Subscribe to our distribution list to receive the GEF Newsletter. Drought is one of the most severe effects of climate change in Malawi. Photo: UNDP Malawi. Federal Department of Justice and Police FDJP. In the areas where natural regeneration is taking place, another beneficiary group is undertaking beekeeping, and have already realized over 3.6 million MK (≈$4,768) from their sales. In addition, under about one fourth of climate futures considered, consistent losses from climate … So far, 1,000 hectares of forest areas have been planted/established, and a further 773 hectares have been restored via natural regeneration. Education and Research. She considers herself fortunate to be able to benefit from irrigation and more stable water supply, and welcomes the training that she received about how to grow irrigated crops and vegetables. Usisya Tailoring Group, composed of five men and 15 women, supplies the local textile needs of the community, and has made earnings to date of about 350,000 MK (≈$464) since it started operating in 2016. “Malawi National Statistical Office; World Bank. The Government of Malawi recognizes that impacts of climate change have serious implications for the country. Latest humanitarian reports, maps and infographics and full document archive. List of organizations that are actively providing ReliefWeb with content. List of alerts, ongoing and past disasters covered by ReliefWeb. The American Journal of Agricultural Economics provides a forum for creative and scholarly work on the economics of agriculture and food, natural resources and the environment, and rural and community development throughout the world.Papers should demonstrate originality and innovation in analysis, method, or application. Temperatures increase by about 6°C for every 1,000m you descend (or 3.5°F per 1,000ft). Current global funding for adaptation is a fraction of this figure and access to these funds for developing countries is often lengthy and complex. The National Climate Change Management Policy is a key instrument for managing climate change in the country and should act as a guide for integrating climate change into development planning and implementation by all stakeholders at local, district and national levels in order to foster the country's socio-economic growth and subsequently sustainable development. Find latest updates on global humanitarian responses, Southern Africa: Food Insecurity - 2015-2017, Scaling Up the Use of Modernized Climate Information and Early Warning Systems in Malawi, UN Agencies Respond To Growing Food Insecurity In Southern Africa, The current and future climate of central and southern Africa: What we have learnt and what it means for decision-making in Malawi and Tanzania. In Southern Malawi, in the Sunuzi community, Mrs. Ephelo Bonongwe, her husband and eight children, know how rain-fed farming is making their livelihood more precarious. Malawi has developed a strategic program for climate resilience under the PPCR to mainstream climate change considerations into long-term policy making, build institutional capacity for disaster risk mitigation, and facilitate knowledge sharing at multiple scales. Improving Secondary Education in Malawi … Mrs. Maggie Longwe, a single mother of three children, used to grow cassava, earning 50,000 MK (≈$66) per annum. The Policy provides strategic direction for Malawi's priorities for climate change interventions and outlines an institutional framework for the application and implementation of adaptation, mitigation, technology transfer and capacity building measures. ReliefWeb Labs projects explore new and emerging opportunities to improve information delivery to humanitarians. The implementation of the National Climate Change Management Policy should not be the sole responsibility of government but its success will require involvement and participation of all stakeholders in its implementation including NGOs, civil society, the private sector and academia. Initiated in December 2014, the project is working to reduce the vulnerability of rural communities to the adverse impacts of climate variability and change in Malawi. Photos: UNDP Malawi. The model outputs provide a resource that offers insight to programme managers on seasonality and disease … The separation has led to the misinformed view that addressing climate change means pursuing either mitigation or adaptation. PEPFAR Malawi on rapidly scaling criticafocuses l interventions to reach the 336,000 individuals living with HIV are not yet virally suppressed.who Epidemiological and programmatic data indicate that of those 336,000 people: 1. Between November and April the temperature is warm with equatorial rains and thunderstorms, with the storms reaching their peak severity in late March. In the forestry sector, USAID supports the Government of Malawi’s adherence to reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, or REDD+, an international effort to reduce climate change by decreasing deforestation. The aim is to provide country offices with a good evidence base and specific guidance on activities, barriers and opportunities for integrating climate change and climate smart agriculture approaches within the national context. Answering this call for adaptation action, the Sunuzi Irrigation Scheme is changing lives through assistance from the UNDP-supported, Global Environment Facility (GEF) Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF)-financed project "Implementing Urgent Adaptation Priorities Through Strengthened Decentralized and National Development Plans (Adapt Plan).". Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport DDPS. Her fish club is focussing on increasing fish stocks, with the group having already harvested and sold fish where her share was 10,000 MK (≈$13). The Federal Council. Climate change. This model is entrenched on the assumption that at any given moment, an entire population of either humans or vectors can be divided into distinct compartments made of the susceptible (those who are vulnerable to infection) … By implementing concrete livelihood diversification and capacity building activities in the districts of Nkhata Bay, Ntcheu and Zomba, the project is driving awareness and action on what constitutes effective adaptation at the community level in Malawi. 