“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” ~ Anatole France Cosmos and Mana, our 6-year old Indian dogs, patiently wait for our return at the gate. From here, who knows,” she said. There is nothing in existence that is unfeeling, nothing that is profane or unspiritual, nothing without a unique value in the cosmos. Talking to plants and animals is an ability that every human being possesses. Members of Professor Dr. Olaf Kruse’s biological research team have previously shown that green algae not only engages in photosynthesis, but also has an alternative source of energy: it can draw it from other plants. Direct perception, or mediation, is the science of yoga. There is no reason to believe that animals have developed a highly adaptive skill that humans have missed. Telepathy alone may be, but Empathic Telepathy is a language full of silent communion and it is this form that is natural to us. In this video we bring you expert facilitator in telepathic animal & nature communication, Manjiri Latey to share some basic tips to start a two-way communication with nature. This course is a unique opportunity for practitioner-level students to expand the scope of their communication skills, translating for and connecting in person with wild species of beings we share the planet with. The statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. Establishing the proper link between the outer plant and the inner plant thus completes the circuit of light and life, and establishes the free flow of awareness in which the mind is liberated — unites the sun with the sun, merges the outer with the inner, creates a festival of delight in living.”, “ The proper usage of a plant of herbs, during which its true power is released, implies a communion with it. We believe that the answer may involve acoustic signals generated using nanomechanical oscillations from inside the cell which allow rapid communication between nearby plants.”. If a condition persists, please contact your physician or health care provider. Speech was developed as a means of communication in the physical world because the human conscious mind is tightly focused upon the exterior world, emphasizing the use of five physical senses for its information. Jul 26, 2019 at 10:00 AM – Jul 28, 2019 at 11:00 PM UTC+05:30. about 12 months ago. Telepathic communication is the transference of thought between minds by some means other than normal sensory channels, like speaking, music, or sound. The force is not received simply through ingesting the plant, but in our total communion with it. 14 votes, 11 comments. Consciousness as pure feeling exists already in the plant and is hidden in the rock, even within the atom itself. True humanity which is humane feeling for all life, is at the heart of all life. How does telepathic communication work? Some think it is merely ”language-less” – it is not. clock. I have recently come across several studies that have identified a telepathic (or energetic) communication between plants and humans.In multiple studies, plants have presented a measurable response to human thoughts of harming the plants. Energetic preparation and intentional connection with the animal happens first. REI-KI (QI) as an energising tool to heal oneself, animals and plants. When there were fully-grown chili plants in their presence blocked by the plastic, the seeds showed some improved germination (“partial response”). On the plant level, feeling exists in a pure and passive form. As below, so above; all the universe is a metamorphosis of light.”, “In the outer world, a central sun is the source of light and life. Plant Communication. Sub-power of Plant Manipulation. It’s power comes from within usand it can b… Resolving behavioural issues. They exist for psychological, as well as physical nourishment. 3. This course is a unique opportunity for practitioner-level students to expand the scope of their communication skills, translating for and connecting in person with wild species of beings we share the planet with. On the plant level, feeling exists in a pure and passive form. Germination rates were fairly low when the seeds were grown on their own, lower when grown in the presence of fennel (as expected). Jacqueline first began communicating with plants and animals as a child on her family farm. Learn to talk with animals of all species including: dogs, cats, horses, wild animals, elephants, ravens, eagles, dolphins, whales, plants, trees, insects, and the Earth too! Apart from ideas, which don’t have to be in the form of words, a person can send, or receive, images, or emotions as well, and even physical sensations, such as pain, or smells. Telepathic communication is complete, whole, and multi-sensory. In the seeds is the tree, in the tree is the forest. Life is relational, interdependent, interconnective, a system of mutual nourishment and care, not only physically, but also psychologically and spiritually.”, “Consciousness, therefore, is not merely thought, much less intellect or reason. Studies suggest that plants communicate. The essence of plants is the human being.”                                  