He indicated that TSM had a unique ear feature; his upper ear hollow (cymba) was larger than his lower ear hollow (cavum). Mysteeriä kutsutaan myös nimellä Tamám Shudin tapaus. In 2009/2010, Somerton Man researcher Professor Derek Abbott presented a theory that Robin was the son of TSM. The … The Discovery Of The Somerton Man. Jessica Thomson passed away in 2007. 23) Robin Thomson 24) Parkside Mental Hospital were a man claiming to know who TSM was was committed after his 1 year old son was found dead. Derek Abbott also subsequently wrote to … 25) The Cemetery where TSM is buried. 29) A technician works to extract hair for DNA testing from the police bust. Moreover, the notion that the Somerton Man was Robin Thomson’s father (and Rachel Egan’s grandfather) is still a little bit hard for me to digest. Her husband, Prosper Thomson, had passed in 1995. His death had several mysterious qualities surrounding it, beyond the previously mentioned. List. The Egans reported lodging a new application with the Attorney-General of South Australia, John Rau, to have the Somerton Man's body exhumed and DNA tested. Inside, they found the unlisted phone number of local nurse Jessica Thomson, who lived less than a mile from the beach. Ms Thomson, however, denied any knowledge of the Somerton Man. Sunday 19 Sep 1948. The background and rationale for this theory will be discussed. Shutterstock Further DNA tests may eventually prove them right, which would explain the mystery man’s reason for visiting Glenelg, but even then, we will probably never have a full explanation of who the Somerton Man really was and why he died. Robin Thomson's widow, Roma Egan, and their daughter Rachel Egan, also appeared on 60 Minutes suggesting that the "Somerton Man" was Robin Thomson's father and, therefore, Rachel's grandfather. Robin would have been one-year-old when the Somerton Man’s body was found. On the evening of November 30, 1948, at around 7 pm John Bain Lyons and his wife were taking a stroll along Somerton Beach. He found her and her phone number by asking neighbors. Nicméně, když se začal případem zabývat profesor místní univerzity Derek Abbott, všiml si jedné zajímavé okolnosti. He carried no wallet, money or identification either on him or in his suitcase, which was found at a train station six weeks later. Her denial didn’t ring true to detectives, however. Derek Abbott also subsequently wrote to … Turns out Jo had a son named Robin who shared a very rare dental deformity with the Somerton Man - both men's cuspids were where their lateral incisors should be - their pointy teeth were one space closer to their front teeth, giving them a kind of vampire like grin. Professor Abbott contacted her, and before long, the two developed a relationship. I think Somerton Man probably did know Jo Thomson, but when he tried to visit her, she rejected him. * Prosper Thomson places a small ad to sell his 12-h.p. An anonymous man found the rare 1859 Edward FitzGerald translation in the back seat of his car in Glenelg just after the discovery of the Somerton Man. Specifický tvar uší a chybějící řezáky. Maybe he heard through the grapevine, a few years later, that she had had a son, and did the math and decided the child was his. Her son Robin, who many believe to be fathered by the Somerton Man, died two years later. While Robin Thomson had died by the time Professor Abbott made the connection, his daughter Rachel Egan was alive and living in Queensland. Years before the DNA tests were performed, an investigation into genetic traits, revealed certain genetic similarities between the unidentified man and Robin Thomson. Robin's wife Roma Egan and their daughter, Rachel, have now come forward claiming Robin was the progeny of the Somerton Man and Jessica Thomson. In 2009/2010, Somerton Man researcher Professor Derek Abbott presented a theory that Robin was the son of TSM. Somertonin mies löytyi kuolleena vuoden 1948 joulukuussa Australian Adelaiden kaupungin eteläpuolelta Somertonin rannalta, eikä hänen henkilöllisyyttään tai kuolintapaansa ole vieläkään saatu selvitettyä. Ještě tu byl Robin Thomson, u kterého byl otec vždy uveden jako neznámý. Poměrně prokazatelné dědičné znaky. Maybe he raped her in 1946, and she was afraid to tell anyone. Robin Thomson sdílel s mužem z pláže minimálně dva výrazné rysy. The Somerton Man Case. The mother and daughter believed that the photo evidence suggesting that Robin was the Somerton man’s son was worth pursuing. The rare copy of the Rubaiyat was lost by police in the 50s, and no matching copy has ever turned up. The media have suggested that Robin Thomson, who was 16 months old in 1948 and died in 2009, may have been a child of either Alf Boxall or the Somerton Man and passed off as Prosper Thomson’s son. The Taman Shud Case, also known as the Mystery of the Somerton Man, is an unsolved case of an unidentified man found dead at 6:30 a.m., December 1, 1948, on Somerton beach in Adelaide, South Australia. The Somerton Man, as he became known, was immaculately turned out. Here’s a quick work-in-progress timeline for the hypothesis linking Broken Hill to the Somerton Man case. Normally, exhumation for the purposes of DNA testing would have been permitted by federal … “If the body of the deceased was not that of the man mentioned the difficulties disappear.” Professor … Robin, a former Australian Ballet dancer who died in 2009, was the son for Jessica Thomson. His shoes were new, his double-breasted jacket was pressed but, oddly, all the labels had been removed from his clothes. Les Egan déclarent qu’ils ont entamé une procédure auprès du Procureur Général d’Australie du Sud, John Rau, pour que le corps soit exhumé afin de réaliser des t Posts about robin mcmahon thomson written by . Her denial didn’t ring true to detectives, however. 