Some writers start … Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on October 16, 2019: Hi Madison, you can begin a conclusion with any of the following: in sum, finally, the main point, in conclusion, the most important thing to remember, or obviously.