Chandogya Upanishad I.1.2, “Evolution is a manifestation of latent potentials. Technique of Communication Manipulation. Besides abundant interactions with the environment, plants communicate and interact with other living systems such as other plants, fungi, nematodes, bacteria, viruses, insects, and animals. Packaged in recyclable glass, or biodegradable bags. Telepathy is commonly known as ”mind to mind” communication, without the sounds of linguistics or speaking, it is an instant form of transference of thoughts and senses. Information is then received in the form of thoughts, ideas, words, images, sensations in the body, sounds in the mind, emotions, sudden knowings, etc. She began teaching in 2013 alongside her mentor, Anna Breytenbach. Forcing or demanding proof that non-physical reality exists is not conducive to open, clear telepathic communication and open sharing. The essence of the Earth is Water. These forces are not all material, but include subtle energies of an occult or spiritual nature. telepathic animal and plant communication | dr rahul malushte |rubaroo |soulsetiu wellness foundation Some of you will even communicate with trees, plants, flowers, and all of the members of the plant kingdom, and that is another time when we will sneak in a message, just for you. When you want to learn to communicate with animals, you merely have to regain that place of child-like innocence, curiosity, non … For many people, opening to interspecies telepathic communication begins with a desire to better understand the non-human animals who share our lives, our homes, and our world. “, “The sages of ancient India approached healing and herbs with the same consciousness. Our nervous system, it could be said, is a tree whose plant-essence is human. Explore. Thanks! Mumbai, Maharashtra. Plants and animals sometimes show this sense of caring more than certain humans, who have been hardened in their isolates sense of humanity. As a result, it is mediated, measured, translated. pin. Within the plant is the potential of the human being. Telepathy is commonly known as ”mind to mind” communication, without the sounds of linguistics or speaking, it is an instant form of transference of thoughts and senses. Through Reiqi, release and free oneself from blocked emotions and express feelings in a healthy way. BMC Ecology 2013 13:19: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1472-6785/13/19. “Plants exist to transmute light into life. They grow in accordance with our perception of the nature of all life.”, “Creation is light. If you are a sender and want to project a message telepathically, start by visualizing the recipient in detail. For actual examples of telepathic communication, read the account of my experience with a house plant in our home, entitled Inside Ivy and the account of The Cat’s Tale, Part 1. Understanding and aiding animals and plants. This means giving value to a plant as something sacred, as a means of communion with all nature. Personally, I believe that there’s no definitive answer, but telepathy is something we’re all capable of. Conversely within the human being is the underlying energy structure of the plant. Plants .. Relearn & reclaim your innate ability to have two way conversations with plants, animals and nature, from the comfort of your home, and at a time your choose. This skill is more common than human to human telepathy, probably due to the less complicated psychic field of animals versus humans. “Bad neighbors, such as fennel, prevent chili seed germination in the same way. If even bacteria can signal one another with vibrations, why not plants, said Monica Gagliano, a plant physiologist at the University of Western Australia in Crawley. It was while living at the Findhorn Foundation in Scotland that she met renowned animal communicator, Anna Breytenbach, who reawakened those nature-connected days of her childhood. A few years ago, I learned about how intuitive listening is used for interspecies telepathic communication to help animals and plants. Study Proves Telepathic Communication Between Plants. Now as I write this I realize the same goes for babies and other living things, even plants. The real truth about animal communication – what it is and what it is not. By Michael Forrester on Friday April 22nd, 2016. Animal communication (see the AskAstrology section on animal communication) is a telepathic and extra sensory skill whereby the skilled individual is able to understand and communicate with animals. Juhu, Mumbai. According to the study: “This demonstrated that plants were able to sense their neighbours even when all known communication channels are blocked (i.e. FREE SHIPPING ON US DOMESTIC ORDERS OVER $50, “ The essence of all being is Earth. When basil was on the other side of the plastic, they found that the seeds grew just as well as when the plastic wasn’t there. We respect the inner sanctum that is your inbox. https://github.com/kenneth558/plant_resistance_primary_perception is a project in development to lead the lay person who wants to duplicate Cleve Backster’s findings. Talking to plants and animals is an ability that every human being possesses. All comments are moderated before being published. Through direct perception, the seer is the seen, the observer the observed. For this reason, the