It's just that sometimes I wonder what is more important in your life - your career or me. Examples of use or in a sentence: 1. 7. They do not represent the opinions of 2. Sooner or later it would become obvious to Cade himself. She had no intention of hopping into bed with Brandon before they were married - house rules or not. I can't figure out who owns this house or who has the money. She can't make up her mind whether you're having an affair with me or hiding something. I don't like either the one or the other. ing. Please tell me, Mr. Wizard, whether you called yourself Oz after this great country, or whether you believe my country is called Oz after you. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. We thought maybe you could convince him to go, or at least look at him. Princess Mary spent half of every day with little Nicholas, watching his lessons, teaching him Russian and music herself, and talking to Dessalles; the rest of the day she spent over her books, with her old nurse, or with "God's folk" who sometimes came by the back door to see her. The battery in the lantern might be dead or the fall might have broken it. “Give me a pen”, “Give me an egg”. His diving technique would certainly not be out of place in an Olympic pool. You actually sought out my company - or did you have something earth-shattering to tell me? I'm sure some trusting farm folk will leave a door unlocked or a window open for my pleasure, for my endless possibilities. Maybe he was thinking about what his father would say or do when he came in. Carmen glanced at Alex, but he either didn't notice her attention, or he was avoiding her eyes. Her figure was not as well developed as Alondra or Dulce, but she looked nice in the style and color. Ending a sentence with a preposition has become more accepted in some formal writing situations, but you will need to refer to your analysis of your audience’s expectations. I told you sooner or later somebody would take that whip away from you. Example sentences with the word or. Maybe it was the near-inaudible buzz or the rain on the roof, or my imagination, by I actually napped, for about twenty minutes. Are you going to be a guardsman or a diplomatist? Maybe you could even talk him into going to the doctor - or at least calling the doctor. Quinn will think were requesting something like a séance or spiritual encounter but if we don't humor Howie, he'll be devastated. He was proud of the fifteen or more miles his freighters could travel in a day. His face seemed to have shriveled or melted; his features had grown smaller. We lived a long way from any school for the blind or the deaf, and it seemed unlikely that any one would come to such an out-of-the-way place as Tuscumbia to teach a child who was both deaf and blind. Did he arrange to have Alex out of the way, or was he simply taking advantage of the situation? It does this via a keylogger which specifically collects user logins for online banks. "But WE mus'n't eat them," the Wizard warned the children, "or we too may become invisible, and lose each other. Did you call me to get my opinion or to tell me you're going to take the job? I can't promise you we'll never fight, or that I'll never take a drink. Whenever anything delighted or interested me she talked it over with me just as if she were a little girl herself. ‘If you boil water to 100°C, it boils.’ ‘When you boil water to 100°C, it boils.’ 1st Conditional – is used with ‘will/can + base verb’ for a probable future result. Used to in Questions. She simply wasn't looking at it – or maybe for it. at Christmas*/Easter: I stay with my family at Christmas. Several minutes stretched into ten or more with neither of us closing our eyes. However, there is slight exception to this rule; THAT IS, ALL SILENT “Hs” IS PRECEEDED BY THE ARTICLE “AN” as in the example-; “an hour”, “an hero”, but not “an house”or “an hen”. Also, keep “i.e.” in … Or, we could throw our saddles on the mules and use the rest for pack animals. A collective noun refers to a group of people or things that is treated as a single entity in speech. Would she be invited along, or would she be expected to stay on the ranch? I put aside a dozen or so that looked promising but that was all. Sometimes, if you have already used ‘that’ in a sentence, you may choose to write ‘which’ in order to avoid repetition of the word ‘that’. "Well, this was a figure of a cat," said Jim, "and she WENT down, anyhow, whether she climbed or crept.". She inclined her head to indicate the endless sand, broken only by an occasional yucca or chickweed. We knew similar situations would arise when missing children would be found dead, or actually murdered. You can't use "as to" that way. Had it meant anything at all to Cade, or was it merely a moment of desire? But Julie doesn't know you're sessions are by phone or what causes the terrible dreams, does she? They were disappointed when Adrienne didn't invite Michael... or anyone else, for that matter. )“I fear neither man nor beast!” Jay proclaimed as Frank stared at the python coiled on the … Most of the boys she dated would never have thought of practicing the age-old custom of walking around the car to open her door, or guiding her through the crowd with a gentle hand on one elbow. My aunt never said it out loud or even admitted it, but she blamed her son. What do we all do, take those fake papers and run off someplace and start over, or go into hiding? I don't know where we'll find a place to do our thing; this joint is like a zoo with honking horns and either back-fires or gunshots! He could easily overpower her in a struggle or outlast her in a chase. She was the country bumpkin that he had to drag everywhere or be accused of being insensitive. For words with vowels at the beginning that sound like consonants, such as the “u” in unicorn, use “a” instead. Whether things in the future stay the same as they are today or change from what they are today, both are understood in terms of the current reality. There was only one way to find out... well, maybe two, but asking Sarah or Giddon was probably wasted effort. Roll a five or a seven and you're history. Maybe it was the fact that he never smiled, or the loneliness in those green eyes. 5. Everything is either yesterday, today or tomorrow. Examples of use and in a sentence: 1. Whether that was a good or bad thing she couldn't guess, and she didn't have time to ask. In most books, the I, or first person, is omitted; in this it will be retained; that, in respect to egotism, is the main difference. The birds were silent, watching her to see if she was friend or foe. The