Hill, J., ‘Nefertum’. More commonly, in the modern world, it is brewed into a tea (or mixed into various cocktails, wines, and liquors) by boiling the entire plant for 20-30 minutes before ingesting.It can be smoked as well, but should be a blend of petals and bulbs, not solely one or the other as the majority of the ingredient lies in the bulb, and some in the petals. Can help with anxiety but should not be smoked if you have recently and/or experiencing psychosis/psychosis like symptoms. [website] Available from: Par Krimināllikuma spēkā stāšanās un piemērošanas kārtību. Nymphaea caerulea (Egyptian) Blue Lotus, Blue Lily Flower Petals, Nelumbo nucifera (Sacred) Blue Lotus 15x Resin, Blue Lotus Extract 100:1 Capsules (Nine Mile Botanicals), Nymphaea caerulea (Egyptian) Blue Lotus 100:1 Extract Powder, Ma Huang is Nature’s Most Powerful Stimulant. Vaporizing Blue Lotus on its own is a little dry so I suggest a combo with Damiana, Passionflower and/or Wild Dagga. More commonly, 1 to 3 g of dried flowers are brewed into tea10. These fresh stamens we currently have were imported from India and are most definitely the most potent and amazing Sacred Lotus flower stamens we’ve ever had the pleasure of working with. 11. As well, we are committed to supporting SWANA herbalists/herbalism. In addition, the Lotus flower was immortalized in Homer's “The Odyssey” when Ulysses and his crew come ashore to an Island of the Lotus-Eaters. According to TCM, lotus stamens are associated with the kidney and heart meridians. LOTUS LEAF & STAMENS - rising from muddy waters, the Lotus teaches us that we too can experience beautiful growth in any circumstance. Lotus flower tea is used in Chinese medicine as an analgesic[2] and for its sedating[3] and antidepressant properties[4]. The sacred lotus is a freshwater plant revered in many cultures, inspiring art and architecture throughout Egypt, India, and Asia. 2. I decided to actually smoke the Blue Lotus out of my tobacco pipe. 395–407. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Traditional use of the stamens result in a state of peace and deep relaxation with reported effects of lucid dreaming. 8. (2016) ‘In Vitro and In Vivo Characterization of the Alkaloid Nuciferine’. Pink lotus is well known for the euphoric effects it produces in people who smoke its dried petals and stamens, or who brew those constituents into a tea and drink it. As a sacred SWANA medicine, it is important for BBJ to source it very carefully and limit our offerings of it to not add too much pressure to the plant. yeah, It’s on my list don’t worry, I’ve been awfully busy lately…. As an herbalist and marketing enthusiast, he used Smokable Herbs as a sandbox to test ideas and deploy content. Incense and weaker teas are commonly found in stores, however, and must fall within certain regulations. Much of what is on the market is obscure – and can only be traced back to company numbers with no information. Reported possible side effects include muscle tremors and nausea20 and active ingredients may affect heart rate and blood pressure18. Bertol, E., Fineschi, V., Karch, S. B., Mari, F. and Riezzo, I. Capsules - KavaLOVEtone. 15. Avoid combination with other drugs (including medicines) to prevent intense nausea and feelings of disorientation. After about 15-20 minutes, I began to feel a distinctive buzz. The roots and seeds of Nelumbo nucifera are often eaten in culinary dishes and the stamens of the lotus flower have a long history of use in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Here, I believe I did not forget to answer anything, thanks! Does not seem to be a particularly healthy concept, as the extremely hot air burns, destroys the hairs in the larynx, esophagus, and one encourages those using any such herbs, to either use them as a tea, or even cookies. 2 recommendations for the most potent part ceremonies for its effects Lotus Stamens (Nelumbo Nucifera) These are WHOLE organic better! The Stamens are easily 3 or 4 times as potent as the flowers. Pink Lotus Stamens ~ Smooth smoking, grounding, and peaceful. Pink lotus has about the same relaxing effects, blue lotus seems more popular as an herbal blend. Of the 70 jurisdictions to ban smoking in restaurants nationwide, 60 are in California. Hopefully I hear from you soon I got many questions my friend peace and love. As the author Tao Jones mentions in his article "The Land of the Lotus Smokers," the effects of the pink lotus are predominately cerebral, producing feelings of pleasure that permeate the body. 18. (1989) ‘The sacred journey in dynastic Egypt: Shamanistic trance in the context of the narcotic water lily and the mandrake’. Georgiev, V., Slavov, A., Vasileva, I. and Pavlov, A. Blue lotus should also be put into an alchoholic beverage to extract active molecules. While the root and seeds are often eaten in culinary dishes, lotus leaf is typically employed in traditional healing practices for its beneficial properties. Lotus flower, pods or petals are the more commonly used part of the plant in traditional tea or smoking blends, however the stamens are known to be the most potent part of the lotus. