You never know when you’ll get a chance to photograph for a magazine, reading this article will help you organize the types of photographs you need to take. Jessica Stewart is a Contributing Writer and Digital Media Specialist for My Modern Met, as well as a curator and art historian. Learn The Importance of Scale In Photography. This article provides you with 10 photography self-assignments that you can use to get your own creative juices flowing. The story you tell will differ depending on whether you live in the city, the country, a hot climate, or a cold one. They give you a chance to bounce ideas off others, which is never a bad idea. I actually only made it about three months before I … The best photography tips, cool project ideas and inspiration. Amiria has been an Art & Design teacher and a Curriculum Co-ordinator for seven years, responsible for the course design and assessment of student work in two high-achieving Auckland schools. Start a Photo-Per-Day Project. 2. Add sculptural elements that protrude from the photograph, as in this example by Carmen Freudenthal & Elle Verhagen: Take photos using a scanner, like Evilsabeth Schmitz-Garcia: Place objects on top of a photograph and scan it, like this example by Rosanna Jones: Put objects on top of photographs and rephotograph them, like these images by Arnaud Jarsaillon and Remy Poncet of Brest Brest: Project images onto textured surfaces and rephotograph them, as in these experimental images by Pete Ashton: Project images onto people or scenes, as in these examples by freelance photographer Lee Kirby: Create a photogram, as in this example by Joanne Keen: Create pinhole photography, making your own pinhole camera from scratch like Matt Bigwood (via The Phoblographer): Note: some teachers purchase a make-at-home pinhole camera set for their students, such as this one from Amazon US or Amazon UK (affiliate links). This will give you invaluable experience at this type of photography. An iPhone 4 was used to take this photo. K is for Kuala Lumpur. It’s also a real time commitment. The collaborative nature of potluck parties makes them perfect for getting together with other photographers for your creative photography project. Check this out for some more ideas: Video by COOPH. You can have a monthly theme. Like the world’s tidal waters, photographic creativity ebbs and flows for many of us. This is a year-long project where you’re going to take one photograph per week. As such, it should be majestic and epic, something folks will remember. What was your experience? Here are some ideas to use — or to spark your own creative ideas! 10 video project ideas for specific subject areas. 19. This method is quite old but using your imagination, you can turn it into a new one. Reserved / Disclaimer, Your email is safe with us. Show the world by photographing your meal everyday. There is a lot to be said for stripping your photography gear down to the basics, and your Smartphone is great for this. This is a fun game that could be used as an icebreaker for a new group of people meeting for the first. This creative photography project can easily be combined with a 365, or 52-week project, and below are just a few of the ideas possible. This type of project can be a long or short term one, the aim is to photograph the alphabet. This type of project could simply be one photo a week, or you could customize it. They’re designed to help you grow in skill as a well-rounded photographer while helping you build your portfolio at the same time. This type of project could simply be one photo a week, or you could customize it. Now every time you hit the shutter you really need to know you’re photographing the best possible angle, learning to do this will improve your work. Are you in the middle of a project right now? A day in the life that looks at different people’s professions is a great choice. 365 Photography Project Idea: Self Portrait. Those restraints mean you might only have one tripod in your group, or someone could bring an umbrella with them. Students propose a project to be developed over the semester under the guidance of a major professor with … Start taking unusual images of ordinary things indoors. 1. You get to choose one lens, which will be the one for you? Concentrating on a theme, such as a country’s traditional clothes, can make a good project. One of my favorite easy photography ideas is to take pictures through objects in order to make the shot deeper and eye-catching. Photography collaborations are a really good way to improve your own work. Some people may say that a project 365 is to post a photo on social media everyday. As with anything in life, it’s important to make a plan. This is a diverse project that can include seascapes, macro photos, fisherman, and underwater photography if you have the gear. Light box photography can be especially useful in this situation, helping those who wish to create professional product shots (Graphic Design students creating promotional material, for instance) or those who want to photograph sculptural or design pieces, create composite works from several elements or just to have a simple backdrop for their images. That doesn’t mean you have to stop there, though, as you could decide to do a series of different people. There are external lenses as well, so the Smartphone can really have punch. This is a big step towards being successful. Make your portfolio as professional as you can. To really emulate the feeling of shooting film with a digital camera try only allowing 24 photographs for one week, and no deleting! Going to your favorite