The simplest of things can make the biggest of differences. The Essential Epicurus by Epicurus. He says: “Instead, I choose to focus on the activities that I can do through things that I’m passionate about, like scouting, or music, or comic books, or any of my favourite Boston sports teams.”. C.U.M Smith (1976)in his The Problem of Lifesets out to answer Shelley'squestion by addressing the problem not only of how matter could bealive but also be conscious. Philosophy of life will be different between each person. Making fun plans for the weekend to help you get through a tough work week. An easy example is automatic bill payments for credit cards. CC Lifestyle: A simple philosophy for life. I should get this one tattooed on my forehead. I simply wasn’t ready for it yet. Life is not that short. Don’t kid yourself into thinking that it doesn’t affect you. We’re all faced with complex challenges – even exciting new opportunities often come wrapped in a frustratingly delicate package. Many years ago, I broke my collar bone playing rugby. Don’t burn the fuse too fast. This explains how Arnold was able to transition from Terminator to Governator. If you aren’t ready for a mature, long term relationship, it doesn’t matter who walks into your life – and if your potential partner isn’t ready, it doesn’t matter how great you are for them, either. They were enormously painful and difficult decisions, but I promise you that a better opportunity will present itself when the timing is right. I wish someone told me this point five years ago (incidentally, I first heard it in a video that ultimately convinced me to pursue my dreams of travel). Instead of trying to change this aspect of myself, I’ve implemented systems that mitigate my tendency to lose interest: 3. I was gutted. It taught me the value of slowing down and evaluating my surroundings. Safety — you can count on them if things go wrong. They are not the main dish. Jul 11, 2020 - Explore Dayna (Reid) Mason's board "The Philosophy of Life", followed by 214 people on Pinterest. Doing so can give you: During low moments in my life, such as first-year university loneliness or the recent job rejection I often talk about in my blog posts, surrounding myself with people I want to be with is critical in recovering from bad times. Simple Life – A Philosophy (My own personal continually updated ramblings on how to live my best life) “The Simple Life” is built from an underlying philosophy that grew out of questions like … “What is the meaning of Life?” or “Why are we each here?”. Plato was a student of Socrates (who did not write) and the teacher of Aristotle, who founded another university, known as the Lyceum.Plato wrote about many ideas in philosophy that are still talked about … Eleven years of football to not play a large part in the biggest game of my amateur career. In it, he outlined some poignant tips in his philosophy for a happy life we could all do with listening to. I quickly put each victory behind me as I hungrily turned my eyes to the next milestone, and years of my life flew by on fast forward as I waited for the figurative lottery to hit. To get better something, we have to keep working on it until we reached a certain level. Dealing with idiots, arrogance, the like: “That’s interesting. Confidence is an incredibly powerful tool and I believe it’s one of the biggest factors that contributes to success. I’m just passing it along because I found it both funny and factual. The 6 best approaches for handling major change, How To Stop Being Bothered By The Tiny Things, How To Develop World-Class Behaviors in the Next 14 Days, Incredible Lessons From Elon Musk That Will Change The Way You Think About Success, Past Success Often Cause Confidence to Rise Faster Than Ability. If u fail to understand this then u r like a dog that chases every car, you ll eventually end up getting lost somewhere. Philosophy 10 Ways to Keep Life Simple December 26, 2012. The same goes for smoking (61%) and other negative habits. Instead of moping around, he and his parents collaborated with an engineer and built a frame, reducing the snare to a more comfortable 6 lbs. For a lot of people, that is hard. The decision is not as big as you think – if you don’t like the outcome, you can always choose again. A ll of the mini-quests in life are missions in the ultimate quest — happiness. The prefrontal and temporal lobes of your brain typically shrink 1-2% per year as you get older, or even faster if you watch Fox News. With my company, I would constantly fall behind on shipping out orders – despite the fact that I didn’t get paid until the order shipped out, and sometimes the orders were worth tens of thousands of dollars profit. It’s intended to be used to get comfortable with a major change/goal that you actually want to happen – not to pretend that you’re a racecar driver to pick up girls. This is a personal favorite. It also tries to understand how things should be. My young life heavily focused around sport, with two games and three training sessions a week. Zack’s 8 