Good analysis, Stuart. Drunk 9 year olds & manufactured morality – time for a Super Vice Tax? labour are aware that the extreme left policies of the greens are a major turn off for the majority of New Zealanders. I forgot, I forgot, to include NEW ZEALAND, of course! Think about how to use them in your language. I’m wondering if Hone Harawira is racist because he comes from a minority… I know lots of Chinese who don’t like Maori… It’s human nature, it’s all about being human.”. I don’t know what sandpit you’ve had your head in for the past 10 years, but the environment has become the political issue. Try articulating some solid left wing policies, for a start. We’ve all gotten that lesson from our parents as 12 years old, speaking in a tone that as an adult, I’m surprised we didn’t get locked out in the winter for. Fair enough, I’d say, but there are others in Labour speaking out against more drilling and mining, for environmental concerns they have. ”. ..and to politely debate yr twisted/rand-ite/anti-labour ideology/beliefs..? It’s not what you say, but rather, how you say it that can have the greater impact. The Green party seem to have consolidated a reasonable chunk of the party vote, which I would put conservatively at 8% to 12% – 12% being the more optimistic end of the spectrum. Their blog has been asleep for nearly a week. And yet, Stuart, the potential authority of an alternative government was never more apparent than when both Labour and the Greens presented their NZ Power policy, with Russell Norman and David Shearer standing side-by-side. Not since 1999 have the Greens dropped below 5%. Join the conversation to offer your insight and experience. As promised, I’m going to share a few of his insights this week. Our body language speaks volumes about who we are, how we really feel about ourselves and the people we interact with, and what we’re capable of delivering. This is the labour force that the Labour Party, of all political parties, should appeal to yet it does not. We always hear about the Labour-Green coalition v the National government. One of the biggest challenges for Labour this year is to get its language right. There is a disaffected, disconnected, demoralised underclass in NZ who feel shafted by successive governments. “We continue to assume that the majority of people want something like National and we are going to do our damnedess to be just like them. Labour had problems with framing issues under Goff and Shearer, but the bigger problem was that they offered voters a party that really didn’t seem to be all that different to National. One of these reasons must be that Labour has a vision and is ready to implement it. I did not ‘get a good talking to’ from anyone, but read the comments and realised that my words were very ill-considered and the apology was real. Haven’t you been listening to your Leader? PRovoke Media Recommended for you. The others who open their mouths sound as if they’d be more at home with NAct. The Labour party really needs a wake up call and Nash’s comments clearly demonstrate how far they are from connecting with those who are the fodder on which the wealthy feast. If that sounds Green rather than red, then Labour is further gone than I’d thought. This is surely little more than the fantasies of a Labour party apparatchik. I laugh because its comical. ..real/concrete policies/ and poverty.. The Nonprofit Marketing Blog is managed by our team of experts here at Network for Good. For one thing, National is about to start flattering those borderline voters, though they will not give up crushing the poor and the low paid. Do you know their reasons for not having done so? That is if you want to take your blinkers off, which some people stubbornly refuse to do. A Wgtn Green insider once told me that he believed that at least 80% of their voters would support Labour if the Green party did not exist. I have ample stuff that exposes Bratt, who is the one TEACHING designated doctors, mentoring them, instructing their Regional Health Advisors and Disability Advisors, on how to assess and make recommendations on sick and disabled and their “ability” to work. Of course appealing to the worst in people works – if all you are interested in is winning votes. Labour has a very powerful story to tell, and should be telling it on its own terms. Yes, it is a fair issue, but hardly ever does she comment on the extremely stringent application of “work capacity testing” by WINZ, their biased “designated doctors” (paid and “trained by MSD! Are you sending out the message that: “If you vote for smaller parties we will listen to your voice; as represented by them “? The Green party received 11.1% at the last election. The last Labour government didn’t do much to help the desperately poor, and the current National government is actively punishing this underclass for the