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 21(1), pp. Herba Polonica, 61(2), pp. 84–85. Lotus has been used for hundreds of years safely in Chinese herbalism, and is considered GRAS (Generally recognized as safe). Some also feel an aphrodisiac effect and improvement of sexual performances19. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. In Egypt it was believed that gods had provided humans with Blue Lotus as a way for the soul to leave the body and be among them 3. 3–15. Nicolas ‘Axel’ Duval is the founder and content editor of this website. [website] Available from: https://ancientegyptonline.co.uk/nefertum/ (Accessed 21 April 2020). Yes, it should be dried prior to consumption. 565; House Bill No. This plant originates from North and Central Africa, where it was found along the Nile River in Egypt, For thousands of years it was used by Egyptians and Mayans as part of funerary ceremonies, In Egypt it was believed that gods had provided humans with Blue Lotus as a way for the soul to leave the body and be among them, Ancient Greek and Roman priesthoods also included Blue Lotus in their spiritual practices, Nowadays, in addition to its use in perfumes. Did the same in blends with Dagga flowers and Salvia. Blue Lotus, also known as Nymphaea caerulea, is a water lily containing the psychoactive alkaloid Aporphine. 1109–1123. This helps us pay for marketing initiative and content such as this article. Shamans would use these sacred blue flowers to reach higher levels of consciousness3. Poklis, J. L., Mulder, H. A., Halquist, M. S., Wolf, C. E., et al. Hi there alex I got a couple of questions maybe you can help me out. I’m really enjoying your site. 2) Is pink lotus worth making a tincture out of , and is it as good as blue lotus? [website] Available from: https://www.erowid.org/experiences/subs/exp_Lotus_I_Lily.shtml (Accessed 24 April 2020). First I tried smoking Blue Lotus - I smoked about 2 grams in a water pipe and didn't feel anything that I could really distinguish from baseline. Bogoston is in . Wild lettuce, also called ‘opium lettuce,’ is a painkiller and sedative similar to poppy, but with no risk of addiction.…, The dried flowers, leaves, and stems of passion flower are used to promote well-being, calm, and relaxation. Blue Lotus is noted for its calming euphoria, aphrodisiac qualities, and sedation. (1978) ‘Psychopharmacological studies on (-)-nuciferine and its Hofmann degradation product atherosperminine’. Louisiana is the only state in the country which has passed laws specifically dealing with, , forbidding production, manufacturing, distribution or possession of the plant, Transcultural use of narcotic water lilies in ancient egyptian and maya drug ritual, Oosthuizen, C. B., Fisher, M. and Lall, N. (2020) ‘, Underexplored Medicinal Plants from Sub-Saharan Africa, The sacred journey in dynastic Egypt: Shamanistic trance in the context of the narcotic water lily and the mandrake, Symbolism of plants: examples from European-Mediterranean culture presented with biology and history of art: JULY: Lotus, https://ancientegyptonline.co.uk/nefertum/, The development of the architectural form of a tower derived from a traditional and philosophical symbol, realized by solutions of high-class technologies. The infused wine and liquors can also be ingested. Eighty miles west of Unalaska, Mt. When using new herbs, verify that they are not counter indicated with any existing medical issue/medications you are taking. I then removed the boiled plant material and set it aside. Used to connect to the divine / reach new states of consciousness. The information found here is intended for educational purposes. 23. Blue Lotus (Nymphaea caerulea) is a sedative plant also known as Blue Water Lily, Egyptian lotus and the Sacred Lily of the Nile. Thanks Axel for all the work you’ve done here. Louisiana Act No. Par Krimināllikuma spēkā stāšanās un piemērošanas kārtību. Lotus stamens are the most sought-after part of the blue lotus plant, and are often referred to as "poor man's" saffron. Nervine (beneficial action on the nervous system). In an effort to increase product discovery, we’ve aggregated and curated products from trusted sellers. . Blue Lotus is not a federally controlled substance in the United States, although not approved for human consumption by FDA10. Blue lotus offers one of the highest vibrations of any flower, stimulating spiritual evolution both by itself and in combination with other flower essences. 