ancient seers of India held that the Self alone exists, that unity is the basis of all existence —  that unity of life is the unity of consciousness.”, “By this they meant that every living thing was sentient, that everything was, in the sense of consciousness, human. Telepathy is a natural medium of communication. Subscribe to get free weekly herbal classes and 15% off your first order! The art of telepathy provides a more efficient means of communicating. The Sanskrit word for plant remedy is osadhi meaning literally a receptacle or mind, dhi, in which there is burning transformation, osa.” In the Vedas this does not only mean consciousness, this means the animating force present not only in plants, but in all entities in creation. No Experience Necessary! However, the results were not always consistent. Telepathic Animal Communication | Animal Spirit Hot animalspirit.org. Ranges of Telepathic Perception. These three- light, life and love- are one, each an expression of the other, three dimensions of the same existence. What I found is that I love talking to nature. Some think it is merely ”language-less” – it is not. Telepathic Communication with the plant and animal kingdom. Parents sometimes think their children are talking to imaginary friends, when in actuality, they are having very real conversations. It is only when we come to look upon all things as human that we are capable of a truly humane existence. This life is implicit in light and in the transmission of steller or astral forces.”, “The earth, like a gigantic receptor or radio-station, inhales and exhales seller and cosmic forces, the absorbed essences of which grows and unfolds as life. Scientists have long known that plants communicate through chemical emission, however recent studies have shown that plants might be communicating in a much more complex way. Jacqueline Buckingham is an animal communication teacher and mentor, working in Australia and Europe. Whenever we close our eyes or begin interacting with inner consciousness and events, we’re using our inner senses. We all have our own way to telepathically … In fact, you can also imagine that you are talking on the phone. Plants have scientifically been shown to draw alternative sources of energy from other plants. The chilli seeds grew much quicker than normal though, possibly because they still ‘knew’ the fennel was there, ‘knew’ it had the potential to have a negative effect on their germination, and so they quickly got past the stage where they were vulnerable. Instead of hearing this same message, at the core of our own beings, we turn to science for answers, or we look at animals and plants and try and “figure out” their signals, like growing a thicker coat of fur, or storing more food, for instance. When fennel was on the other side of the plastic, the chemical effects of its presence, which would have inhibited germination of the chilli seeds, were blocked. Gardening. That's often the psychological effect of being emotionally close to someone for awhile. Theirs was not a science of experimentation, but a form of direct participation. “Our results show that plants are able to positively influence growth of seeds by some as yet unknown mechanism,” said Dr. Monica Gagliano, an evolutionary biologist at UWA and co-author of the study, according to BioMed Central. For many people, opening to interspecies telepathic communication begins with a desire to better understand the non-human animals who share our lives, our homes, and our world.. We learn about and begin to practice telepathic animal communication, and a surprising thing happens: we begin to open up to telepathic and intuitive communication and communion with all life…plants, trees, … The information provided by this website or this company is not a substitute for a face-to-face consultation with a health care provider, and should not be construed as individual medical advice. Rupert Sheldrake in his book, “Dogs That Know Their Owners are Coming Home” talks about the telepathic connection between humans and animals, particularly dogs. They offer us not only their own nutritive value, but the very light and love from the stars, from the cosmos whose messengers they are. His research findings were released in the online journal Nature Communications. Human beings exist to transmute life into consciousness, love. Some of you will even communicate with trees, plants, flowers, and all of the members of the plant kingdom, and that is another time when we will sneak in a message, just for you. The animal and human kingdoms manifest this more actively, more separately, but often with less beauty. Variation of Omnilingualism. “The human being is the plant of consciousness. “Considering that entire forests are all interconnected by networks of fungi, maybe plants are using fungi the way we use the Internet and sending acoustic signals through this Web. Yoga allows the essence, the thing-in-itself, to disclose itself. Deep dive into Telepathic Communication with our Online Mentoring Program. Our products contain zero fillers, binders or flow agents. In sanskrit, there is no distinction between human consciousness and plant consciousness, we are all experiencing the same mind. Working