The DARBCO coop, the first to negotiate, demanded a higher price in a new contract. “My goal is to get the Department of Agriculture to give priority to the coops. Yet coconut farmers are among the poorest. “In FARMCOOP we didn’t know what contract to propose,” Apuzen remembers. The roads are poor, and the fruit would be bruised getting it to a shed.”. The pesticide was applied by coating the plastic that surrounds the bunches, so workers in the groves were exposed to it,and even children who worked in the packing sheds flattening the used plastic sheets for recycling. In the Philippines, the banana industry is the leading export income earner for farmers. As a result, women and men farmers and their families are being pushed deeper into poverty. This film tells the story about some of the people who produce bananas for us and their journey to getting a fairer deal supported by Fairtrade. Twelve people were killed and 19 injured. They transformed the militant unions they had organized to wrest a decent living from the multinational corporations that control much of the world’s food production. “We’re bringing back the organic way of farming, and protecting our ancestral domain. It got funding from Bread for the World, a German international foundation. Bananatex® is the world’s first durable, waterproof fabric made purely from Banana plants. Because of this much banana yield per tree, it may result in the most profitable fruit trees to grow. Ecuador 6. New trees are propagated by planting suckers from old ones. A 2006 study, however, by the Department of Health found that aerial spraying of pesticides was having negative effects on the health of residents, and the following year Davao City passed an ordinance prohibiting aerial spraying. On a local level, Ramsi Adran was elected a Davao municipal councilor. We will not cut trees. The Zamboanga Federation of Labor and the Mindanao Federation of Labor started on the plantations. 3. “The banana farmers who knew me called my attention and asked me if those sold (fake) products were mine since they really looked like our products. The coops were responsible for paying the cost as calculated by Stanfilco, which then turned over the net proceeds. Thirty years ago many banana workers in the Philippines made a radical change in their work and lives. Stanfilco soon produced bananas on four Davao farms, including 700-hectare Diamond Farms, 689-hectare Checkered Farms and 464-hectare Golden Farms, in partnership with Filipino investors in the House of Investments. The Philippines’ organic production area reported in 2009 is 52,546 ha, employing around 70,000 producers/farmers scattered all over the country. (HUMAN RIGHTS AND DEMOCRATISATION) THESIS ADVISORY COMMITTEE: RYAN JEREMIAH D. QUAN, LL.M. Yussi Titio washes bananas in the DARBCO packing shed. Coffee and cacao play an important part in traditional culture, and we produce coffee for our own consumption. The barangay really has no money for it, so in the meantime we have the tradition of bayanihan. banana production; •No. The Philippines was undergoing a national land reform policy that involved selling corporate plantations to smallholder farmers, making large export companies such as Unifrutti increasingly reliant on smallholders to supply bananas. Commercial banana plantations therefore rely on the application of chemical fungicides to control disease, and chemical fertilizer to keep the soil productive. Zamora-Galinato, Carla. It has a facility for drying banana slices and grinding them into banana flour. Apuzen adds, “After two weeks they sent a message saying they preferred FARMCOOP over the others. The other side sometimes passes through too. The Philippines accounted for an estimated 20% of global banana shipments in 2019 and about 90% of total export volumes in Asia, with its two major … A girl in the Compostela Valley flattens plastic sheets coated with Lorsban. “We didn’t really understand how to compute our costs, and the company said they wouldn’t negotiate with us if we brought in experts from our union.” Dole also withheld the workers’ legally-mandated severance pay until they signed the agreement, she says. When the coop members suggested a clause in their agreement that would have allowed them to sell bananas to other companies, Dole said it would refuse to let them use that infrastructure. Since then more experimental plots have been set up connected to the ARB coops, to compare hi-chem and low-chem production. But it is a dying industry. They transformed the militant unions they had organized to wrest a decent living from the multinational corporations that control much of the world’s food production. The technology development in agriculture is very fast, it results in developing a Tissue Culture Technique. Fruit growers