73–86. Blue Lotus Tincture / Teinture mêre lotus bleue Ingredients: Nymphaea caerulea petals & stamens*, vodka *It took more than three years to find a sustainable and more ethical source of Blue Lotus for my personal use and to offer in small batches with BBJ. Louisiana Act No. 1. A lot of people wonder if Blue Lotus Flower will get them high, however, most people have no idea what Blue Lotus Flower is or how to use it. [website] Available from: http://likumi.lv/doc.php?mode=DOC&id=50539, Simonienko, K., Waszkiewicz, N. and Szulc, A. [website] Available from: Your email address will not be published. Capsules - Spirulina. I drank the tea over the course of about a half an hour, surfing the internet in the meantime. Nice enough to vape/smoke alone but more effective combined with Damiana. Into this casket, by a secret opening, filmy tubes thrown out by the pollen grains—now enticed from their hiding-place on the stamens and clustered on the stigma—enter and pour a fertilizing fluid, called "spermatozoa," through a microscopic gateway, which opens in the wall of the egg and leads to its inmost heart. I began to feel very happy and relaxed. In tea form, it was (and still is) used to induce lucid dreaming and … 12. Rondzisty, A., Dziekan, K. and Kowalska, A. Some people use it as an aphrodisiac and to help with erectile dysfunction. I mixed the white lotus seed extract and both types of the sacred blue lily extract and some water and drank away. It is now cultivated as an ornamental pond plant throughout the world2. I am thinking on buying powder lotus extract overseas and shipping it to me . 173, 2010. Holzman, R. S. (2012) ‘The History of Sedation’, in Pediatric Sedation Outside of the Operating Room, Springer, pp. Journal of Experimental Botany, 60(9), pp. I then proceeded to smoke more nelumbo nucifera and regained this frontal lobe activation. Most of the reports and information I have read on Blue Lotus refers to making a tea or steeping the substance in wine. 6. Blue Lotus Flower has been enjoyed for thousands of years by civilizations around the world. 25. Blended for meditation, lucid dreaming, and healing through accessing new states of consciousness & communicating with the divine*. The information found here is intended for educational purposes. 20. Latvia22, Poland23, Romania24 and Russia25 are exceptions to the international legality of Blue Lotus. Blue Lotus contains nuciferine along with aporphine14, that activate serotonin and dopamine receptors15 17. It seems strange that any person professing care for their body would be inhaling any thing other than air into their longs. Ancient Greek and Roman priesthoods also included Blue Lotus in their spiritual practices7. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 97(2), pp. (2018) ‘Plant cell culture as emerging technology for production of active cosmetic ingredients’. Louisiana is the only state in the country which has passed laws specifically dealing with Nymphaea caerulea, forbidding production, manufacturing, distribution or possession of the plant21. 1) how long is the effect of blue lotus when taken in tincture form? Digital Scale - US Balance "Bolt" Digital Scale - US Balance "Excel" Digital Scale - US Balance "Fire" Digital Scale - US Balance "Magnum 1000XR" These can be smoked individuals, combined together, or added to any other smoking herbs you love ... Sacred Lotus Flower Stamens *Organic* Rated 4.50 out of 5 $ 3.50 – $ 100.00 Select options; Sacred Lotus Flowers BLUE *Organic* Rated 5.00 out of 5 Smokable Herbs pride itself in crafting high quality content centered around plants and herbs with rich history. Blessed Blue Smoking Blend / Mélange à fumer “Bénie soit bleue”, Ingredients: blue lotus, damiana, violet leaf, marshmallow leaf, mugwort. The effects of Blue Lotus seem to differ between different people, and to depend on how it is used, but its principal effects (mildly sedative, relaxing and calming19) is probably what made this plant popular among the Egyptians. A quick background on me so you dont think I'm some sort of lightweight, haha. Blue Lotus 25:1 Resin Smoke. 16. Precaution: Avoid use while pregnant or nursing. 175–181. See how you feel. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 34(11). I'm going to pack another bowl when I finish this post. Kandeler, R. and Ullrich, W. R. (2009) ‘Symbolism of plants: examples from European-Mediterranean culture presented with biology and history of art: JULY: Lotus’. Any information would be great thanks! Your email address will not be published. 121–127. According to Egyptian legend, a bouquet was given to Ra in an effort to soothe his suffering as he grew old6. Blue Lotus was very commonly used for religious and ceremonial purposes. I agree! Van Khai, T. (2018) ‘The development of the architectural form of a tower derived from a traditional and philosophical symbol, realized by solutions of high-class technologies. It cleanses the lungs and adds to the body of the mix. All of our of euphoria, as well Lotus EO 250mg CBD the Nile River, in and as a stress 8 THC, CBD, Whole reliever. (2010) ‘Recent prohibition of certain psychoactive “ethnobotanicals” in Romania’. 3. Psychopharmacology, 59(1), pp. In addition, it can be smoked, vaped from resin/e-liquid, The benefits of Blue Lotus stem mainly from the sedative properties of the plant. Please check out the very important work by Layla Kristy Feghali: https://www.riverroseremembrance.com. Thus, the cultivation, sale, and purchase of Nymphaea caerulea is legal, but it cannot be sold for consumption. *All photos used by Blueberryjams are taken by and property of Pamela Fillion.*. Saunders, N.J. (2013) The Poppy: A History of Conflict, Loss, Remembrance, and Redemption, One World Publications. 39–83. Blue Lotus could have antioxidant properties18. Blue Lotus is not a federally controlled substance in the United States, although not approved for human consumption by FDA, is legal, but it cannot be sold for consumption. While we respect merchants listed on this website, we do not endorsed their statements and we can’t be hold responsible for transactions occurring on any web property different from Smokable Herbs. Much of what is on the market is obscure - and can… The second rubber was short, but as hilarious as the first, and on its conclusion Lady Hester hurried to bed, saying that she would be “a fright” in the morning if she lost any more sleep. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 3(1), pp. Economic Botany, 32(4), pp. 13. Note About Images № 1186. (2017) ‘The Blue Lotus Flower (Nymphea caerulea) Resin Used in a New Type of Electronic Cigarette, the Re-Buildable Dripping Atomizer’. That works every bit as good as the tea and it worked immediately like a head rush. In the wake of scandals involving synthetic marijuana, they have banned the plant completely. 499–510. . (2015) ‘Psychoactive plants used in designer drugs as a threat to public health’. The sun-god Ra was born from a Blue Lotus, and in its glory flowers bloom from 8 am to noon3. 3) And do you know any way to make lotus brownies useing alcohol based tincture? Lotus/Lily Reports. From experience it should be longer, although I never taken any in tincture form 2. They are a symbol of the origins of life, but also represent the death and resurrection of Osiris4 and thus symbolize eternal life, revival and reanimation5. PLOS ONE, 11(3), p. e0150602. A note that I don't seen to see mentioned often, and this is an important one, is that the Stamens of the blue lotus plant are what you want to be smoking, making into wine and tea etc. Emboden, W. A . Akutan Island has a smoking volcano, 4000 feethigh; and on Atka Island there are several volcanoes,from 3000 to 4000 feet in height, which occasionally emit smoke. The infused wine and liquors can also be ingested. Bhattacharya, S. K., Bose, R., Ghosh, P., Tripathi, V. J., et al. 3. Farrell, M. S., McCorvy, J. D., Huang, X., Urban, D. J., et al. Diarrhea and dyspepsia, among other things, have reportedly been helped by ingesting Blue Lotus, although research is scarce in this particular area18. When using new herbs, verify that they are not counter indicated with any existing medical issue/medications you are taking. [website] Available from: https://legiscan.com/LA/text/HB173/2010 (Accessed 23 April 2020), 22. (2004) ‘Nymphaea cults in ancient Egypt and the New World: A lesson in empirical pharmacology’. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Pink Lotus (Nelumbo Nucifera) Dried Flowers 1 Kilo wholesale bulk smoking herbs | eBay (2013) ‘, Psychoactive plant species -actual list of plants prohibited in Poland. It was. These cookies do not store any personal information. The lotus is discussed in Buddhist literature, and is the object of meditation in Tantrik Buddhism. I used to think they were the same until I tried smoking blue lotus after smoking sacred lotus. It is believed to be the plant that Lotophagi ate in “The Odyssey“1. However, I’d say it satiates excessive sexual desire rather than halting it like maybe Sage would. The sacred blue lotus flower was also what Ulysses' crew smoked after coming ashore following years at sea. The flower should be put in at least a small amount of wine (or other alcoholic beverages) first to extract active molecules, since the narcotic alkaloid compounds are not soluble in water 10 12. Tea is great, and vaping is a healthier alternative to smoke inhalation. Violet followed her, Philip withdrew to his own room, and Colin sauntered along to the smoking … I decided to try the tea option. It is still semi-mild but totally works and feels great. (2013) ‘Smart drugs: green shuttle or real drug?’ International Journal of Legal Medicine, 127(6), pp. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. How to Smoke Blue Lotus (Blue Lotus Flower Guide) Introduction and History to Blue lotus Flower. Simonienko, K., Waszkiewicz, N. and Szulc, A. [website] Available from: http://www.narkotiki.ru/5_6751.htm (Accessed 23 April 2020). 29–33. 7. Blue Lotus Tincture / Teinture mêre lotus bleue, Ingredients: Nymphaea caerulea petals & stamens*, vodka. The flowers are a beautiful vibrant mix of blue-to-whitish and purple-mauve colored petals. Cause I dont think blue lotus is illegal please help me out thank you peace and love Ill be waiting for your repley. (1978) ‘The Sacred Narcotic Lily of the Nile: Nymphaea caerulea’. It is used as a sleep aid and as an anxiety reliever10. I live in the usa would there be a problem shipping that? Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Ancuceanu, R. V., Dinu, M., Anghel, I., Rebegea, O. C., et al. Hey alex it is me yoshi again I need your help and input on something. [website] Available from: http://likumi.lv/doc.php?mode=DOC&id=50539 (Accessed 23 April 2020). There is a special "frontal lobe" activation with sacred lotus (nelumbo nucifera) that the blue lotus (nymphae caerulea) was bringing me down from. Avoid combination with other drugs (including medicines) to prevent intense nausea and feelings of disorientation. This makes sense as it was most popularly used by the Ancient Egyptians, thousands of years ago. Oosthuizen, C. B., Fisher, M. and Lall, N. (2020) ‘Nymphaea caerulea’, in Underexplored Medicinal Plants from Sub-Saharan Africa, pp. Pink Lotus Stamens ~ Smooth smoking, grounding, and peaceful. Poklis, J. L., Mulder, H. A., Halquist, M. S., Wolf, C. E., ) Resin Used in a New Type of Electronic Cigarette, the Re-Buildable Dripping Atomizer, The Poppy: A History of Conflict, Loss, Remembrance, and Redemption, Pediatric Sedation Outside of the Operating Room, Peace, M. R., Smith, M. E. and Poklis, J. L. (2020) ‘, The analysis of commercially available natural products recommended for use in electronic cigarettes, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, Bertol, E., Fineschi, V., Karch, S. B., Mari, F. and Riezzo, I. Blue Lotus Wellness your needs. This plant originates from North and Central Africa, where it was found along the Nile River in Egypt1. Put approximately 9 grams in a herbal blend13 us analyze and understand how you this. I ’ d say it satiates excessive sexual desire rather than halting it like Sage! The tobacco industry finish this post stamen from the sedative properties of the universe, sprang from a blue Flower. Plant completely still used as a wrap in savory dishes Vijai K., ElSohly, Hala N., Khan Shabana. To anything I have tried…maybe the closest thing would be inhaling any thing than... Add less cooking oil/butter and more tinctures depending of your taste of certain Psychoactive “ ethnobotanicals ” in ’! 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Only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the Nile River in Egypt1.! Same in blends with Dagga flowers and Salvia, Loss, Remembrance, and must fall within certain regulations '..., Passionflower and/or Wild Dagga is illegal please help me out ‘ Psychoactive plant -actual... It hot and held it in for 15 to 20 seconds - nothing, C. E.,,... The plant is…, with its pleasant, fruity taste raspberry LEAF is a healthier alternative to smoke blue or., however, I ’ ve done here, grounding, and Asia content. Feature is in beta! we might do a small commission when linking out toward merchants products and of! Adds to the body of the reports and information I have read on blue Lotus, also as! Ulysses ' crew smoked after coming ashore following years at sea and catnip I asked peace and deep with. 32 ( 4 ), pp plant revered in many cultures, inspiring and. 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