5 This corresponds to 0.2–0.8 per cent of global investment flows, or just 0.06–0.21 per cent of projected global GDP, in 2030. World Bank Engagement in Malawi. Based on this structure, we find mild implications of climate change for Malawi's economic growth prospects, at least over the next two decades. From their first sale of maize and tomatoes, they earned 260,000 MK (≈$344). This mountain area has a more temperate climate. According to current estimates, the negative effects of climate change are already reducing Africa's GDP by about 1.4 per cent, and the costs arising from adaptation to climate change are set to reach an annual three per cent of GDP by 2030. The US government is one of the key players in funding climate change interventions. Apart from being a source of livelihoods, the solar-powered water system has ensured access to potable water for over 300 households in the neighbourhood by reducing vulnerability to waterborne diseases and eliminating the long distances travelled by women and children to collect water, allowing them to focus on more productive activities to improve health, education and on-farm production. ... along with conflict and climate change, has not merely slowed global poverty reduction but reversed it for first time in over twenty years. The volume of dry season agricultural production now exceeds household consumption and provide a vital source of income to cover expenses such as school fees and clothing. Encompassing 10 hectares of land, 100 farmers are benefitting from the solar water irrigation system. A key issue that Biden will be of great value to Malawi is his stand on climate change. A GEF Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF)-financed project is working to reduce the vulnerability of rural communities to the adverse impacts of climate variability and change in Malawi. In the Southern and Northern parts of Malawi, in the Zomba and Nkhata Bay Districts, Adapt Plan is tailoring activities to each district, with a focus on reducing the vulnerability of rural communities to the negative impacts of climate variability and change. "Having learnt from Adapt Plan what constitutes adaptation in different communities, the Government now wants to build on this to replicate and scale up the project with an innovative, transformative, and ecosystem-based adaptation successor project with the involvement of the private sector in an integrated manner," said Ms. Tawonga Mbale-Luka, Director of the Environmental Affairs Department of the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Management. Even though Malawi’s contribution to greenhouse gas emissions is low on a global scale, it is scientifically accepted that human induced activities such as deforestation and land use change, play a major role in exacerbating its impacts. Now she benefits from the new system. Precipitation patterns are changing. A short walk along the irrigation scheme reveals new fish ponds that get their water supply from the same solar water system, now a source of alternative livelihood for another 18 community members. Access your account or create a new one for additional features or to post job or training opportunities. Malawi’s targeted strategy for investment will complement significant Global Fund resources to propel the National Program toward epidemic control by 2020. As the scale and intensity of disasters becomes more frequent in Malawi – linked to climate change and a degrading environment – FAO has been working to help farmers prepare for and resist the effects of drought and floods. The diversification and economic empowerment initiatives introduced by the Adapt Plan initiative are helping communities to shift from dependence on livelihoods that are highly vulnerable to climate change towards a more climate-resilient future. This is a vital source of income and improves nutrition among families. This piece was originally posted by Climate Adaptation UNDP on Exposure. Rural communities across the world report that rainfall is more erratic, shorter, and heavier within seasons, and that ‘unseasonal’ events such as heavier rains, dry spells, unusual storms, and temperature fluctuations are increasing. Like many others, she used to be dependent on rain-fed agriculture prior to the project. Interventions are available to offset many of the negative impacts of climate change on agriculture, and they can be tailored to local conditions often through relative modest investments. The Usisiya community in Nkhata Bay District, Northern Malawi has little room to manoeuvre in terms of their livelihoods, being sandwiched between Lake Malawi on one side and Usisiya mountain on the other. These initiatives will be integrated into District Development Plans and budgets. The irrigation project covers 35 hectares, directly benefitting nine men and 31 women. Wednesday, 20 June, 2018 - 11:47. The GEF Focal Point and Deputy Director of Environmental Affairs Department, Ms. Shamiso Banda Najira, testifies that the "Adapt Plan has also demonstrated how communities can build their resilience while delivering on other Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).". Based on extensive empirical data, the paper argues that prevailing narratives on climate change and agriculture in Malawi shape policy discussions and interventions that are implemented in both complementing and competing ways. Learn more about ReliefWeb, leading online source for reliable and timely humanitarian information on global crises and disasters since 1996. Climate change is one of the major threats to Uganda’s sustainable development and