music album or song for the title of your photo can be a great project. Working within the constraints of a defined creative photography project will also make you think out problems, and come up with innovative solutions. You know I love a Project 365 and have lots of tips on completing one. You get to decide how you do it. If you're struggling to think of ideas for a new photography project then you're not alone, creative block is common with photographers and in fact anyone dabbling in any form of art, but don't worry because with a bit of inspiration we'll get your creative juices flowing again. This is an intimidating project to take on, which is why many people go for the 52 week version listed above. The new year is a great time to look at starting a photography project, though any time of the year has its merits. Everyone knows Instagram, but apps such as isynchflash, autostitch, and slow shutter can give your phone dSLR-like functionality. Sometimes, it can be a simple shift, like creating the project with a specific group in mind. A really good lens to get started with on this project is the nifty 50, that fixed focal length will force you to consider composition more carefully. By Tim Gilbreath. The best camera is the one you have, especially when the sky does this! The techniques listed here are created using a range of different cameras and devices, such as a digital SLR/DSLR camera, traditional camera, pinhole camera and/or camera phone. This article contains over 100 creative techniques and mixed media approaches that Fine Art / Photography students may wish to use within their work. Here are some exciting ideas to try: Learning to use off camera flash will boost your creativity a lot. The lyrics in songs can often be poetic, and well suited to photographic concepts. It should be noted that although most high school Art Departments are not in a position to purchase a 3D laser engraving machine to experiment with (although this may change in the future) some Design and Technology Departments are beginning to. this one from or Amazom UK – affiliate links) to create better lighting within your shots, such as in this outdoor portrait by Toni Lynn: Take unfocused shots and create semi-abstract photographs, like those by Bill Armstrong: Create 360 degree 3D panoramic photography, as in this image by Nemo Nikt: Use kites to create aerial photography, as in this image by Pierre Lesage: Produce High Dynamic Range Imaging (HDR Photography), as in this example by Karim Nafatni: Use tilt-shift photography to make real things look miniature, as in this example by Nicolas: Use a tilt-shift effect to make paintings or drawings appear real, as in these photographs of Vincent van Gogh artworks by Serena Malyon: Photograph things with extreme macro lenses, like these photos of water drops by Andrew Osokin: Photograph things without contextual information, so objects become almost unrecognisable, as in this example by Peter Lik: Take photos from uncommon or unexpected viewpoints, like these birds eye view photographs commissioned by the human rights organization Society for Community Organization: Use frames within frames to create intriguing compositions, such as these photographs by Chen Po-I: Emphasise reflections, rather than the objects themselves, as in the urban landscape photography of Yafiq Yusman: Play with shadows, like Russ and Reyn Photography: Create illusions using forced perspective, like these photographs by Laurent Laveder: Arrange compositions as if they were a beautiful still life painting, such as these food photographs styled by Maggie Ruggiero and photographed by Martyn Thompson (left) and Marcus Nilsson (right): Create candid documentary photography, like these emotion-filled black and white football fan shots by Christopher Klettermayer: Capture the same scene at different times, as in this photography series by Clarisse d’Arcimoles: Use mirrors to create illusions, as in this self-portrait by 18 year old photographer Laura Williams: Create a complex ‘unrealistic’ setting and photograph it, as in this composition by Cerise Doucède: Collect many similar items and produce typology photography, like Sam Oster’s apparatus series: Organise subject matter into patterns, like Jim Golden: Digitally create patterns, as in this artwork by Misha Gordin: Overlay multiple photos from slightly different angles, like these experimental photographs by Stephanie Jung: Digitally erase parts of objects, as in this A Level Photography work by Leigh Drinkwater: Colour select areas, as in this example by Locopelli: Apply a digital filter to create an illustrative effect, as shown in this Adobe Photoshop tutorial: Digitally overlay textures onto photos, as illustrated in this tutorial by PhotoshopStar: Digitally draw over photographs, as in these portraits by May Xiong: Digitally superimpose photographs onto other products, as in these watches by John Rankin Waddell: Digitally merge images to play with scale and create fantasy scenes like Lorna Freytag: Combine objects in unexpected ways, to create something new, as in Carl Warner’s foodscapes: Photograph objects through mottled or translucent screens, like this work by Matthew Tischler: Overlay tracing paper, obscuring parts of an image, like this photograph by Gemma Schiebe: Cut through photographs to expose other layers of photographs below, as in these images by Lucas Simões: Note: If you are interested in laser cut work, you may wish to see the excellent A Level Art project by Lucy Feng, which has been featured on the Student Art Guide. This girl was a chambermaid by day, and an apsara dancer in the evening. So, how can we pull a semester’s worth of learning together in one project? You could make your project about photographing places with an A-Z list. I teach photography (college). So whether you’re a photography teacher looking for effective assignment ideas or a self-taught photography student focused on training your eye and critical vision, this roundup will surely come in handy. There are other variations to this project such as the 100 strangers project but of course, that is putting more pressure on yourself. Recreate a historic speech or moment in history for a social studies class.. 