Hello Cassie, My name is not really Mr Black, however im about to post up my real number on your website. It’s actually quite a skill, American small talk; ask as many meaningless questions as you can to avoid awkward silence, without eliciting a response that is any deeper than “yea, good!”. We twist our hand back and forth to say “ehhhh maybe“, and shrug our shoulders to say “I don’t know.”. Topic of this seminar: “How to Work Like an American”. Vietnamese and foreigners are allowed to practice their religions, provided that these religions are permitted and closely monitored by the government. Mr. David advise “Vietnamese culture, you really shy to say “I’m sorry” cause be afraid lose your face. Great observation, Casei. Their sense of time, basically Asian and cyclic, has been affected by French and American influences, so that mañana tendencies observable in the Philippines and Indonesia are less of a problem in Vietnam. On returning to Vietnam as adults to reconnect with their country, cultural origins and family members in Vietnam they have all said they are struggling terribly to reconnect with their country and their cultural origins. This is a good way to show men’ respect to women who make effort everyday like learning new skills, improve their knowledge to be respected in workplace. Vietnamese American Cultural and Social Council. But if you make a mistake in a conflict, you just say sorry. Despite how western women claim to be independent and want equality, when it comes to dating, they still expect the man to make the first move and ask them out . But those do not speak the language or understand the customs and traditions that still prevail, encountering with them are often unsettling. Love it. And yes, sometimes that means sleeping in the same bed as your parents! . And then you become Beyoncé. Americans can greet anyone in the family first but in Vietnam, that's wrong. I’m back in the US now but I miss Vietnam everyday! Gestures: The symbol for ‘okay’ in Western culture (with the forefinger and the top of the thumb meeting to form a circle, with the other fingers stretched out) means ‘poor quality’ in Vietnam. So, I’m keeping it parallel and limiting it to what I know best: When you meet a fellow American for the first time, you ask the simple questions: “where are you from?“, “what do you do?“, maybe pry a bit more into their job, and leave it at that. Marriage is not encouraged until the late twenties. They are always open to visits from friends. In affection, when the American greets the strange peoples, they can greet anyone that they see first. Rice is the staple of the diet, consumed in some form in almost every meal. Quick, everybody get naked and slather on that tanning oil! It’s the most important preliminary detail to know about someone, as that tells you what pronoun they should address you by (“I” and “you” change based on relative age). Silly, silly foreigner. Over the years I have observed and naturally taken note of the differences between American and British culture, some of which I've listed below. The American work ethic means that judgement of character is based largely on one’s profession; the work you do and your identity are inextricably linked in the eyes of an American. There are negative and positive features which create a gap in working successfully between West and Vietnamese. That means “no” in the Vietnamese world. Vietnamese culture is seriously attacked, but it still remains original and unchangable. If you wanna make friends with Vietnamese who drink socially, target the 30-somethings and older. VIETNAMESE VS. AMERICAN Vietnam’s admission to the World Trade Organization together with the normalization of trade relations between the U.S. and Vietnam has opened great opportunities for many American companies to do business in this rapidly growing country. In the USA, as soon as youngsters have their legal independence, you fly and go to college far enough from home that your mom can’t pop up at your doorstep with cookies (although the cookies are always welcome). I never thought about it that way – you’re right! There are no unique practices because most of practices are derived from other cultures. There are 5 things you should know about Vietnamese culture and Vietnamese people to understand its beauty. Your article is not very close to what I need but you know, it turns out to how cute of a Western girl living and getting used to with Vietnam lifestyle. Yep – if someone wants to steal your identity, the cards are on the table. “No luck today kid, we’re outta coffee. My AWC mission? Keg stands, beer pong, funnels…you name it, and young Americans have thought about how to drink with it. In the USA…suns out? Your turn. Google's 'Year in … For instance, most Vietnamese honour their ancestors and follow rituals for birth, death, marriage, opening a new business, moving, etc. Drop in visits are welcome. Vietnamese Customs and Traditions: VIETNAM CULTURE VIETNAMESE CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS: The Vietnamese are known to be polite, hospitable and sensitive. According to the US Census Bureau, 2005 American Community Survey, the Vietnamese population in Seattle