senator said he might run again and, if he did, Myra Henry would be his campaign manager. I just stood there for a moment or two, taking it all in. Is the government involved, or backing her in some way? No way of thinking or doing, however ancient, can be trusted without proof. I want to be able to focus on solving this problem, not worrying about what might be said or done to you. Only for a minute or two but it was so cool! You wouldn't need a specific date or time and you could probably find your old home, given enough tries. Off to one side was an old fire ring but no buildings or people. It's not good for a relationship to be built on lies, Howie; or secrets. Quinn hasn't slept with me since month four or five. I don't think an admission they were dealing with a psychic or someone with supernatural abilities would sit well with their suit and necktie image. I don't know how many times or how many ways I can say I'm sorry. They made no sounds at all, either in flying or trying to speak, and they conversed mainly by means of quick signals made with their wooden fingers or lips. Yet working girls his age were usually either wives or soiled doves. Of course, she didn't leap cars with motorcycles or sky dive, but in retrospect, she had always been attracted to danger – at least to some degree. When you use "which" in a sentence, it is part of a relative clause, directly modifying the word or words that precede it: Example: The television series, "Law & Order", which is a popular crime drama, often explains various aspects of the criminal justice system. She had a cradle, and I often spent an hour or more rocking her. Maybe it was the intrigue, or maybe it was that gut feeling that something wasn't as it appeared. You must go away too, take away what you can and tell the serfs to go to the Ryazan estate or to the one near Moscow. Here are some examples. Sometimes that temptation can be stronger than the man - or woman. Is it a fair use or not? The retired naval man was speaking very boldly, as was evident from the expression on the faces of the listeners and from the fact that some people Pierre knew as the meekest and quietest of men walked away disapprovingly or expressed disagreement with him. How could men possibly have a greater desire or need than she had just felt? A committee is made up of multiple people, but the word itself is singular in form. Why had he suddenly decided he needed a maid - or was it sudden? As long as they weren't sleeping together or disrupting the household, what difference did it make that they were in love? "Call a tip line, or the Warwick police," I said. Just make sure he's not traumatized or something. I figured that if Giddon was using a pseudonym, he would have to either do his banking with his own name or fill out some kind of paperwork to do business under another name. Most of the time I'm at the pool or resting in the air conditioned house. It was hard to say whether Alex was withholding facts so she couldn't contest his decisions or simply because he thought she did not need to know. That isn't especially good, but it is idiomatic and grammatical. The last sentence should be read as "As auxiliary verb, will cannot be used on its own." Mr. Cooms didn't involve the police so I don't know how we'd check the area clinics or doctors. I never made a speech or a sermon... at least one I remember. As you have used either in the first part of your sentence, the second part of the sentence must only use or, as either-or is a complementary pair, one must follow the other. I'd say you have few choices; get protection, get a gun or head for the hills. Which would kill her, the Indians or the country? He'll limp around for a week or so and then he'll be fine. Like it or not, we need to take the initiative and set the record straight. Either he hadn't seen her or he preferred not to mention it. Whether it is required or not, this kind of sentence is often constructed to avoid any awkward formations. at the weekend* I don't usually work at the weekend. You've never had to pay house payments or utilities. (I wanted to point out that because learners tend to forget the context in which a sentence is said. With the exception of the trail, of course, but he never appeared to be in any hurry – coming or going there. It makes me feel small when you keep things from me - like you don't trust me, or you think I'm not mature enough to handle it. When I get my thoughts arranged in good order I do not like to have anything upset them or throw them into confusion. That left a choice between raising the child on her own or adopting it out. How long did he think he could hide them - or avoid them, for that matter? The object of a race is to see who can win it--or at least that is what my excellent brains think. The kitten looked at the horse thoughtfully, as if trying to decide whether he meant it or not. "Do you remember this, or do I have to teach you?" "I don't know if I more angry or frustrated," she said. Was there something else, or was it her imagination? !Note - The general rule is when there is did or didn't in the sentence, we say use to (without d) when there is no did or didn't in the sentence, we say used to (with d). We'd better go in the back way or Mom will have my hide. I just know I'll burst into tears or not know how to answer if they ask questions. Do you think it was Pete or one of the other guys? I was conflicted; should I support the love of my life or be more pragmatic? Look at the teamster on the highway, wending to market by day or night; does any divinity stir within him? She opened her eyes, afraid to move or even take a breath. Was he going somewhere or simply exercising the horse? "Your Royal Highness and Fellow Citizens," he began; "the small cat you see a prisoner before you is accused of the crime of first murdering and then eating our esteemed Ruler's fat piglet--or else first eating and then murdering it. The Word “define” in Example Sentences, “define” in a easy simple English sentence. If he tried to follow a moving automobile, he could sometimes attach himself, if the vehicle was slow or stopped, but the act was tenuous at best. In contrast, the second sentence indicates that a temperature change did not influence enzymatic activity and that a separate pH : 28. The morning after came without shame or embarrassment. I'd travel so far and then I would be stopped by a gully or a creek. The schoolhouse was two or three miles from home, but he did not mind the long walk through the woods and over the hills. Had Cade planned to seduce her, or was he also a victim of mislaid trust?