Simple Philosophies for a Happy, Healthy Life. Like this post? I’m great at the startup phase of a project, and can work relentlessly on developing new products or new systems. This rule also works in the negative sense – if your friend becomes obese, your chances of becoming obese increase 57%. In those peaceful minutes down at the bottom of our garden, I’m immersed in the vibrant, life-enhancing energy of the Cumbrian countryside ~ hooting owls; bees entranced by Starflower, Lavender and other deliciously tempting flowers. Marriage, cell phone contracts, and some bad choices in Vegas aside, there are few decisions in this life that are irreversible. Until the next time…stay thirsty, my friends. I will, however, state categorically that neither the title nor the image nor the explanation is original with me. Sadly, just one month after giving the TED talk, Sam passed away. Bear in mind; this was a big deal for 18-year-old Max. But when I would read an article about the latest twentysomething startup sensation, I felt hopelessly behind. “Don’t waste your time on jealousy. The beautiful thing about life is that you can choose, and choose again. I spent most of my life comparing myself to other successful people. Oh, and he gives one more piece of advice. What we can learn from Sam is life is what you make it. For me, it is the next exciting film or a trip to the pub with friends. When you measure your success against that of another, you create an ever-distancing destination at which you’ll never arrive. The new philosophy of life would imply living life to the full – not in the sense of indulging all our desires, but in the sense of doing whatever it takes to express our soul-nature in this world, realizing our potential, contributing to society and living with joy. He lives on through his philosophy. There would be many people that have similar philosophy on life but none of them would be exactly the same. Simple solutions are often the most elegant and there are a few philosophies that have guided me through some particularly difficult situations – and ultimately led me to follow my dreams to Argentina. I (subconsciously) apply the same philosophy to other aspects of my life. The crucial difference between life and non-life (or non-living things) is that life uses energy for physical and conscious development. I spent years of my life trying to reprogram myself to be more diligent with little to show for it. If your friends judge you for it, then it’s time to find some better friends – people who appreciate the value of risk taking and support you in the choices that you make. First off, Epicurus’ philosophy has almost nothing to do with our … I’m the founder & CEO of Stedi, a modern EDI platform backed by First Round Capital, Bloomberg Beta, Susa Ventures, and others. I previously founded Proforged (acquired by Huron Capital). Simple Philosophy Makes our Life Sublime 2020-12-08. 5. “We see each other for who we are on the inside.”, Sam speaks about his friends and family in glowing admiration. It is an impartial approach to all problems and aspects of life and existence, and its studies are not devoted merely to the empirical world, as in the case of the physical and biological sciences; not restricted to the provinces of faith and authority or to the questions of the other world, as is the case with theological dis… Well, at 17, Sam Berns has shared his own. Let me know how that works out for you,” is a great answer to give to avoid meaningless arguments with people who probably won’t change their mind, no matter what you say. Any sort of task that required consistent, daily effort was doomed to be a failure (you can’t officially call yourself a procrastinator until you’ve experienced the power company shutting off your lights). Ask yourself what you’re looking forward to next. 101 Philosophy Questions Many philosophy questions are easy to understand but difficult to resolve satisfactorily. Life is the aspect of existence that processes, acts, reacts, evaluates, and evolves through growth (reproduction and metabolism). Philosophy of life definition is - an overall vision of or attitude toward life and the purpose of life. If I’m thirsty, I’ll drink … I was also able to adapt my weightlifting to encompass my recovery. If you want to become more successful, interesting, funny, caring, or intelligent, fill your top five spots with people that exhibit these qualities. Caroline Crutchley has a passion for Fitness | Food |Flowers | Fashion | Fine Wine | Fundraising. Want a weekly reminder for how to improve your life and sustain happiness? Diagnosed with progeria, a condition only affecting 350 people worldwide, Sam rapidly ages, has tight skin and heart disease; but he doesn’t let it get the better of him. For example, courage is the mean between cowardice and rashness. Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something- Plato “Change your thoughts and you change your world”- Norman Vincent Peale. I have always talked about my auto parts company as if it were a sizable business, and this has motivated me to work hard to reduce the conflict between reality and people’s perception. Help me by sharing it on Facebook. You are – or are on your way to becoming – more and more like the people that surround you. Think of yourself as a sponge (and bear with me on this). It can be as simple as this: Using a mixture of small (lunch breaks) and large goals (vacations) can create anticipation and motivation. Today, my company is probably the size that people assumed it was two years ago. While people his age are likely playing all sorts of sports, Sam isn’t phased. Thinking about taking a new job, moving to a new city, or shaving your head? Always do what makes you feel great. The next thing about my philosophy of life is a proper attitude what means that I have a lot of faith in myself and I am taking challenges with believing in final success. Philosophy as defined from its Greek etymology is the love of wisdom and lot of civilization have its fair share of having its own principle as philosophy in life. Anyone that knows me can tell you that I always talk about my plans and dreams as if they are already happening. Large or small, it doesn’t matter. Philosophy in Life Philosophy have always been part of human development and improvement in most many aspects like in moral, ethics, business and others. Among philosophical ideas about how we should live, this one is a hardy perennial; from Socrates to Thoreau, from the Buddha to Wendell Berry, thinkers have been peddling it for more than two millennia. Here are the eight guidelines that keep my life exciting, meaningful, and most importantly, unusual. The right person at the wrong time is the wrong person. The same goes for restaurants, TV shows, friends, dating, and work. For. Start here. I, for one, get frustrated with myself when I can’t do something — even when it is out my reach. CC Lifestyle: A simple philosophy for life. Brushing past the … A persons philosophy will vary depending on ones life experience. Everyone have a different point of view about life, we cannot expect everyone to have the same philosophy of life. All of the mini-quests in life are missions in the ultimate quest — happiness. Put your head in a forward frame of mind, then work on surrounding yourself with supportive people. Start from the inside and work out. Life is simple, it's just not easy. It’s a short, evidence-based book that explains what makes us tick. Side note: While looking forwards should be the priority, looking backwards does have its benefits. Too much of those things might ruin your life. It doesn’t just stop there – if your friend’s friend is happy, your chances of being happy increase by 10%, and if your friend’s friend’s friend is happy, your chances still increase 6% (if 6% doesn’t impress you, you’ll be interested to know that a $10,000 increase in annual income only increases your odds by 2%). I will share my ideas and thoughts on what is my philosophy of life. This means philosophy tries to understand the reasons or basis for things. Do you have a good friend who gossips a lot, or one who always seems to be pessimistic? This concept applies to more than just dating – the relationship can be a job, an investment, or any other opportunity. Having practised meditation and studied Eastern philosophy since he was a teenager, his life is devoted to sharing the knowledge, wisdom and tools that transformed his life. Hi, I’m Zack Kanter. With aspirations of working in Biology, his death is heartbreaking. This is derived from the theory of cognitive dissonance – for our purpose, cognitive dissonance states that people will change themselves to become more like the person they project themselves to be. The good life is the simple life. Looking forward to your favourite TV show that airs once a week. As a final thought, please use this “fake it ’til you make it” attitude with some degree of restraint. More often than not, you will neglect simple advice in favour of over complicating things. If you’re overweight, you’re expending unnecessary effort to carry around your extra weight. Seven years ago, Sam gave a TED talk, issuing wisdom beyond his years. Two people will never have the same philosophy of life. By any reasonable standard, I was well ahead of the game – I graduated high school in three years and started a business when I was 16. Career success, a fruitful love life, and reliable friends and family are all factors in our overall happiness. And it still has plenty of adherents. I can’t tell you how many times I tried to start a gym routine – it would work for a week or two, but when the initial excitement wore off, my dedication tapered. In spite of this, he says “knowing that I was going to get better, and looking forward to a time that I would feel good again, helped me to keep moving forward.”. This is the most basic kind of peace work. Your friends are buckets filled with actions and positive behaviour you absorb the more time you spend with them. I, for one, have spent countless months agonizing over decisions that seemed monumental at the time. ‘It’s all in the mind!’ Well, that’s partly true, but everyone needs a helping hand from time to time. Life should be lived according to the “golden mean”―what Aristotle called the virtuous halfway point between two vices. Speaking about my dreams with a sense of certainty makes them feel more attainable and realistic, and most of my friends learn to realize that I’m speaking in the future tense (the rest just think I’m flakey). If u don't do wat u love u should love what you do. How I Make Money, Part II: 5 Steps to Creating a Product. It’s easy to get sidetracked, especially by other … I should get this one tattooed on my forehead. Enjoy! You’d think the secret to a happy life would come from people with more experience in their lives. Don’t get sidetracked by people who are not on track. But thinking about them systematically and clearly can help us improve our critical thinking, and gain a better understanding of ourselves and the world. An eNeuro study found that when pathological gamblers were told to envision a future, long term reward — such as a holiday — their preference for a short term prize is reduced. “I kind of accept it, I let it in, so that I can acknowledge it, and do what I need to do to move past it.”, Of course, Sam’s life was tougher than normal. When you know what is important to you on a basic level, you can quickly distill complicated problems down to a digestible and navigable decision. The longer that I considered the alternatives, the further away from a final decision I felt. Being in great shape doesn’t guarantee that you’ll be happy, well adjusted, and brilliant – just watch an episode of the Jersey Shore – but I can guarantee that you aren’t taking full advantage of your mind if you are neglecting your body. Someone once told me that you’re the sum of the five people with whom you spend the most amount of time and I couldn’t agree more. With the time off, it allowed me to just focus on getting better. Follow me on Twitter @zackkanter. Live Simple Live Free is the basic philosophy that we use for all of our financial dealings. As he only weighs 50 lbs, carrying the 40 lbs snare is beyond his capabilities. Every cloud. Note: if you find these facts interesting, I’d highly recommend reading Wellbeing: The Five Essential Elements. Personal philosophy is something that plays a tremendous role in the life of every individual. Plato was one of the most important classical Greek philosophers.He lived from 427 BC to 348 BC. Srimad Bhagavatam 12.09.14-25 - Simple Philosophy Makes our Life Sublime (download mp3) The last words written by Shelley in his unfinished poem TheTriumph of Life were “Then, what is life? What is called resignation is confirmed desperation. The heartwarming video featured in the TED talk at the end of this article shows Sam doing what he can do, rather than worrying about what he can’t. 167 likes. A simple philosophy for a simple life, including the title, the image and the explanation below the image is offered up by so many different sources that accurate attribution is impossible. I strike up conversation with someone at the first class and, at the end, I say “see you tomorrow.” The power of social pressure is unbelievable. If no one likes you, you probably won’t get too far in life. He says they “provide the real positive influences in my life, as I hope I can provide a positive influence in theirs as well.”. Optimism is very important in man’s life and we cannot forget about it, because it helps in bearing up with difficulties. Although conscious, living matter was aproblem for Democritean philosophers, it was not for otherpre-S… The idea that there is an ultimate philosophy that applies to all situation and all times is absurd. Most recently, I started writing this blog as if I actually had an audience – and through the miracle of people sharing this blog on Facebook (come on, just click it already), I had over 30,000 hits within a couple of days. Being underweight can be even worse – your body lacks the baseline energy to support a healthy, fully-functioning mind. Only if you use it to look forward, use hindsight as a tool. Lately, I’ve been looking forward to the next time I see my girlfriend or even just a few days off work. I cried.” ClearlyShelley meant this in the everyday sense rather than the technicalusage of what distinguishes animate from inanimate. Space out the things you love and you’ll find that you’ll develop deeper, more meaningful, and longer-lasting relationships with people and hobbies alike. Anticipation for rewards, large or small, can get you out of a rut. A stereotyped but unconscious … Having something to look forward to, Sam says, keeps him going. I believe that no two people will have seen life in the same way. But once things are up and running, I lose interest and fall behind on day-to-day tasks. Sam accepts that while he does try to look past any negative feelings, he doesn’t ignore them completely. The race is long, and in the end it’s only with yourself.”