is 10,062; in King County it is 29,952; and in Washington State it is 60,543. And so damn true! But at the end of the day, we can all admire the same beach sunset. When some people ask that they are a. Now, let’s talk about Vietnamese teenagers – so young, so beautifully innocent. Fast forward to today – I sure as hell don’t know it all, but indeed I’ve learned A LOT, thanks to the help of my Vietnamese friends, students, coworkers and kind strangers, who have turned me from a naive, ignorant and wide-eyed Westerner to a well-versed fish-sauce lovin’, strong tea drinkin’, assimilated American. american-vs-vietnamese-working-culture-whats-the-difference Post Views: 1,400 Over 300 young people have attended to the seminar “How to Work Like an American” held by collaboration between U.S. Consulate General – Ho Chi Minh City and Lead The … Further, in many respects, the values of college-educated Vietnamese were more similar to Americans' values than to other Vietnamese. As the Vietnamese would say, at the end of the day, we’re all “same same but different.”, Casie, I loved your article! Go far. However, it is normal in Vietnam. Figure 1. The Vietnamese population in the greater Seattle area increased 181% between 1990 and 2000 (Pfeiffer, 2001). Many people are carried to the hospital if they are sick. My fam is a perfect example – my parents are in New York, my grandpa in Florida, my aunt and uncle in Atlanta, my step-siblings in Colorado and my cousins dispersed in too many different states to count. Furthermore, he confirmed that new skills related to different culture was very difficult to learn which required daily efforts in a long time and turned it become our strength. Glad you can appreciate it Hieu! The goal? If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Ms. Sara Feuerstein — U.S. Consulate Consular Officer shared that American women try their best to stand up for themselves regardless of earning less money than men in workplace. Maybe it’s coming from someone’s living room karaoke machine, where the family is gathered together for the love of song. American culture and traditions, thanks to the hard work of Hollywood and other arms of the nation's media multiplex, have become well-known in most corners of the map. (other people had been complaining not me)was offered food and beer and stayed .had fun,but so embarrassed after reading this.I told them I’d been enjoying the female singers,but the males from last week sucked..was offered to sing karaoke last night..realized it was them singing.oops!!! Now, before you read it on, I want you to know that many of these “American” cultural references actually apply to all Western cultural habits, but I can’t compare Vietnam to an entire hemisphere of the globe! Cal State Fullerton’s literary project shines light on Vietnamese American culture ... You can be Vietnamese American — in a true culturally and linguistically rich way. Chinese society places high values on the morals of their people. After name and nationality, age is one of the first questions you’ll be asked in … I’m lucky if I see everyone once a year. It was 1 PM on a Saturday –  Welp, more beach for me! Meals emphasize rice, vegetables and fish, and cooking methods often involve steaming or stir-frying. The best way to communicate is via email, so I’ll give you my email and you can send me any questions you might have about Vietnam. What do you think the lovely barista above is trying to tell me?? They have a casual and friendly manner. The end of the Vietnam War and the communist takeover of what had been South Vietnam changed that. In fact, dating is discouraged early in a young adult’s life, and proprieties are expected to be held up. Vietnam attracts tourists not only by scenic spots but also by beautiful culture. Philippines vs. Vietnam; Culture; Compare vs for Submit. Mr. Christian and Ms. Sarah also suggested to the audiences to enhance cross-cultural communication and world citizenship are The Culture Map and Knowing About Yourself. Elders are seen as having wisdom, and dignity, very unlike the American culture where elderly are shunned and thought to be worthless. That’s really interesting to hear, Mark! In direct contrast to the Vietnamese, the familial bonds within American families are much weaker. Source: Data from U.S. Census Bureau 2010 and 2017 American Community Surveys (ACS), and Campbell J. Gibson and Kay Jung, "Historical Census Statistics on the Foreign-born Population of the United States: 1850-2000" (Working Paper no. But if it becomes evident that they will die, they are rushed home with all possible haste so that their demise may be made there. Address: 1486 Dorchester Avenue, Dorchester, Massachusetts 02122. Now, Vietnamese friends. A family unit stays as close to each other as possible. I am laughing my ass off reading this blog. You’ll see women covered head to toe, with only their eyes exposed when they’re out during the day. Most Vietnamese Americans marry within their ethnic group, but Vietnamese American women are much more likely to marry non-Vietnamese than are Vietnamese American men. What a stunning country, with some of the BEST food in the world! For Vietnamese adults, all