2. This is one of the best options which you can use and the most important part is you don’t need to worry too much of completing a senior project. Many of these projects are best executed over a period of time, rather than in […] How do you organize a potluck photography party then? Keeping all your photographs channeled to just one theme can really focus your mind, though some themes can be more diverse than others. Working with others allows for a lot of creative potential. Students taking high school photography qualifications such as A Level Photography or NCEA Level 3 Photography often search the internet looking for tips, ideas and inspiration. Matt Bigwood‘s DIY pinhole cameras are made from ordinary aluminium drink cans: Deliberately overexpose a shot, creating ‘high-key’ photography, like this portrait by Gabi Lukacs: Experiment with underwater photography like Elena Kalis: Use a homemade light box to create uncluttered backdrops for photography, as in this YouTube video by Auctiva: Art teachers and students frequently take photographs upon cluttered classroom tabletops, often with less than optimal lighting conditions. This is a fairly common project idea and one that I’ve attempted myself in the past but, I must say, it’s much harder than it seems. Similar to the single subject, a self portrait project is another great way to push your creative boundaries. The idea is to come up to strangers on the street and ask them if you could photograph them. One project I really liked (and gave a good grade on) was a series of landscapes shot in the reflections of cars. Those that still photograph film will attest the need to really consider every photograph, and with 24 frames to play with that’s not much. Approaches relate specifically to mixed media photography techniques, technical / trick photography ideas and interesting, fun or unique compositional strategies. Do you want to learn about crystal ball photography? 2. It’s always good to be involved in a project, this will give your photography a lot of focus. This is a fun game that could be used as an icebreaker for a new group of people meeting for the first time or just a way of collecting those letters in the alphabet over the long term. As a year is 12 months, there are 12 project ideas to choose from. These approaches may or may not be relevant for your own photography project and should be chosen only in conjunction with advice from your teacher. Let’s hear from you if intend to do a project, what project are you planning? She earned her MA in Renaissance Studies from University College London and now lives in Rome, Italy. “The Passenger” is a famous song by Iggy pop. That way when National Geographic comes knocking you’ll be ready. It is continually updated with creative photography ideas and examples. It’s great to go out photographing every weekend, you will find your level quickly plateaus if you do that. 6. That said the best projects are those that are about people, and their lives. Tabletop photography becomes infinitely easier when you can light a subject well, and capture true colour and details, in a reliable, uniform way. Creative Photography Project Ideas 1. Experiment with camera filters, like the neutral density filter that was used to photograph this beautiful seascape by Salim Al-Harthy: Use specialised photography lighting to achieve dramatic contrasts, as in this portrait of two brothers by dankos-unlmtd: Use a transportable photography reflector (i.e. Follow one of these indoor photography ideas and get inspired for unusual photo projects. Now that you will have to plan the concept to fit the title of your shot, are you capable of the problem solving involved in this creative process? Use a fast shutter speed to freeze motion, like the action photography of Justin Grant: Move the camera horizontally, so a moving subject is in focus but the background is blurred, as in the panning photography of Mr Bones (via My Modern Met): Use slow shutter speeds to create blurred movement, as in this beautiful water photo by Antti Viitala: Zoom in while shooting with a slow shutter speed, like A Level Photography student Freya Dumasia: Experiment with slow shutter speeds at night, blurring lights, as in the abstract ‘Sightseeing Tunnel’ series by Jakob Wagner: Photograph slow moving objects over a long period of time, as in this photograph by Paul Schneggenburger: Swing the camera while taking photos to achieve a swirling effect, as in this photo by Lucasbenc: Shake or jiggle the camera to create an impressionist effect, like these examples by Gerald Sanders (via Apogee Photo Magazine): Photograph moving subjects to create blurred, painterly forms, as in these examples by Mirjam Appelhof: Create abstract photography from blurred motion, as in the ‘Revolution’ series by Yvette Meltzer: Digitally add abstract elements to an image, such as these architectural photographs by Nick Frank: Take close-up, tightly cropped scenes, creating abstract