crime of being poor. – then you’re bequeathing the next government to the Nats. Well, Stuart Nash? Low pay, high rent/mortgages, high power bills, the cost of cell phone calls etc, the cost of petrol, the cost of groceries, keeping your job, finding a new job, having to miss work because the kids are sick (again), finding the money for the warrant and rego, and so forth. It includes research by a Professor M. Aylward, and his colleague G. Waddell, and a few other hand-picked ones. Hardly any of them voted before and they have no plans to do so soon. So do I. We’re here to bring you the best in nonprofit marketing trends, fundraising techniques, technology developments, and amazing nonprofit examples. Also it is rather difficult to fake illness, and even if it is mental illness, a GP will tend to refer a patient for proper assessments by a mental health expert. You might have the best message in the world, but this means nothing if the meaning of your words is not understood as you intended, suggests Lutz. What I am hearing here is a very ‘business as usual’ approach to Labour’s need to get more voters voting for them. Ahh such a sad ass dream, I blame Irish Scotch. Again respectfully, Cunliffe speaking out of both sides of his mouth, depending upon the audience makes it pretty much impossible to present any sort of well thought out Vision…. As a pollster and consultant for Fortune 500 companies, I’ve met scores of politicians and corporate executives who are surprised that the messages they think they are delivering are not at all what the public is receiving. and that’s who you should be targetting as well, as LP candidate in Napier. It’s Not What You Say, It’s What They Hear. I’m willing to give you one more chance Mr Cunliffe, throw out the freemarket trash and I might take your words seriously. History will show this is the high-water mark for them. Show some courage, and take a principled stance against the hard Right perspective now permeating the welfare and education sectors; unambiguously support the legalisation of abortion; put forward a substantive plan (backed by evidence!) Here in the real world the Green Party does exist, and is seen by its supporters as a party to actively support, rather than just being the lesser of two evils in the Nat/Lab duopoly. I’m an active Green member, but this is my honest opinion of how the politics will play out. If we contrast the Greens commitment to a more democratic internal party process with the recent re-engineering of the Labour party’s internal selection processes, the Greens parliamentary wing still appears eminently more accessible than anything the Labour party has on offer. 2005 5.3% Approaching politics as some kind of Top40 popularity contest, where gaining influence is more important than what you do with it, is at the heart of what has gone wrong with politics in this country for the last 30 years. “This country has MMP and we left wing parties need to work in alignment to get a left-wing government” ? Racism isn’t about stereotyping, it’s an individual thing. As others here have pointed out here, Labour needs to mobilise the 800,000 non-voters. Re msd and certification. It isn’t easy being Green. As others have said, *that* will draw in the voters, and make a left-wing win possible in this year’s election. Definition and synonyms of not want to hear something from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.. Just one rule when debating my politics with me – leave the personal abuse and nastiness at the door and lets debate the facts. That alone can make the difference between sitting on the opposition benches or the treasury benches. The political authority of Labour to lead an alternative government was significantly eroded when Shearer shared the podium with Norman. Traditionally a patient GP has done the certification, that was fine when patients were known or enrolled with their gps for years. Now that Cunliffe is leader, and is very articulate with an extremely competent press secretary who understands the game, we once again have a true ‘leader of the Opposition’ and Norman is relegated to fighting for media scraps like any other leader of a minor party.”. A good start would be to quickly change the way in which the media talks about the scenarios re the next government. While the left/right polls are neck and neck, National is in the better position, particularly with the economy appearing slowly to turn the corner. ..i think you will feel far more at home History will show this is the high-water mark for them. It’s instructive to note that, looking back, Keith Holyoake and Robert Muldoon were much more like Labour Prime Ministers than any of the iterations we’ve seen since Muldoon lost the 1984 election. I was considering this because I thought it would be strategic, but this blog post from Mr Nash has pushed me more in the direction of a longer-term strategy: Vote for the Greens candidate, Paul Bailey, and (slowly) build up the viability of a Greens electorate win in the long-term. ..ok..the only facts of any significance are that you are from the neo-lib wing of labour.. want to continue doing nothing about poverty..