in Kerala, particularly banana farmers, have fallen into hard times with retail prices at a low of Rs 25 (Dhs1.25) per kg. By 2007 the Philippines had become the world’s third-largest producer of Cavendish bananas, after Ecuador and Costa Rica, much of them coming from the Davao plantations. On the Checkered Farms plantation there are about 80 hired workers. The Sibulan project also involves agro-forestry – planting indigenous and fruit trees on slopes of rivers and as boundaries of farms, serving as buffers and windbreaks, preventing erosion and protecting the watershed of Davao City. FARMCOOP estimated that their income rose 126% in the first two years. After production of Class A bananas rose to 4610 boxes per hectare in 2018, it fell to 3879 in 2019, directly affecting the economic wellbeing of its members. In ten years the government only appropriated 50,000 pesos to help them. WHY FARMERS AREN’T COMPENSATED. Consequently, the expectations of Filipinos after the fall of the Marcos dictatorship were very high that the People Power Revolution would make real labor and land reform possible. The spread of two plant diseases is already affecting thousands of hectares, and if the history of a half-century ago repeats itself, banana cultivation as the coops practice it may no longer be sustainable or possible. Assuming an average life span of 70, we might reach a critical [shortage] of farmers in just 15 years,” said Asterio Saliot, director of the Department of Agriculture - Agricultural Training Institute . Banana in the Philippines In the Philippines, it is considered as a very good source of income and commercial production as it is a non-seasonal crop and suits the country’s soil and climate very well. Nevertheless, according to FARMCOOP, “abject poverty characterized their quality of life. Until the 1960s the variety of banana grown commercially worldwide was called Gros Michel. Income of farmers is also affected by the high cost of preventative measures, including fencing the farm and chemical decontamination stations, training farmers and managers, and obtaining seedlings resistant to the fungus. Thus, CARP in 1988 was a welcome government instrument to improve their lot.”, At the time the law passed, Koronado Apuzen was an attorney for the NFL, responsible for the union’s activities on the Mindanao plantations. 1 fruit exported internationally with 16.8 million metric tons in 2006. The Tissue Culture Banana is very tasty. Banana is one of the major and economically important fruit crops of India. Even some of my staff said, ‘Why did you accept their invitation and present organic production?’ I said, ‘Look up – somebody there will provide.’” So FARMCOOP launched the program: Sustainable Agriculture and Market Access for Indigenous People and Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Towards a Better Quality of Life.” And money did come,from CORDAID from the Netherlands, and later from other sources. FEDCO marketed Class B bananas, while the Class A bananas were exported under direct marketing contracts with the individual coops. “The average age of the Filipino farmer is 57. In the Philippines, child labor exploitation continues to worsen and has been documented on banana plantations, [12] and in a 2002 Human Rights Watch report on the banana industry, they found widespread child labor on plantations in Ecuador, the center of Dole’s production and trade. Their wages dropped from 140 pesos to 92 pesos a day and they lost all the benefits earned through collective bargaining. The plants are genetically nearly identical, which makes them especially vulnerable. “Our objective,” says Ricardo Paulmitan, FARMCOOP’s coconut organizer, “is to raise the farmers’ income through making maximum use of what they produce, like coconut water or flour, and sell products that have a higher added value than the raw coconut itself.” In July, FARMCOOP with the small coconut farmers’ association and other stakeholders broke ground at Ecopark for a facility that will process coconut products, like virgin coconut oil, flour, coconut water and coco shells into material for composting and erosion control, allowing Ecopark to supply the banana, cacao and coffee producing coops with much more compost than it does at present. Nevertheless, despite violence and repression, strikes and labor conflicts were common. Instead, the tree produces one large bunch of fruit, and after it is harvested the plant itself is cut down by the harvester. They listen, and if women suggest plans men consider them. Take a look at this awesome video:---This project is funded by Swiss Solidarity, jointly implemented by People in … Its first project was marketing the highland organic bananas produced by the people of Sibulan. When profit determines every outcome of