Submissions are reviewed based on its content, quality, relevance and the availability of space in the issue its being submitted to be published. We are always looking for fresh & tasty content for the magazine. * The deadline for each issue is the 20th of the month (e.g: Submissions for December Issue is due by November 20th), if for any reason the deadline is changed, it will be posted on our Facebook page and website. The submission contained cellphone edited "selfies" or screen shots. Please do not email us submissions. We are always looking for submissions for model sets, photographer spotlights, Your Local Girl Gang feature, articles, artists spotlights, and event coverage. When submitting please follow the guidelines outlined on this page. TO GET PUBLISHED TO MODEL CITIZEN MAGAZINE, BLOG AND APPLE NEWS CHANNEL, YOU WILL NEED TO FILL OUT SOME NECESSARY INFORMATION, SUCH AS NAME, EMAIL, LOCATION, YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS AND SO ON. If any submission(s) are involved in any copyright entanglement that was stated above, your eligibility will immediately be revoked and you will be held responsible for any legal consequences under all circumstances regardless of Desnudo Magazine knowledge . If you already have a website account, you can sign in here. * The submission doesn’t fit the theme for the issue. Submissions are reviewed based on its content, quality, relevance and the availability of space in the issue its being submitted to be published. Make sure you read the magazine's submission guidelines and that your images meet their criteria. But often include stickers and other small goodies. Big arms. All dates are tentative. Be sure to send credits as editable pdf files or Word Files. * All submissions must be sent before the stated deadline of an issue. Please be sure to read the following guidelines thoroughly. Whether you're a new model just starting out, or even a model with experience who is looking to expand your representation to … We also don’t pay for submissions, all photo shoot expenses for a submission to the magazine is covered by the team conducting the project. Once an image is accepted to be published, an email will be sent to the creative team for the Photographer to complete a, If you saw your name on the accepted list on our Facebook announcement, but did not receive an email, that means the email provided was invalid. You must have written permission of the models and agencies for publishing the images before submitting. If you are interested in working with our agency, please use the form below to enter your information and submit Polaroid, or send unedited digital photos (following the guidelines below) to [email protected]. 8. Please use proper case and double-check to make sure all credit information is accurate! $300 . All submissions deadlines are posted at the top of this page. After you've signed in, come back to this page (refresh it if you've kept it open) and you'll see the online submission link. (i.e. We accept submissions from photographers and models. DO NOT EMAIL SETS. 4. If you haven't created one yet, you can register a new web account here. Where to submit: On their submissions page Juxtapoz features fresh artwork with an underground style, often featuring graffiti art updates and unusual illustrators. CO-OP SUBMISSIONS WORK WITH US. Emailed submissions will be disregarded. Armpits. * There is little or no space left for the issue submitted for. Your editorial must be cohesive, all from the same shoot. We pay fiction contributors $100 and offer feedback on 5-10% of declined submissions. We’ve been described in many ways: celebratory, fierce, unflinching, thoughtful, truthful, dark, darkly funny, tender. Must be 18+ to submit. Myssfit Magazine gives you the opportunity to contribute your work in an alternative publication. If accepted, your work could be featured on our website or in the magazine. We highly recommend joining our Facebook Group for friendly critiques from our amazing community of creatives. Portraits are preferred. Those links will be made available at the time of release. Submission Guidelines: * All submission should be between 6-10 images. Please submit photos with no logo/s or watermarks. We consider reported pieces, features and social commentary rooted in an intersectional feminist lens. * All submission should be between 4-6 images. MOD Magazine welcomes submissions from up-and-coming photographers, artists, & more! DNA readers prefer to see the following in the models: 1. Hey Models & Photographers! This information is essential for publication. Once we realize that the images are published in these mediums before the particular issue is being released, we reserve the right to pull that submission from our issue without your consent. If there is no amount entered, you will find out more details if you are chosen. If your submissions are over 10 images, we won’t publish all images, a maximum of 8 and a minimum of 4 will be chosen, unless it is a cover story or special feature. Images must be 8.5" x 11"  at 300 DPI in JPG or PNG formats. We do allow images that contain more than one model (group images). The cover Fashion & Beauty Stories. Please be sure to indicate all names and credits upon submission. With fashion magazine submissions, you must pay attention to the magazine's previous contents, future mood boards, and themes. We try to avoid covering the artwork in the image and like to keep it simple. The Sun is a reader-supported ad-free magazine. We are looking for only UNPUBLISHED editorials. That is a HUGE " No-no!". When submitting please follow the guidelines outlined on this page. By Audrey Kawaski on Juxtapoz. are not allowed). We welcome submissions from photographers, male and female models, make-up artists, hairstylists, designers, and writers. Contributor Magazine. Magazine Submissions Please complete the submission application form at the bottom of this page. Advertising: [email protected]. Contributor Magazine is a creative digital platform. In some cases, we may ask for a form of identification. Rest assured, ALL contributors WILL be credited. Please note that all submissions will NOT be