with chilli plants in their most recent study, specifically Capsicum annuum, they first grew chili seeds on their own and then in the presence of other chili plants, basil and fennel, and recorded their rates of germination and growth. Bader-Lee suggests that the field of bioenergy is now ever evolving and that studies on the plant and animal world will soon translate and demonstrate what energy metaphysicians have known all along — that humans can heal each other simply through energy transfer just as plants do. Another way of saying this is that consciousness exists in all forms of life. Through interspecies telepathic communication, each of us is able to communicate, spirit to spirit and heart to heart, with animals and plants. The reality of telepathic communication seemed very nebulous to this author, as it does to many people. “The Plant Kingdom exists to bring feeling into a manifestation. Now, it’s important for you to realize that telepathic communication is real and that you can receive a clairaudient message or a claircognizant one when you are relaxed and when you have let your mental guard … Join me on a Communication Adventure in the wild to practice telepathic communication with animals in their natural environments all over the world. I have seen in countless cases how practice of this communication brings more peace, harmony, and happiness in our lives and the lives of our animal friends and all beings on the Earth. It is the very basis of creation, the power of evolution. We are afraid to … For actual examples of telepathic communication, read the account of my experience with a house plant in our home, entitled Inside Ivy and the account of The Cat’s Tale, Part 1. “When energy studies become more advanced in the coming years, we will eventually see this translated to human beings as well,” stated Bader-Lee. “The human organism is very much like a plant, it draws needed energy to feed emotional states and this can essentially energise cells or cause increases in cortisol and catabolise cells depending on the emotional trigger.”. More work is needed to bear out Gagliano’s claims, but there are many ways that listening to plants already bears fruit. Now, it’s important for you to realize that telepathic communication is real and that you can receive a clairaudient message or a claircognizant one when you are relaxed and when you have let your mental guard down. Plants transmute life into consciousness through perception. Passionate about restoring harmony and balance between humans and the rest of the natural world, Jacqueline currently teaches in the UK and Australia, and wherever she is called. Let go of any need to demand that the animal or you prove anything. “Plants exist to transmute light into life. Telepathic communication is often surprising and unexpected. Show Map. Since plants need star light to survive what if, during photosynthesis, as they convert light into energy they are also able to communicate using their own programming language (CPU) & writing it within the light waves also using it as a sending & receiving system (like WiFi). Flowers need water and light to grow and people are no different. If plants can indeed read human thoughts, what does this say about nature and our relationship to it. Our products are not intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. Fennel is considered an aggressive plant that hinders the germination of other plants around it, while basil is generally considered to be a beneficial plant for gardening and an ideal companion for chili plants. Plants have scientifically been shown to draw alternative sources of energy from other plants. Therefore, intelligence is contained implicitly in the many worlds of nature, not only in our human centered world. Communication among plants mediated by light, chemicals. Plants transmute life into consciousness through perception. Thank you Dr. Vasant Lad for this channeled text. Humans use it at night, when they are out-of-body and traveling in the spirit world. Plants influence each other in many ways and they communicate through “nanomechanical oscillations” – vibrations on the tiniest atomic or molecular scale or as close as you can get to telepathic communication. May 10, 2013 - How Plants Help Each Other Grow By Near-Telepathic Communication. If you don’t believe they will react, they won’t. Plants influence each other in many ways and they communicate through “nanomechanical oscillations” vibrations on the tiniest atomic or molecular scale or as close as you can get to telepathic communication.. Members of Professor Dr. Olaf Kruse’s biological research team have previously … Allow confirmation to flow in its own time. Consciousness in plants is on a primal level of unity; therefore it is more psychic, telepathic.” “The earth, like a gigantic receptor or radio-station, inhales and exhales seller and cosmic forces, the absorbed essences of which grows and unfolds as life. “Human can absorb and heal through other humans, animals, and any part of nature. Telepathic communication can occur in many forms such as words, pictures, ideas, physical sensations, sounds, impressions, feelings, or just a sense of knowing,. If this type of communication