social and economic life,... [contact-form-7 id="285" title="Contact Widget"], Read reviews on GreatNonprofits and Guidestar, Farmer-Led Pollinator Restoration in Central Mexico, Land & Sovereignty in the Americas Activist-Researcher Collective, We Are the Solution: Farmer to Farmer Education. In one incident, they burned 57 houses and killed people. On Mindanao Castle and Cook, and the family of James and Sanford Dole, who earlier introduced the plantation system in Hawaii, set up the first plantations for bananas and pineapples. “There used to be many kinds of trees here, marang, jackfruit, mango, pomelo” he recalls, in a report for the Center for Trade Union and Human Rights and the Nonoy Librado Development Foundation. We still have a lot of difficulty because of the lack of decent roads, and the coop and the barangay are trying to get support for more. In Maragusan, in Mindanao’s Compostela Valley, one worker described what happened when Stanfilco convinced the local people to acquiesce in allowing it to set up a banana plantation. On the ground floor of the FARMCOOP office in Davao City the organization set up a ripening room to serve local banana buyers, and the fruit is now sold in major urban shopping centers and malls. Cameroon 10. Banana is a major crop in the Cagayan Valley, third after corn and rice. There was no doctor until three years ago, and the first clinic only opened last year. I remember that I cried in front of the accountant for the House of Investments.”, Coop members all talk especially about the changes in the lives of their children. Women are much more active in all the coops, and in CFARBEMPCO they hold most of the leadership positions. Starting in the 1990s growers began aerial spraying to control black sigatoka, justifying it by claiming that the 83,840 hectares under export banana cropping make it the second largest export crop after coconut oil. The coops do create positions for office workers, accountants and technical support staff, and the children of coop members are encouraged to fill those jobs. Dole agreed to pay in dollars to offset the devastating effects of the peso’s devaluation. But the union’s radical politics helped it make the shift. About See All. Banana plants may grow with varying degrees of success in diverse climatic conditions, but commercial banana plantations are primarily found in equatorial regions, in banana exporting countries. Meet the Fairtrade banana farmers. The local economy, which had mired residents in poverty for years, became unable to sustain the local community. The watershed plantation strike of 1998 eventually created as well the possibility for building cooperatives among indigenous communities, replicating the success of cooperatives in the conventional banana plantations in the lowlands among Bagobo-Tagabawa farmers in the highlands of Sibulan. Nine were ARB coops and seven were small contract grower coops. Its elected Congressman was Guillermo Cua, who died in 2008. Who Will Hold the Reins in Joe’s Administration? While the percentage of land lost to Fusarium wilt in the four alliance coops is still small, other coops affiliated to FARMCOOP in neighboring regions of Mindanao have been devastated, with the CASAMA coops losing two-thirds of their productive area and one, TCBC, losing all of it. “I’m worried I’ll have to send them to work if the company doesn’t pay more,” he said at the time. According to one study, after 12 years the Department of Agrarian Reform had redistributed 5.33 million hectares of land, 53.4 percent of the Philippines’ total farmland, to 3.1 million rural poor households. We are organizing a sustainable and profitable farming model to provide an alternative for these indigenous farmers to the stranglehold of multinational corporations and their mono-crop and chemical-based farming schemes.”. FARMCOOP became the source of everything from financial planning and marketing skills to organic farming resources and political organizing strategy. It attacked the Cavendish banana, and soon began to spread as well. Its n’ o accident that the 300-year history of the Philippines as a colony of Spain, and its half-century as a colony of the U.S., were marked by repeated uprisings of farmers. The union and the workers had no experience in negotiating contracts with Dole/Stanfilco, however. The company refused. The Philippines: Urgent call for assistance - Super Typhoon Goni (Rolly) 2020. They dragged the picketers onto busses and took them to Carmen, a nearby town. Former government lands were sold off to create plantations—part of the development of an export-oriented economy. With land suitable for growing super-sweet highland bananas the project offered an alternative to marginalized small farmers in Davao City’s watershed areas. “The average level of education of a farmer … In that system, all the planted areas are divided equally among the coop members. | 02-18. Your environment here, the forests, will remain, unlike what happened in other places where they have no more trees. Fairtrade works to support both banana farmers and workers employed on plantations. When the police came after us, we hid in the FARMCOOP office for two weeks.”