efforts to end poverty The country has experienced increased adverse weather patterns such as prolonged drought in the north, landslides in the east, and devasting floods OCHA coordinates the global emergency response to save lives and protect people in humanitarian crises. Nearly 80% of global agriculture relies on rain-fed farming. Overall Outcome Malawi is resilient to economic and environmental shocks and able to sustain inclusive growth, food and nutrition security, and improved well-being for all Malawians. Open training opportunities in the humanitarian field. For further information on EPIC, visit: Now she grows vegetables during the dry season, with earnings set to rise to about $140 during the dry season. The Adapt Plan initiative supported several community groups in Usisiya to set up enterprises that diversify their livelihoods away from reliance on fishing, dryland agriculture, and illegal charcoal production. Malawi is vulnerable to climate change and extreme weather events (EAD, 1998, 2002a, 2004). Forest regeneration and beekeeping are also some of the activities under the Adapt Plan aimed at diversifying livelihoods and building resilience to climate change. Our world is facing a double challenge: to eradicate hunger and poverty and to stabilize the global climate. An estimated 640 000 people did not have enough food in 2014 – a sharp decline from the 1.46 million people estimated in 2013. Apart from causing the lack of access to water supply, drought derails the economic progress for communities. It is based on the holistic approach of Climate Change Adaptation (CCA), addressing multiple threats to livelihoods with short- and medium-term interventions. Climate change is an emerging stressor that is experienced over longer time frames via changes in climatic norms and over shorter periods via changes in the frequency and severity of extreme weather events. Open job opportunities in the humanitarian field. The Usisya Tailoring and Chikomu Bakery Groups are another example of how communities targeted by the Adapt Plan initiative are increasing their resilience and adaptation by diversifying their livelihoods and sources of income to help them deal with shocks. The project, funded by the European Commission, was launched in January 2012 in Malawi, Viet Nam and Zambia. This vulnerability is further exacerbated by the country's poor socio-economic and demographic factors such as a narrow economic base, dependence on rain-fed agriculture, high reliance on biomass energy and low adaptive capacity at the community and national levels. Malawi's climate is generally tropical. In 2015, the Kulera REDD+ Project, initiated through USAID support, attracted more than $500,000 in private financing for local conservation and development … By implementing concrete livelihood diversification and capacity building activities in the districts of Nkhata Bay, Ntcheu and Zomba, the project is driving awareness and action on what constitutes effective adaptation at the community level in Malawi. Mr Conway is one of the academics in the Future Climate for Africa project. Malawi, a small landlocked country located in Southern Africa, has been increasingly impacted in recent decades by weather and climate-related shocks—a trend that is projected to continue in the future (Malawi Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment, USAID, 2013). Initiated in December 2014, the project is working to reduce the vulnerability of rural communities to the adverse impacts of climate variability and change in Malawi. A key issue that Biden will be of great value to Malawi is his stand on climate change. Mrs. Bonongwe vividly remembers her income from her rain-fed harvest being limited to about 30,000 Malawian Kwacha/MK (≈$40) for the whole maize production season. The Federal Council (admin) Federal Chancellery FC. Curated pages dedicated to humanitarian themes and specific humanitarian crises. Globally, climate change has been recognized as one of the biggest challenges that humanity is facing requiring concerted effort by all nations. The new World Bank Group Country Partnership Framework (CPF) for Malawi is under preparation. Meeting this challenge demands approaches which enhance the ability of farmers, their households, and communities to adapt to a changing climate. In conducting the spatial panorama of malaria prevalence in Africa under climate change and interventions scenarios, the Ross and Macdonald model was selected. A transformative community empowerment outreach process is put in place to help community members to diversify and accumulate assets. Complementing policy … Switzerland and Malawi. Climate actions have often fallen into one of two strategies: mitigation efforts to lower or remove greenhouse gas emissions from the atmosphere, and adaptation efforts to adjust systems and societies to withstand the impacts of climate change. The bakery has enabled its 25 members (six men and 19 women) to reduce the risks from over-relying on agriculture and fishing by moving towards more diverse business opportunities. It is based on a vulnerability and risk assessment. Climate change is commonly recognized to have major implications for food security and livelihoods (Thompson and Scoones 2009). Interests held by actors determine the policy trajectory in that where interests are colliding, policy interventions are competitive. Making use of the perennial river that flows naturally from the mountains into the lake, one group has set up an irrigation scheme for dryland crop and vegetable production. In 2015 and 2016, Malawi experienced serious and unprecedented floods and droughts on account of climate change with consequent effects on key socio-economic sectors and consequently on the economy. to climate change. We advocate for effective and principled humanitarian action by all, for all. The US government is one of the key players in funding climate change interventions. We are c… Climate change creates extreme weather patterns that are especially challenging for people in developing countries and can severely impact agricultural yield and food security. In the Sunuzi community, creating sustainable livelihoods is centred around the irrigation scheme that the communities established in 2017. Malawi’s unique and fragile ecosystems are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, thereby negatively affecting livelihoods. Climate change is threatening food security in many tropical countries, where a large proportion of food is produced by vulnerable smallholder farmers. RW COVID-19 page: Find latest updates on global humanitarian responses. The altitude moderates what would be an otherwise equatorial climate. 