With each increase in level, a player will be able to cut trees faster. ���e6�uUj����g��E ssW�;��>�o*1���eu�N�z�R�EcHẢ���QZ[ɂ�G���ظ2�ݘ�A�=���C���d[�b8x�Z����E�Q�1EVi#���-��дL 0000004605 00000 n Kerala offers salubrious natural conditions for luxuriant growth and development of orchids. 0000002492 00000 n However, according to some environmentalists, there was ambiguity in the act and the assigned patta land owners did not know if they could fell these trees. The state is no longer supplying teak to the international market although it has about 75,000 hectare of the 2.76 lakh hectare under teak cultivation in India at present. Kerala Promotion of Tree Growth in Non-Forest Land Rules 2006 was issued by the Government in exercise of the powers conferred under Section 15 of the Kerala Forest Promotion of Tree Growth in Non-Forest Areas Act, 2005. The new order says as per the Kerala Preservation of Tree Act, 1986, cutting trees from the title deed land needed permission from the authority concerned. In the case of ‘Tree Patta’ felling of the tree can be done at the end of the rotation period with prior permission … This would mean 10 lakh hectares of land area, which would have these eight species of trees, would be affected, and a minimum of 50 lakh 300-year-old trees will be felled," Meera Rajesh, an environmentalist and representative of the United Conservation Movement (UCM), said. This act was further amended in 2017 in which eight more species of trees were removed from the list. (i) Applications for permission for cutting or/and destruction of valuable trees shall be made to the 'authorised officer', having jurisdiction over the area. These banks will approve 70% of the cost of the timber as loan. 5 more types of trees can be cut without permission The Haryana forest department has increased the number of trees that do not require permission for cutting. In 2018, KILA introduced a scheme where farmers can pledge these valuable trees in their land to nearby cooperative banks. Read: Erratic rains, vanishing lands: Manmade climate change puts Wayanad in danger. According to the environmentalist, the permission to chop down eight species of trees on assigned patta lands will result in the loss of around 50 lakhs of trees. Dharmaraj even wrote a letter to DDMA, in which he said, "It is important that an incentivisation scheme is brought in for farmers to maintain these old trees. This meant that owners of the assigned Patta land could not cut these nine types of trees. “In this forest region, there are trees only in patta lands, with a majority being in the assigned patta land. %PDF-1.3 %���� Environmentalist CS Dharmaraj uses Wayanad as an example. "We understand that farmers cannot do cultivation in the area where these trees exist. Teakwoo is a collection of premium teak furnitures Which is located in Nr Kathrikadavu Bridge, Cochin, Kerala. So why wait, let us dive into detailed farming of teak wood.. Teak wood known as the king of timber belongs to the family Verbenaceae. sS&�뮁:�� If these reserved trees are removed, then it does not pose any obstacles for them," he added. amazingly versatile hardwood tree that has managed to become thecentral component of eastern Asia boat and bridge building industry over the period of last 2000 years Kerala, although timbers of other species are also available in smaller quantities. ₹ 18,500 New Teak Family cot available ready for delivery8O784(Whtsap)565O4 Vennala, Kochi Today ₹ 27,500 NEW Teak Dining Table&6 chair Home delivery 8O784(call)565O4 Under the Kerala Promotion of Tree Growth in Non-Forest Areas Act, 2005, 28 species of trees were recognised as ‘endangered’. "An estimated 1/4th of the total geographical land area of Kerala will be impacted by this tree felling order if other land types like Jamma (hereditary) are included. • For all other tree species, no permission or intimation for felling of trees is required. (b) They shall come into force at once. Prior intimation for Felling of Red sanders, Black wood, Silver oak, Rose wood (Outside the Notified Forests under various Acts/Rules in Tamil Nadu) and Teak trees grown in … 0000001371 00000 n Kerala, which had the distinction of raising the world's first teak plantation and was once considered the Mecca of teak, is losing ground due to declining productivity. So we suggest that the government compensate them to protect the trees," Dharmaraj said. Rule 4 provides the conditions for permission for cutting of trees. forests*), Silver oak, Teak and Red Sanders, no permission for felling of trees is required, however prior intimation is mandatory 15 days before felling and the procedure is elaborated in Annexure 2. "Earlier, there were directions that no activities other than farming were allowed on such lands. Teak Wood Farming – A Step by Step Guide. Hi There, Sandal wood it very expensive and it is used for making various stuffs. Restriction regarding cutting, etc., of trees.- (1) No person shall, without the previous permission in writing of the authorised officer, cut, uproot or burn, or cause to be cut, uprooted or burnt, any tree. The fruit of the tree is big and oval shaped. In March 2020, the Kerala Revenue Principal Secretary issued an order, clarifying that all reserved trees, except the sandalwood trees, are allowed to be chopped down by the owners of patta (private) land. People get killed in the process sometimes. Nature has given us everything.But human mind,s curiousity and luxury ruined this nature. Eucalyptus, Subabool and Casuarina No permission required, Self-Certification from the applicant is sufficient. Further, import of timber to Kerala has been increasing especially after 1985 (Krishnankutty, 1990). Quarrying was totally banned.