(and just because market-research tells you you should ‘care’..about poverty..and so you say you do,.. ..especially when one considers that record of doing nothing for nine long years..(except strip away ‘allowances’ for The pale blue line in the Labour caucus needs to realise that being a party for the people will win them votes. You have to be very concerned when a politician of the left begins an opinion piece by lauding the ideas of Frank Luntz – the darling of the American right. The Green’s want to stop the coal industry on the West Coast. I think I understand where you have gone wrong Stuart. The self-elected Ngapuhi chief, recognised by John Ansell, Ian Wishart and at least 47 other delusional racists. Wealth redistribution definitely must not be based on consumerism. you..nash..are kinda the david hay of a revitalised labour Labour will need to fight for each and every vote: this includes against the Greens as well as the Nats. I am also not “charmed” into voting Labour by mere words and language their candidates will be using. I struggle with this because Labour still has its traditional roots in what’s left of the organised working class, but I’ve come to the conclusion that they only know how to use these links against the class, and I can no longer support that. What is Labours “nicely worded” and “smarter language using” comments on this, if I may ask? Maybe the wishy washy, “we’ll see what kind of govt we’ll have after the election” works after three or four terms terms, but it simply won’t after two, given the economy and the performance Key still likely has left in him. labour are aware that the extreme left policies of the greens are a major turn off for the majority of New Zealanders. ), they can cobble together a coalition and make the bastard work – even when the wheels have fallen off (along with doors, windscreen, bonnet, etc) and the thing looks like the mini from “Goodbye Pork Pie. I have heard of some appalling decisions, clearly breaching natural justice and other law! First a couple of comments: I consider David Shearer a good personal friend. Is the … button on your computer stuck? What a load of nonsense, Stuart. You are making presumptions, or jumping to conclusions, which again serves to further mislead the already rather poorly informed, biased public, who are fed “news” and “information” that consists more of slogans, headlines, twitter tweets and superficial summaries of events or news releases these days. To understand what the Greens actually stand for it is necessary to look deeper into their policies and program, and how they work. the term ‘Labour Green coalition’ does not allow this, whereas ‘Labour-led government’ does. Where are the voices from Labour on that, on the fact that mothers on benefit will now also be work tested, if they happen to have another baby while on a benefit, after only 1 year? Well, that is if you want to be an effective representative of the people. Write to those MPs LECs (especially fuckin’ Mallard’s) and tell them to primary the bastards before the election. Cunliffe has been saying Labour needs to get out the Enrolled Non Vote, and THAT is what will get Labour over the threshold into Govt – not going after the National vote ! Stuart Nash, keep writing blogs like this and I predict the Green vote will go above 20%… And those extra votes will all have come from Labour…. ..this is the record of yr time in nash.. ..and you want be to speak fucken ‘nicely’ to you..? The American people, who he knows intimately through polling, don’t listen to each other anymore. If this isn’t their policy, they don’t stand a chance of getting my vote. Are you listening? JANINE – Yes indeed, you seem to be absolutely spot on with your brief but clear comment! This is harder than it sounds, but is not impossible (as Mike WIlliams proved in 2005). Kicking the taxation system back towards a progressive model by slashing or completely cutting GST would be a huge help to low to middle income earners. Balanced approach. If anyone cares to go back and look at past posts, they will find that for me, child poverty and inequality are THE issues of the election: the levels of which are a national disgrace. Branding is an essential part of building your public image, whether you’re an athlete, executive, or other public figure. How left is a different kettle of fish of course, but a Labour-NZ First coalition is surely not the destination these party members have in mind? 13. Instead I hear today that Sue Moroney is commenting critically about the incident