three meals of the day may consist of steamed rice with side dishes of vegetables or fish or meat. I can only imagine what it must be like being away for the majority of your life! Have a look at What to Know about Vietnamese Wedding Traditions and Customs guide to understand more about Vietnamese … And yes, I’ve offended all my coworkers by provocatively showing off my shoulders at work. Vietnamese valued their traditional ideal of male superiority. Vietnam is a one of the special country that existed in South East Asian. Telephone: (617) 288-7344. This essay discusses Asian American bicultural identity, traditional values and customs from root cultures, and how they are still practiced and celebrated by Asian American families and in communities. In essence the style is a combination of French rationality and Vietnamese tenacity. Hola! I have just arrived in Vietnam, on little more then a whim and I would love to pick your brains. They view friendship as being very important throughout ones life. In Vietnamese business culture, suits and ties in subdued colors are the norm. It's based on four pillars, which are the good name, respect, learning, and family. Visitors who attend a funeral usually wear dark color clothes and bring sympathy flower, sometimes attached with an envelop containing money to help the unfortunate family cover the cost of … 15 Unique Aspects of American Culture. Most Vietnamese immigrant elderly have experienced trauma from the Vietnam War, torture and incarceration in camps. Drop in visits are welcome. Five years ago, I bought a one-way ticket to Spain and moved to a village to teach English. This is the reason why employees feel free to communicate to your boss about their ideas or get feedback to their managers which creates a non-hierarchical environment in work. The culture can largely be referred to as ‘Western’ culture, as much of it is shared with the Western world, but there are still influences that come from Asia, Africa and Latin America. What I learned later on, is that you DON’T ask a stranger “how are you?”. Community Organizations Intercultural communication is always exciting, isn’t it? Turns out, that’s the absolute worst beach scenario for a Vietnamese person. Vietnam In Deep. Familial closeness is mostly reserved for the nuclear family (husband, wife, and their respective children). The last advices from Mr. Thang Huynh was: “If you want to work or do something better, you should learn how to learn new things and self-learn”, Mr. Thang Huynh — Founder of Lead The Change Community. Vietnamese often have trouble adjusting to American culture. Casie (AWC). Your comparison is funny but makes lots of sense. The British are judged on which supermarket they shop at and the hierarchy often goes like this: Waitrose/M&S, Sainsbury's, Tesco, Asda, Lidl, Aldi. At the upper limit, you have hand holding and perhaps hugging when strangers are not around but that’s it. Gift giving is important in Vietnam because of the significance of interpersonal relationships in Vietnamese culture. Travel. They view friendship as being very important throughout ones life. If someone is ready to spend their time for us, we can not keep them waiting because of our personal reasons. “Other “no” gestures include my personal fave, the big “X” – crossing your hands in front of your face kind of like a superhero. The Vietnamese view a family as including maternal and paternal grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins. Now, in Vietnam, families stay as close to each other as possible.  Family duty is no joke, and it’s your responsibility as a son/daughter to take care of your parents and elder family members. Behaviour at Meetings and Negotiations. Lunar New Year. They are well-versed in French style debate. You’re very lucky 🙂. Eating boiled chicken. In addition, men are the force who are always ready to support and acknowledge women’ ideas whenever they share it. 25 common American customs that are considered offensive in other countries SOPHIE-CLAIRE HOELLER0AUG 8/6/2015. Or, try 5 pm sunset for a bustling playground full of parents splashing in the shallow end with their babies, swimmers staying close to other swimmers in the roped off zone, and dusky “sun”bathers going horizontal on their beach blanket. 81, U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, DC, February 2006), available … When I moved to Spain, I thought I knew Spanish.... "BRUGES, It's a motha[fudgin'] fairytale." They are highly diverse, including dozens of ethnicities and languages; these include individuals from Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Indonesian, Laotian, Philippine, Thai, and Vietnamese ancestry. Or, acquire a taste for bubble tea. Though basically courteous, negotiations are cautious and give little away. The way they think and make initiatives are partially or fully depend on their innate culture. Then, typical follow-up questions  “Are you married?” “What’s your salary?” “what street do you live on??”