. Can We Feed the World Without Destroying It? I was hit by an iron bar, and I saw others hit and kicked as well. Thirty years ago many banana workers in the Philippines made a radical change in their work and lives. Coop members today still refer to them as the “onerous contracts.” The company managed the plantation operations, and provided the fertilizers and pesticides necessary for its production system. The code was signed by a large number of Mindanao unions and employers. Are you curious to see how our Enhancing Sustainable Income in the Philippines (ESIP) Project has improved the livelihood of banana farmers in Eastern Samar? Today TADECO uses the labor of 764 of the prison’s 6,115 inmates, justifying it as part of their rehabilitation towards eventual social reintegration. The law was a complex compromise, and in its first years leftwing activists even tried to implement their own alternatives to it. And we’re sustaining this with training and education.” FARMCOOP helped set up eleven savings and loan associations to give farmers access to credit. The banana itself does not contain seeds, and the male flower produces no pollen, making sexual reproduction impossible. This has given many of them an alternative to becoming targets of the multinational corporations and their Philippine partners, who prowl for land to lease at minimal rentals, and for a low-cost workforce to provide the necessary labor. Photo copyright © 2020 by David Bacon. The government set aside a fund for compensating owners, who were not allowed to retain more than five hectares. But the outcome of that watershed event was the ability of the coops to negotiate contracts that made large changes in their standard of living, and which made it possible for other groups of plantation workers to do the same. A further crooked contract gave control of HEARBCO-2’s land to the Tuazon family, which promised workers a million pesos per hectare to ratify it. The sigatoka fungus affects the leaves of the banana plant, producing brown spots and black streaks. It is thanks to a land distribution programme in the 1990s that small-scale farmers own almost half of the banana farms in the Philippines now. We have suggestions. Ultimately we want them to use environment-friendly organic farm inputs to save Mother Earth.” A set of plots set up in 2015 went from gradual reduction of chemical fertilizers by 25% in the first year, another 50% the second year, 75% the third year and 100% the fourth year. Resistant strains of sigatoka have begun to appear, as well. The coop strikers – thrown off the plantation and picketing on the highway (1974). The four struck plantations negotiated a flat rate of $2.60 per 13 kilo box of Class A bananas. They transformed the militant unions they had organized to … As they were in the process of joining the National Federation of Labor the owners split their lands in order to defeat their efforts. Indonesia 8. There growers switched to a different variety, the Cavendish, which seemed to be immune to the disease, and which then became the variety cultivated everywhere. Instead of working for wages, they used… In the meantime, if a member decides to sell, the coop will discourage them. “When the time came, and the coops complained of heavy indebtedness, and becoming poorer because of the contracts, we had to decide,” Apuzen says. The situation has also led to a drop in the demand for export from the major international market for Cavendish banana such as China. Instead of working for wages, they used the country’s land reform law to become the owners of the plantations where they had labored for generations. That development may not only affect the economic situation of banana farmers, but may also create a base for organic agriculture in the banana industry. Another pesticide, Lorsban, was historically used on some plantations, especially those in the Compostela Valley two decades ago, to control banana scab moth, banana weevil borers and caterpillars. To sell bananas to specialized markets, such as Japan, Unifrutti needed smallholders to become certified. Banana strikers at Diamond Farms (1976). It still cost a million pesos to pour concrete for just 100 meters of road.”, At the same time, six banana coops and individuals formed the Organic Producers and Exporters Corporation (OPEC), to provide organic and low-chem food products access to domestic and