32% … The goal of the National Climate Change Management Policy is to create an enabling policy and legal framework for a pragmatic, coordinated and harmonized approach to climate change management. In this regard, Integrated Water Supply System has proved to be key towards improving community members’ well-being and economic growth. It highlights how climate change affects food security and agriculture in Malawi. © 2020 Global Environment Facility, All Rights Reserved. It aims to support partner counties in their transition towards Climate-Smart Agriculture. The communities, whose mainstay has been rain-fed agriculture, are not shy to showcase the range of livelihood options that the Adapt Plan initiative has introduced, as well as how these efforts are changing their fortunes through diversification of income sources. Extremely high temperatures are occurring more frequently. 2 Introduction Southern Africa is one of the regions estimated to be most at risk from climate change. With COVID-19 predicted to push up to 100 million additional people into extreme poverty in 2020, trends in global poverty rates will be set back at least three years over the next decade. The Policy affirms Government's commitment to fully addressing climate change issues in order to reduce the vulnerability of its people, ecosystems and socio-economic development to the effects of climate change through adaptation and mitigation, technology transfer and capacity building. Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA . Malawi is already suffering from the negative effects of climate change. Adaptation seeks to ensure adequate resilience of major projects to the adverse impacts of climate change, for example flooding. The Government of Malawi recognizes that impacts of climate change have serious implications for the country. Federal Department of Finance FDF. Federal Department of Home Affairs FDHA. Find help on how to use the site, read terms and conditions, view the FAQs and API documentation. Fish stocks are getting depleted, while the productivity of their land is low, limiting livelihood options. Climate change and smallholder farmers in Malawi Understanding poor people’s experiences in climate change adaptation A report by ActionAid October 2006 Marion Khamis/ActionAid . But now, thanks to the Sunuzi Irrigation Scheme, she earned 50,000 MK (≈$66) just from her recent sale of tomatoes. Translating this Policy into action will build Malawi's resilience to overcome the challenges of climate change and embrace the opportunities that are available to enable the country lay a solid foundation for a sustainable and prosperous Malawi. However, by 2030 and certainly into the 2040s, climate change impacts become more definitively negative and may begin to hinder overall growth prospects. Implementing Urgent Adaptation Priorities Through Strengthened Decentralized and National Development Plans (Adapt Plan), GEF Council provides boost to nature protection amid pandemic, Working with UN conventions to achieve global goals, GEF Council to focus on assisting countries through the pandemic, 'Together we can overcome all types of difficulty', "Sponge City": San Salvador uses nature to fight floods, New commitments to scaling up climate adaptation investment, Close to $1 billion approved for environment and climate action at GEF meetings. If you are interested in democracy, governance, poverty eradication, and climate change, this is your go-to podcast for a deeper understanding of the politics of global development. Consultations to inform the concept note preparation were initiated in FY19 and continued in FY20 with various stakeholders across the country including the government, parliamentarians, civil society organizations, academia, private sector and development … 2020. Climate change adaptation and mitigation considerations are integrated in the preparation and approval of major projects. A stable water supply and community driven action is helping people to grow more crops and vegetables during the dry season, enabling people to have three meals a day, along with increasing their incomes from selling their produce. Mrs. Falesi Edsoni, mother of five children, joined the Fish Farm Club in 2017. With a changing climate leading to more variable rainfall patterns, relying on the rain to feed their family and support their livelihood was difficult. The profile of climate change and human health programmatic area in Malawi has steadily been rising with funding from projects such as the World Health Organization (WHO) supported Global Framework for Climatic Services (GFCS) now being made available for specific interventions. The country has transitioned from recurrent humanitarian appeals to protective and productive investments in complementary interventions targeting More sales are anticipated as fish stocks are increased and three other ponds under construction are operational. Blantyre’s warm climate is representative of the climate found in the rest of Malawi, except the high-altitude areas and parks, including Nyika NP. 100 farmers are benefitting from the solar water irrigation System are integrated in preparation... 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