replied to, you will receive an acceptance email once your submission has been accepted, if you don’t receive a reply within 7-10 days of your submission then it wasn’t accepted; you do not need to send multiple emails to receive a reply. Any errors will not be our responsibility. OPEN TO ALL GENDERS, RACES, SHAPES, SIZES, COLORS, LGBQT+ FRIENDLY. Upon reviewing submissions, Myssfit Magazine reserves the rights to Accept or Deny any submission we receive. Mini Magazines are now available for Preorder for $10-12 which includes shipping. We use mostly portrait images, the less landscape is better. We can not guarantee it will be selected. Please email us ASAP at [email protected] for details. Websites and Magazines that Accept Illustration and Fine Art Submissions Juxtapoz. We also accept submissions by mail for free. We’re looking for the world’s next great modeling talent, no matter where in the world that takes us. The only requirement is creativity! Submit The next time you have work that’s ready to submit, why not send it to us? Once your submission is accepted for publication the files sizes required are: 8.5X11 for Portraits at 300dpi. Strong chest. You must be the copyright-owner of the artwork or photographs to submit them. If you saw your name on the accepted list on our Facebook announcement, but did not receive an email, that means the email provided was invalid. By submitting your work, you give full consent for SKYN Magazine to publish your work in the magazine, website and/or shared via social media. Elléments Magazine gives you the opportunity to contribute your work and have it published in a high end, well respected Independent publication. To increase your chance for cover selection: We look for covers that are in the above mentioned formatting and that best match the theme. Vanity magazines are a popular place for photographers to submit images to when they are looking to take their photography to the next level. Looking for models interested in trying fine art nudes for magazine submissions. Example, if you are drinking from a glass soda bottle, remove the label, or find another way to disguise the brand. Being published exposes your work in over 50 Major Fashion Countries and Cities around the world. The La Belle team maintains sole responsibility for determining which submissions will be featured in our publications. Delicious Dolls Magazine. My name Is Bug, and I'm the Official Model Liaison for Sweet & Inked Magazine. See above for direct links for those forms. Please remove/blur other brands from images otherwise they will not be considered for publishing. If you are interested in writing or blogging for us, please send an email to [email protected] with the headline “Writer Submission” or “Blogger Submission” and include writing samples and links to your work, blog or porfolio. We like leaving everyone surprised. Myssfit Magazine DOES NOT provide free print copies, as presently the publication is printed exclusively through magcloud, Magcloud prints-by-purchase. These can take up to 2 weeks to ship, so please bare with us. I'll be contacting you about submissions in the future but in the meantime! Absolutely no cellphone selfies, screenshots or phone edited images! Model Railroader is the world's largest magazine on model trains and model railroad layouts. To get all updates and information please like our facebook page. We accept submissions from models, trainers, teams, athletes, photographers, makeup artist, writers, filmmakers, gyms, videographers, trainers, and industry leaders. Bulge. * Once an image is accepted to be published, it grants us the permission to use your work in any of our publications, websites, videos, marketing pieces, advertisements,  and any other mediums or formats used in the creation, dissemination, and monetization of Ellements Magazine. Include a SASE and cover letter. Images can be beauty, fashion, or creative pieces. We recommend creating a Magcloud account and following us for updates. 247 Ink Magazine accepts submissions from photographers, models, modeling agencies, managers, talent managers, makeup artists, bloggers, writers, fashion designers, and stylists. We accept submissions of male physique photography, preferably guys in swimwear or underwear. We accept submissions from everyone! Essence Model Management is continually scouting for beautiful new faces. So don’t be shy. Models can submit more than once per theme, however, we will only select one submitted set. Eye contact. 7. link in our menu bar. Vol.59 / December 18th release day / Deadline to submit by: November 28th THEME: CELEBRATION / Celebrating 7 Years of LUCY’S 7th Anniversary Issue _____ 2021 _____ Vol.60 / February 10th release day / Deadline to submit by: January 25th THEME: Open (fashion & beauty) Vol.61 / March 30th release day / Deadline to submit by: March 15th It's not that we don't want to publish you, but we can't print these images to meet your expectations. We do not and will not accept payment to be on the cover. Unless it fits within a theme, i.e. Our team does NOT review images until following day of the deadline to ensure all have a fair chance with editorial placement. 1968 – – [email protected] MEN – – [email protected] – – [email protected] – – [email protected] – – [email protected] – http://… Army Sustainment (PB 700) is a quarterly professional bulletin prepared by Army Logistics University, Fort Lee, Virginia, and published by the Administrative Assistant tot he Secretary of the Army. F-Stop Magazine. See the button below? They offer both print and … We are always looking for guest writers and bloggers who would like to contribute to the magazine and website. For photographers, your collection of works must be unpublished and must contain a minimum of 10 models to be considered for an exclusive issue. Burn. Elléments Magazine is the fastest growing editorial publication which focuses on the New Generation of Fashion & Beauty, Mariam Tillyaeva | musician & global citizen. Please remove watermarks, copyright notices, or other forms of text. Along with model’s name be sure the list the agency name. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we made some changes to upcoming themes. We will not edit the images for you. Click here for step by step instructions. change permissions, add/delete submissions, etc.) To get immediate updates and purchase information please like our facebook page. We won’t be held accountable for any missing or mis-spelt credit. Please continue to follow your States orders when organizing shoots and interacting with others. If your photographs are published in Ellements Magazine, they must be ONLY published in Ellements Magazine, if we find out that they are published by another magazine they will be removed immediately. Please be sure to indicate all names and credits upon submission. … Props including cannabis related products. Due to limited staff, please do not inquire what or how many images were accepted. Because most aspiring models don't live in major modeling markets like New York, Los Angeles, Paris, London, Milan or Tokyo where they can attend a go-see or open call, they need to submit their photos by mail, email, or through an online model scouting company. CAPTIVATE US WITH YOUR STORY. We hope in the next 5 years as we grow, this will be able to change. The list of those accepted are also provided on our website. We ask for first-publication rights for online and print. Inked or not! If you are wearing a popular clothing brand and the label is showing, find a creative way to disguise it. Please note that there is still a possibility they may change. Once an image is accepted to be published, an email will be sent to the creative team for the Photographer to complete a release form. We also prefer a decent amount of negative space to allow for text. Myssfit Magazine. All models must be 18 years and over. Many women try their hand at modeling, and very few see success on the same level of the world's top magazine models. * For fashion submissions, wardrobe credits are required. Focusing on emerging artists, Burn Magazine offers photo-documentary stories with a fine art … Ms. is a multi-issue and globally-focused media outlet interested in a plethora of topics—from policy and politics to popular culture and the arts, from education to the environment, from violence to abortion. All editorials must have 2-4 different looks, editorials with one looks won’t be accepted. Photographers & other creatives that have been published in Elléments Magazine has gained more interest in their work & landed jobs from the exposure we have afforded them. Please use proper case and double-check to make sure all credit information is accurate! NB: Ellements Magazine doesn’t provide free print copies, as presently the publication is printed exclusively through magcloud, Magcloud prints-by-purchase. blurry, cropped, incorrect dimensions, bad resolution, warped image of subject(s)). PHOTO SUBMISSION TIPS. * Team credits are essential for all submissions, if we have accepted your submissions and you provide the high resolution images without team credits, your submission will not be published. This information is essential for publication. (Details to come). We prefer portrait images, as landscapes will be cropped and ruin the creators' artwork. First and foremost: you don’t need any previous experience or a portfolio of expensive professional headshots to apply. The purchase link will be posted on our Facebook page on the day of release, linked on our website , and sent via email. We ask all models to include video with their submission, but it is optional. Halloween/Cosplay. Models can submit more than once per theme, however, we will only select one submitted set. They will appear pixelated, warped, and in poor color. This is important for print quality purposes. Since we are located in Ohio where recreational marijuana is not legal, doing this can be considered to be a form of advertisement. Yume Magazine reserves the right to accept or deny any submissions we receive. We look forward to publishing your work. Please make sure all models are 18 years of age or older. We only have the form open for one theme at a time to prevent any overlap. Implied nudity is okay, however they must be suitable for delivery to all communities and countries. Please email us ASAP at. Please read through the below information and guidelines to access the submission form. 2. Please including the photographers' name/business, models' name, hair and makeup artist, stylist (if applicable). To give all a fair opportunity, no submission exceptions will be made following the closing date. Payment PAID Payment is offered. Once your submissions are accepted they must not be posted online or any social media until the magazine is released. Full sized issues will be available via Magcloud. * We accept Fashion, Beauty & Written Submissions exclusively through Submission Guidelines Quarterly Publication for those who love pinup and boudoir! Becoming a magazine model is no easy task. Submissions are reviewed based on its content, quality, relevance and the availability of space in the issue its being submitted to be published. Buy The Model Magazine; Send TMM your submission. 5. You can review past covers by clicking the issues link in our menu bar. When submitting, please credit all contributors who participated in the shoot. Props including alcohol, and cigarettes are discouraged, however if you feel that it works with the set, blur/remove brands from the image. By submitting to SKYN Magazine, you are providing us permission to crop, make basic edits and select from your submitted content. After the specific issue submission deadline, the submissions will be chosen for publication. Vanity Magazines are a popular clothing brand and the label is showing, find a way. Model Magazine ; send TMM your submission is included in the meantime step closer to published. We may ask for first-publication rights for online and print to IMG – and just maybe the world top! Companies and Agents in new York City and around the world 's top Magazine models can register a new account..., copyright notices, or drop us … Burn to ship, so please bare with us, and! You to manage your submissions are accepted, your work via email, or drop …. 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