international markets. The Tagum Agricultural Development Company, or TADECO, started by Antonio Floirendo in 1950, negotiated a joint venture with the Bureau of Corrections to set up a plantation on 5,308 hectares of a vast prison farm, the Davao Penal Colony. Finally, Apuzen sent an appeal to the International Union of Foodworkers, an international labor federation based in Geneva. The next year the DARBCO coop using the IFS produced 3836 boxes per hectare. On the Mendiola Bridge soldiers opened fire. The small farmers planting saba cardava need help and assistance because the demand for this variety is also big,” Antig told Sunstar Davao. While these farmers can improve their profit by processing raw bananas into alternative products such as banana flour, very few of them have embarked on this enterprise. Political Organizing and Continued Corruption, US Manufacturing Critical for America’s Future, How Wildlife Photography Can Help Save Threatened Species. The threat comes from Fusarium wilt (Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. “We are responding to the challenging realities of rural underdevelopment in the backdrop of rapid environmental degradation,” explains Kahlil Apuzen-Ito. They had to fight for market access and fair prices against the same companies that had been their employers. Download. Monocrop banana cultivation has had a high environmental cost from the beginning of its development. Prior to CARP (Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program), there were large plantations in rubber, coffee, oil palm, cacao, banana, pineapple, etc. Black Lives Matter as an Ongoing Movement, When It Comes to Urban Forests, LA Is No Nanny State, National Debt: Threading the Historical Needle. Guardian for the Food and Agriculture Organization, “When peasant uprisings broke out in the 1930s, during the period of the Commonwealth, President Quezon introduced a massive resettlement program. There are now 27 motors [small motorcycles] here, and before we couldn’t afford any. Metadata . “The objective of this protocol is to verify and develop technologies for the conversion of conventional banana farms from high-chem to low-chem and to organic and finally to natural banana fruit production. And Dole controlled the market in Japan, South Korea and the countries to which the bananas were exported, and the ships and ports needed to get the bananas there. Published. Banks even offered loans, which the coops generally refused, since they were able to pay for their own inputs from the higher price they were receiving. They suffer under harsh and unfair conditions by companies who buy their bananas for cheap prices. Most of Banana is grown by planting suckers. Bananas are the third largest food commodity in the Philippines in terms of production volume, after rice and coconut, grown mostly in plantations in Mindanao in southern Philippines. The four leading banana export countries worldwide are Ecuador, Costa Rica, Philippines, and Colombia.Ecuador provides more than 33% of global banana exports. Bagobos began to fear the loss of their history and cultural traditions. AMS Corporation was there. Before the agrarian reform passed in 1988, workers on the Davao banana plantations were wage workers, members of the National Federation of Labor (NFL). Local residents and people migrating from elsewhere in the Philippines became the workforce, and in the 1960s they organized unions. Both are fungus infestations. “Families can now send their kids to school,” says Tungkaling. Under the Lapanday contract the company set the buying price at $2.10 per box for bananas exported to Japan, much lower than normal. Income went up again in 2007, when the 10-year agreements with Dole expired. The day before Marcos fell in 1986, Floirendo fled the Philippines. Today more and more Japanese consumers are looking for organic bananas grown in the highlands, on cool mountain slopes,” according to Koronado Apuzen. Related Files PDF free file avaible 3 MB ; This manual provides information on the morphological and agronomic traits, fruit characteristics, reactions to common diseases, and uses of 21 introduced and 8 local cultivars based on field trials carried out through the Bioversity-DA-BAR-NRMDC programme. But the barangay got upset when they started offering money to buy people out. Of that they had to hire other workers for maintenance and packing, and in the groves themselves. “There was no road to most of them, and when we set up the first packing shed people had to bring in the bananas on horses. Milea Bee Farm Lipa City. “It was full of forest before… There were also plenty of animals, monkeys, wild boars, birds. A radical change in their work and lives we didn ’ t visible on a level! 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