photography from surfaces and pattern, like these works by Frank Hallam Day: Finally, forget all fancy techniques. With over 8 years of experience in lensball photography, Simon is an expert in this field. Wherever you’re from, there will be a story to tell. Jessica uses a range of night photography techniques, including using a laser to paint with light. Although many students looking for vintage photography ideas resort to copying this approach exactly, there are many other possibilities, such as cutting and folding images in different ways, shining different coloured lights through gaps, rephotographing images at unusual angles and scales, distorting images and deliberately creating bokeh. Sometimes creativity can use a jump-start, an artificial method to get the photographer to start looking at the world in a new way in order to facilitate, restart, refine, or improve your photography. Open days are the ideal time to find out whether an art school is the right place for you (read more about this in how to find the best art school in the world – coming soon). All the lenses you could choose for this will have their merits, try for the extreme though with a fisheye, tilt-shift or macro lens. This is a year-long project where you’re going to take one photograph per week. There are not many creative photography projects more energizing than learning something brand new, though. In this case, you don’t just write the list out, you photograph it as well! Like Drops of Water, a project created by Ahmed Hayman, depicts how the mood of the water interacts with the human emotions. He shot mostly late in the afternoon, shooting sometimes into the windows but mostly into the fenders of … © 2006 - 2020 Digital Photography School, All Rights This can be an exciting photography project that you can use to explore the culture of your home area. This board has examples of photo illustrations that might spark an idea of things to create in Adobe Photoshop. is a specialist in creative photography techniques and is well known for his work with a crystal ball. Get 20% off: DPS20. Find and save ideas about photography projects on Pinterest. Although the majority of laser photo engraving examples online seem to be uninspiring commercial shots, laser engraving offers new possibilities for high school Photography students – not just in terms of printing images onto exciting materials, but as a way of creating a textured plate which can then be printed from. Firstly, set up a camera and a timer. Stain, smudge and erode photographs using water, like Matthew Brandt: Sew or embroider photos, as in the stitched vintage photography of Maurizio Anzeri: Stitch photographs together, like Lisa Kokin: Wrap torn plastic or other materials around the edge of your camera to create hazy edges, as in the photographs of Jesse David McGrady (via PetaPixel): Use a hand-held glass lens or prism, to create blurred, abstract forms, like this photograph by Sam Hurd: Deliberately unfocus lights to create ‘bokeh’, as in this beautiful landscape by Takashi Kitajima: Photograph scenes through visible hand-held lenses, as in this A Level Photography work by Freya Dumasia: Abstract an image completely through three mirrors, creating a vortograph, like Alvin Langdon Coburn: Fold a photograph and make a installation, still life or sculpture, as in this example by Joseph Parra: Collage mixed media materials onto images, as in Vasilisa Forbes’ photography: Splash, smear or throw mixed media upon photographs, as in this A Level Photography sketchbook example by Jemma Kelly: Simulate the effect of the wet collodion process used by Sally Mann via Edwynn Houk Gallery: Paint developer sporadically onto photo paper to expose only parts of the work, as in these portraits by Timothy Pakron: Paint directly onto photographs, as in these works by Gerhard Richter: Combine paint and photographs digitally, like Fabienne Rivory‘s LaBokoff project: Redraw part of a scene with paint, as in these works by Aliza Razell: Paint onto objects and then photograph them, as in this IGCSE Photography piece by Rachel Ecclestone: Mark or scratch negatives or photos, as in this 100 year old vintage print by Frank Eugene: Use a CNC or Laser Engraving Machine to etch a photographic image onto glass, wood, aluminium or another similar material: As technology progresses, it is possible for digital images to be engraved upon various surfaces (such as stone, timber, fabric or leather); on or within glass, as in a 3D crystal engraving; or around cylindrical items, such as a rotating bottle. There are a number of projects you could attempt, but before you do, think about the following points: Taking the advice above into consideration, you’re now ready to choose a project. Post navigation. Are there other project ideas you’d like to share with everyone here? The 52-week project is a great one to choose as you can work on it on the weekends, and it allows some planned photographs to happen. To push past that point it’s recommended you choose a project, and work through it to completion. The idea of this project is to achieve simple but brilliant minimalist street images. It’s quite common to hear about projects like this online, and for good reason – they keep photography on your mind throughout the year. A particular theme can be chosen for each week. When many people start brainstorming photography ideas, one of the first things they’ll think of is a weekly or daily photo project. Studies from University college London and now lives in Rome, Italy even tougher to.. 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