where a nine year old boy was seen drunk on booze on a Hamilton skateboard yard. DR: “It can be both ways. I’m thinking your definition of racism would be Professor Spoonley’s one? Still, good on Stuart Nash for snuffing out any illusions that the Labour party had changed for the better. So Cunliffe is the real “true leader” now, after all that, it seems. You’re in the right place! I see very little if anything of that being done by National, and Labour are too ambiguous on it all. Get a grip Nash, and start figuring out how you can win using MMP tactics rather than this tired FPP mindset. My words, in hindsight, were ill-considered. We spend a lot of time wordsmithing our mission statements, but that doesn’t mean our audience hears our message. There is “nada” to be heard from Labour’s welfare spokespersons on Dr David Bratt, on the hideous, draconian and unjust, inhumane welfare reforms, where they now expect sick and disabled to prepare for work. But I suppose Stuart is always loyal to whoever is the leader of Labour. The only way you’ll get back in to power without the Greens is like Germany or Italy. As Bomber and others have said many times here, the way to beat the NatACTs is not to emulate them, but to offer a radical alternative to them, one which will inspire non-voters to vote, and all those not even on the roll to register. However, the rest of your analysis makes me both laugh and cry at the same time. 3) Be still, for what you are stands over you and speaks so loudly I cannot hear what you say. It sounds bland and based on assumptions – not on understanding the mood of the NZ electorate. Ones that call to mind good things in the audience’s mind. Nash’s article reeks of bias. So I suppose the point is that only left-wingers would vote for the Greens because they aren’t really a switched on, smart scientific party that sees the world, it’s systems and people as they really are? It would appear Labour is torn between it hatred of the Greens and its fear of National, if I am reading the tone of the piece clearly. Labour needs to connect with the 800,000 voters who didnt bother last time, Labour needs to show that their is a true alternative & not just National lite, Labour needs to tell NZ that they will take us not in the direction that has seen the GFC, NEo-liberal inequality, and the rise of the 1%, but in a bold new direction where everyone matters, whether they are poor or rish, working or not …. “The big adverse gap in productivity between New Zealand and other countries opened up from the 1970s to the early 1990s. Well, your post did look a lot like the “bash the hippy” kind of politics that Labour regularly engages in. A radical change in re-assessing such persons on benefits for “work capacity” will start in only a few weeks in February, and there is absolute silence from Labour on this. The NZ government just loves such “research” and as “science” presented one sided propaganda, serving the insurance industries and governments wanting to restrict welfare access. Mad Gab puzzles and the trademark,It’s Not What You SAY,It’sWhat You HEAR!are used under exclusive license … But slagging off your allies and potential coalition partners is not helpful. If anyone from Napier would like to help with the campaign, then they would be welcomed with open arms. This would also have the side effect of attracting National voters – not all of them are rabid swivel eyed wingnuts. Terms & Conditions “I hear stupid comments from people saying, the Greens want legalisation of marihuana”, Umm… the Greens have supported drug law reform since Nandor and Metiria defected to them from the ALCP. Frequently patients will turn up and want a 3 month certificate done, and the Gp has never met them. For example, a pay parity act would particularly help women on low incomes. Is it, because Labour has not yet got the convincing policies formulated, we are waiting for? Having said that, I expect the Greens to come out fighting and support their party, but it is also very important to understand the political demographics of your party’s support. Ref the Lib Dems in the UK or even the Maori Party in NZ – both likely to disappear at the next election due to their support for parties (and power) against the wishes of the majority of those who gave them electoral success in the first place. Members I know are policy wonks a whole listening? ” Dr: “ do it's not what you say it's what you hear! Them in your language does not suggest a country which is a populace that is if you want my,... And denies what you say, it 's what people hear you say never ever make any sense offers... It was Dr David Bratt who was appointed “ Principal Health Advisor ” for WINZ in 2007, the! Me that you encourage debate, Ian Wishart and at least, if you are speaks so loudly I see. 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