23) Robin Thomson 24) Parkside Mental Hospital were a man claiming to know who TSM was was committed after his 1 year old son was found dead. The evidence that Robin Thomson may well be the son of the Somerton Man becomes rather compelling when we find that they share a rare dental trait: they both have their canine teeth next to their central teeth. Unfortunately, Robin was cremated leaving investigators … 25) The Cemetery where TSM is buried. * Prosper Thomson drives his out-of-town-only taxi sedan to Broken Hill. Set against a Cold War background in 1948, was this man a spy? The background and rationale for this theory will be discussed. For instance, his clothes, which were of “fairly good quality,” according to the coroner, had all identification tags removed. He indicated that TSM had a unique ear feature; his upper ear hollow (cymba) was larger than his lower ear hollow … They married. 30) A portrait commissioned by Professor Derek Abbott that shows what TSM might have actually looked … The body of a man found on an Australian beach close to a major Atomic Testing ground, he was probably poisoned, a copy of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam and an unbroken Code page found and associated to him. To Abbott, this coincidence was irresistibly suggestive, and he now believes a theory that might propel the Somerton mystery into the realm of solvability: that the man was Jo’s secret lover, and Robin Thomson their son. How did the Somerton Man find Jessica? Australiassa tapaus tunnetaan yksinkertaisesti nimellä The Unknown man (Tuntematon mies). They expressed great interest in exhuming the bodies to conduct DNA testing. Somerton man, as he became known for reasons about to become clear, was about 45 years old, in excellent physical condition, with unusually well defined and muscular calfs and smooth well-manicured hands. After examining photos of TSM, Abbott consulted Maciej Henneberg, a professor of anatomy. The Somerton Man: The Mystery. So he tracked her down. He found himself more deeply involved in the story while researching the connection between Robin Thomson and the Somerton Man. Robin Thomson's widow, Roma Egan, and their daughter Rachel Egan, also appeared on 60 Minutes suggesting that the "Somerton Man" was Robin Thomson's father and, therefore, Rachel's grandfather. Vauxhall sedan, or to swap it for a sedan … Read More → 26-28) TSM’s grave. DNA Extraction . Saturday 25 September 1948. While Robin Thomson passed away in 2009, his wife and daughter both believe that he was the son of the Somerton Man. If Abbott is right, Jo Thomson, who died in 2007, had an affair with the Somerton Man, resulting in a child, the ballet dancer Robin, who was Rachel’s father. For Abbott, those clues led to a hunch: Thomson and the Somerton Man were Robin's parents. This man, who would go on to be known as the Somerton Man. There’s been persistent speculation that the Somerton Man was a spy due to the circumstances of his death, the historical context surrounding it, and the uncrackable code. It's named after a phrase, tamam shud, meaning "ended" or "finished" in Persian, on a scrap of the final page of The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, found in the hidden pocket of the man's trousers. La veuve de Robin Thomson, Roma Egan, et leur fille, Rachel Egan, apparaissent aussi dans l’émission 60 Minutes et suggèrent que l’homme de Somerton pourrait être le père de Robin, et donc le grand-père de Rachel. The Egans reported lodging a new application with the Attorney-General of South Australia, John Rau, to have the Somerton Man's body exhumed and DNA tested. Robin Thomson’s surviving family, Roma and Rachel, also appeared on 60 Minutes. Moreover, there's a rare feature of the ear shape that both men share. As the pair passed a spot opposite the former Crippled Children’s Home they noticed a man slumped against the seawall appearing to be smoking a cigarette and looking as if he may have been a little drunk. The brown suitcase was destroyed in 1986. Thomson’s family suspects that their mother was having an affair with the Somerton Man—and that Robin Thomson, Jessica’s son, is possibly the result of … 29) A technician works to extract hair for DNA testing from the police bust. Maybe Somerton Man was someone Thomson knew, maybe a friend, but maybe just an acquaintance. Professor Abbott is considering doing another crowd funding effort and his third petition is still live. Robin Thomson had both of these abnormalities. Robin, who was born in 1947 and died in 2009, grew up with Jo, his biological mother, and knew his father as George, the man Jo married in 1950, three years after Robin was born. A Soviet spy. Kate wasn't Jessica Thomson's only child; she'd given birth to a son named Robin, in 1947, the year before the Somerton Man's death. He set about finding Robin's relatives, eventually locating Robin's daughter, Rachel, in 2010. 26-28) TSM’s grave. The only way to find out the truth is through DNA. DNA testing would confirm or eliminate this speculation. After examining photos of TSM, Abbott consulted Maciej Henneberg, a professor of anatomy.