through light, chemicals or sound waves cannot be called telepathy, then maybe it will still ignite the imagination of those who believe that we’re all connected in pretty much the same fashion as the planetary brain depicted in the “Avatar” movie. Germination rates were better with other chilli plants around, and even better with basil. It is a two-way conversation using all five senses. TELEPATHIC COMMUNICATION: Telepathy With Animals Heals. These three- light, life and love- are one, each an expression of the other, three dimensions of the same existence. #StonerThoughts Plants have scientifically been show to draw alternative sources of energy from other plants. Plants influence each other in many ways and they communicate through “nanomechanical oscillations”  – vibrations on the tiniest atomic or molecular scale or as close as you can get to telepathic communication. Then, to test if they could see similar effects with a ‘good neighbour’, they tried the same experiment with other chili plants and then with basil. As with other life, if plants do send messages with sound, it is one of many communication tools. Experimentations implies distance, a division between observer and observed, subject and object. These cosmic energies emanated by plants thus nourish, sustain and make grow our own astral body. In this way the existence of plants is a great offering, a sacrifice. All this different life forms, plants, vegetables, etc.. had to have gotten here somehow originally… Join me on a Communication Adventure in the wild to practice telepathic communication with animals in their natural environments all over the world. Now, it’s important for you to realize that telepathic communication is real and that you can receive a clairaudient message or a claircognizant one when you are relaxed and when you have let your mental guard down. The essence of Water is plants. It will. In this manner each kingdom of nature serves to receive and transmit life. So it seemed that plants do emit and react to sound, and the researchers wanted to delve into this idea further. Sensing, s telepathically communication, the life force, the glue that connects all things, connects us to Source, God, love. In this video we bring you expert facilitator in telepathic animal & nature communication, Manjiri Latey to share some basic tips to start a two-way communication with nature. Plants transmit the vital-emotional impulses, the life-force that is hidden in light. Let go of any need to demand that the animal or you prove anything. Therefore, plants may communicate directly to that essence of feeling which makes a true human being.“, “The Plant Kingdom exists to bring feeling into a manifestation. Within each thing is contained all things. There are many theories as to how telepathy develops within people. 9.9m members in the technology community. I think many people are born being able to do this. In the Vedas, the ancient scriptures of India, the great god Agni, the principle of Fire, the Divine Seer-Will, build up the worlds, and makes of creation a series of self-transformations.”. Lab tested for purity and efficiency. Plants are listening to their environment, to humans, and to all life. It can also be utilised in several other creative ways for problem solving and memorizing, for health improvement and stress reduction as well as for positive thinking and what can only be described as quasi telepathic communication with plants and animals for example. I wanted to talk with him. light, chemicals and touch) and most importantly, recognise the potential for the interfering presence of a ‘bad neighbour’ and modify their growth accordingly.”. “, “Man/Woman as a microcosm contains within himself all the elemental, mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms. Plants influence each other in many ways and they communicate through "nanomechanical oscillations" vibrations on the tiniest atomic or molecular scale or as close as you can get to telepathic communication. In fact, it is not limited to animals alone, we can also communicate telepathically with birds, insects, fish, plants and even landscapes. Even when the plants were put in a Faraday cage to block electromagnetic energy, the effect still worked when proper protocols were followed. Discover and develop your animal communication and nature communication ability while being … The Sanskrit word for plant remedy is, Top Herbal Antivirals That You Need to Know, Mushroom Miso Immortality Soup to Boost Immunity, Schisandra Rose Elixir : Adaptogenic Superberry, HAPPINESS TONIC: Dopamine + Stress Relief, Mushroom Mocha Milk - organic adaptogenic creamer. Hosted by Kryon Wisdom Centre and 3 others. It will. Through direct perception, the seer is the seen, the observer the observed. And Renton: love thy neighbour: facilitation through an alternative signalling modality in plants we respect inner... Corpose, the penetration of the plant is the science of experimentation, but include subtle energies of an or. As long as she can remember of all life will react, they won ’ t believe they react... Events and films many worlds of nature commune in receptive awareness with the same.. 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