. In the USA, you only do Karaoke if it’s past midnight and you’ve taken at least 5 shots, drank 3 beers, and been peer pressured on to the stage by fellow drunk friends and strangers. Being a westerner and having lived in Los Angeles for several years this is very obvious for me but after speaking with several friends I know in HCMC who were born in Vietnam who left Vietnam at an early age when their families migrated to the US, Australia and or the UK, ranging in age from their 20’s to their mid forties (sorry Loc, kaka). There are no unique practices because most of practices are derived from other cultures. Over 200 young people has attended to the seminar “How to Work Like an American” held by collaboration between U.S. Consulate General — Ho Chi Minh City and Lead The Change Community on Thursday, May 23rd. Mr. David Turnbull — U.S. Consulate Deputy Public Affairs Officer shared about working style of an American which helps people manages tasks effectively. That’s right – My first week in Vietnam, I stayed at an Airbnb that was right next to a coffee shop…that had a microphone. In Vietnam, they are more friendly than politeness. Like other countries, this ceremony is also considered the happiest event of one's life. Live your best wanderlust-filled life. Go very, very far. A family may use all of its worldly goods that can be transferred into money. We see that as rude. -Ine, from Athens, Greece. A Comparison of American and Indian cultural Marriage Practices American Marriage Practices There are various customs and traditions for marriage in United States based on varying factors such as culture, social norms, and religion. The above pic is a real Facebook post from my friend’s Vietnamese cousin who was about to get married (translated to English) – only 2 weeks left to sleep with mom and dad. I am black and I do not ask people what they do for a living. Food and drink > Alcohol > Alcohol consumed from > All drinks: Average liters of pure alcohol consumed annually from legally and illegally produced alcohol, by the population above 14 years of age. Bubble tea is their guilty pleasure, the thing mom is yelling at them for drinking too much of. Maybe there was alcohol involved in that passionate Viet-Aretha-Franklin-like singing, or maybe not. For centuries in Vietnam, traditional family values were accomplished by the fulfillment of traditional roles: the role of man and woman as parents. hahah wtf. Buzzle tells you the key differences and similarities between the Chinese and American cultures. Thanks 🙂, Hey Mr. Black! As strange as it may seem, boiled chicken is a strong cultural indicator that … Most Vietnamese immigrant elderly have experienced trauma from the Vietnam War, torture and incarceration in camps. Vietnamese often have trouble adjusting to American culture. I’ll admit, I’m a beer girl through and through, and I had a hard time with this. 1. China and America are two leading global superpowers, both having cultures that are somewhat similar to one another, and yet greatly differ from each other. Vietnamese Culture: Influences and Implications for Health Care The Molina Institute for Cultural Competency Sonia Gordon, MS, NP, Martha Bernadett, ... consists of children fathered by American soldiers and their Vietnamese mothers. Vietnamese placed a higher value on education rather than on material success. They are always open to visits from friends. So you’re an 18-year-old American, you say? Therefore, if Vietnamese employees wanted to shorten the gap, they would improve their working style like be punctual, be ready to take risk, rule-oriented, and simple thinking, etc. If you are a manager in Vietnamese company, all skills you need would be Intellectual Culture, Education experience, Logical thinking, Emotional intelligent, Psychological culture, Making Relationship, etc. I’ve had to learn the hard way – yes, I was calling elders “little sibling” (em) for the first two months. 🙂 Here it is: [email protected], Hope to hear from you and happy wandering!! Elders are often limited by lack of transportation in their community, leading to social isolation and lack of services. Western vs. Vietnamese Culture: Same Same but Very Different July 6, 2018 November 5, 2018 A Wandering Casiedilla When I was picked up from the Ho Chi Minh City airport by the taxi driver 8 months ago, I excitedly blurted out to the driver, “bạn khỏe không?” or “how are you?” in Vietnamese. Lets hope not too many freaks message me. So, many young women haven’t adopted a taste for it and just don’t like alcohol in general. Thus, began my love story of livin' like a local abroad. If you aren’t holding some sort of title they move on. When you first meet someone, ya’ get straight to the point. Almost always the first question is “how old are you?” (which at first, I was put off – like, don’t you know you’re never supposed to ask a lady her age?!). That’s awesome to hear Ine! Hot, sunny, middle of the day with not a soul in sight? Vietnamese contemporary ideologies have also been significantly shaped by the foreign influences of ... emotional and economic effects of the American War (known to the West as the ‘Vietnam War’). Manages tasks effectively ideas whenever they share it consists of artificial flavoring and civic! But that ’ s one of the BEST food in the Vietnamese society has a strict... 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