. Answer: Chief Seathl … “The outer world is a reflection of the inner world. When you add exercise into the equation, studies show that the trend reverses and your brain actually grows at a rate of 1-2% per year. Looking forward to a lunch break during the day. The perceived impact of decisions expands in relation to the time you spend making that decision. Surround yourself with people who are happy for you and your achievements over ones that exhibit jealousy. Sometimes you’re ahead, sometimes you’re behind. You needn’t worry. Philosophy is a well coordinated and systematised attempt at evaluating life and the universe as a whole, with reference to first principles that underlie all things as their causes and are implicit in all experience. The first and most important relationship is the relationship with yourself. You may sometimes think you can do it alone. Other people’s perception of you is a reflection of … Studies have proven this time and time again – a Harvard study found that if your friend is happy, your chances of being happy increase 15%. Whenever I get involved in something, I fast forward and ask myself, “based on your historical performance, are you actually going to follow through with this?” The answer is usually no, so I outsource or automate it. We are a biosphere of mostly insane … From the desperate city you go into the desperate country, and have to console yourself with the bravery of minks and muskrats. The clatter only seems to insult our ears.’ What is Chief Seathl trying to say? Develop your own goals and celebrate every achievement. Sam accepts there is a lot he can do. What it gave me, though, was the chance to rest. The one simple philosophy in life is that there are no one simple philosophy in life. Treating yourself to a piece of cake after a week of dieting. "Philosophia" is the Ancient Greek word for the "love of wisdom".A person who does philosophy is called a philosopher.A philosopher is a kind of thinker or researcher.A "philosophy" can also mean a group of ideas by philosophers, or by … Veronika-March 6, 2019. “Every man is a creature of the age in which he lives and few are able to raise themselves above the … Treating yourself to a new car at the end of the year. When I find a favorite song, I listen to it on repeat until the sound of the first note makes me want to puke. I’ve made the tough decision of ending a relationship with the “right” person or job a few times in my life. ~Author unknown Life is not always fair — sometimes you get a splinter sliding down a rainbow. In addition to teaching meditation and traditional Advaita Vedanta, he has written two metaphysical fantasy/sci-fi novels ('Eladria' and 'The Key of Alanar') and releases electronic ambient music under the name Ajata. Simple Philosophy of Life: Live simply, so that others may simply live. I live in Boulder, Colorado. Even the smallest of milestones should be looked forward to. ~Terri Guillemets The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. When you feel good about the way you look, people will innately gravitate towards you in business and social situations. In his TED talk, Sam discusses his passion for the school marching band. A wealthy man, he owned at least 50 slaves and created the first university school, called "The Academy". Philosophy is the study of underlying things. My strength is in creating – coming up with the big idea and implementing it. It put me out of action for ten weeks, meaning I wasn’t fit enough to start for the end of season football final. Thich Nhat Hanh says that if in our daily life we can smile, if we can be peaceful and happy, not only we, but everyone will profit from it. They’re the people you immediately reach out to and are the ones to help you sustain emotional wellbeing in the long run. See more ideas about words, life, inspirational quotes. If I’m thirsty, I’ll drink from a fire hose instead of having a glass of water. Trying to change fundamental aspects of your personality is like swimming upriver – you exert tremendous effort with little forward progress. You have to be happy on your own before you can make someone else happy, and you should want a relationship – not need one. Life comes at you from all angles, most of which we don’t see coming. The emotional cleansing one experiences while watching a dramatic performance is what Aristotle termed “catharsis.” "Life is really simple, but we insist on making it..." - Confucius quotes from For example “Practice makes Perfect”, we all know that’s true. For him, it’s something as simple as the release of a comic book. Career success, a fruitful love life, and reliable friends and family are all factors in our overall happiness. Don’t believe me? My favourite household chore is hanging out the washing. Outsource or automate tasks that I know I won’t do. This saps valuable energy that your brain could be using to do something productive, like telling other people about my blog. Pay for three months of classes at a local gym. Think of yourself as a sponge ( and bear with me on )... 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