First of all, the concept of Hinduism baffles me so much. About the Book The main theme of this book Buddhism and Ambedkar is to prove that Babasaheb Dr. B.R. By remaining in the Hindu religion nobody can prosper in any way. Dr. Ambedkar didn’t just adopted buddhism just because it’s a good religion, yes, it is far better than Hinduism but still it has many drawbacks, because philosophy is always nonsense in some part of buddhism, he adopted this religion because it was a perfect way to get rid of caste or varna system of Hinduism that’s totally sucks on 2018 or before. If it were not for Navayana Buddhism, the predicament would have been worse. Excerpted, with permission, from Dr Ambedkar and Democracy edited by Christophe Jaffrelot and Narender Kumar. He claimed that he was ‘Parameswhar‘ or as his followers describe him ”Devadhideva,” God of Gods,” Ambedkar writes about them. Also read: Would Ambedkar, Tagore and Buddha have been declared anti-national today? In an All-India Radio broadcast speech on 3 October 1954 he declared: … According to Hinduism neither a Shudra nor a woman could become a teacher of religion nor could they take Sannyasa and reach God. Untouchability appears to be impossible in Chaturvarna philosophy when investigated minutely. If so, then perhapse Sunnism and Shiaism in Muslims – and Catholicism and Protestism in Christianity will also require same identity and recognition. In modern age Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar is embraced Buddhism with 5,00,000 peoples in Nagpur on Buddha had no such fear. Ambedkar on Buddhism 14 October 1956 holds a special significance for the Dalit community in India. Because of the stratification in Hindu religion, it is fact that higher varnas and castes are benefitted. The Dharma  as enunciated by the Brahmins meant nothing more than the performances of certain karmas or observances, i.e. Ambedkar's new sect of Buddhism rejected these ideas and re-interpreted the Buddha's religion in terms of class struggle and social equality. Ambedkar who had converted to Buddhism to protest caste-discrimination. This reading of Buddhism does not only have social implications – it also has political implications. 106 quotes from B.R. In his article ‘Buddha or Karl Marx’, he drew a parallel contrast between the two. In Buddhism Non-killing and Rebirth theory is so important but in modern world some thinkers raised the question on it because of Brahmanism and Jainism. This article has been translated from Hindi. It presents his reflections on the life of the Buddha, his teachings, and the spread of Buddhism by interweaving anecdotes with detailed analyses of the religion's basic tenets. (…) He gave the highest place to fraternity as the only real safeguard against the denial of liberty or equality or fraternity which was another name for brotherhood or humanity, which was again another name for religion. Born an Untouchable – the lowest element of Indian society deemed to be outside the caste system, and […] As the conversion movement spread well in the past in Maharashtra, generally Maharashtrian Buddhist followers of Dr Ambedkar are more open to embrace Dr Ambedkar’s idea of Buddha and Buddhism. 25% were the Shudras and others. Hence the last resort device that conversion to Buddhism, a democratic religion, became in his eyes by the mid-1950s. A Nation devises its own laws and rules to be followed by the citizens of various religions of that Nation to meet certain objectives. He was the greatest opponent of Chaturvarna, which is the parent of the caste system — apparently a perpetual loss of life. Since the work is of a popular rather than a scholarly nature Sanskrit and Pali words have in most cases not been given their diacritical marks and there has been no attempt to secure uniformity in the spelling of these words as between my own text and the various quotations from Ambedkar’s writings. “Buddha wanted his religion to remain evergreen and serviceable at all times. It is imbedded in religion. Credit: Wikimedia Commons. Ambedkar claims ‘No parallel can be closer than what exists between Buddhism and Bhagvad Gita”. Would Ambedkar, Tagore and Buddha have been declared anti-national today? Dr B. R. Ambedkar, chairperson of the drafting committee of the Indian constitution after presenting the constitution to the first president Dr Rajendra Prasad. conversion to Buddhism which he inaugurated. Ambedkar gave a speech titled “Buddha or Karl Marx” at the Fourth Conference of the Buddhist World Fellowship in 1956, where he compared Marx, the architect of a … Ambedkar Buddhism, or Navayana (“new vehicle”) Buddhism, began on 14 October 1956 in Nagpur, India, when nearly 400,000 Dalits, formerly known as Untouchables, converted from Hinduism. On the contrary, when our sweeper ‘woman delivers a child, her eyes are focussed on a post of sweeper where it is lying vacant. Ambedkar converted to Buddhism on 14 October 1956 at Deekshabhoomi, Nagpur after years of contemplating and studying various religions of the world rigorously. The word Dhamma, as used by the Buddha, had nothing to do with ritual or observances. The Buddha claimed no such infallibility for what he taught. The best of journalism is shrinking, yielding to crude prime-time spectacle. One whose mind is not free, though he may not be in prison, is a prisoner and not a free man. Do Hindus expect these Backward Classes and the Scheduled Castes to live under Hinduism which gives them no promise of mental and moral relief? Led by Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar (b. Why Ambedkar chose Buddhism over Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Can you be a true democracy & let go of caste, Ambedkar asked Indians. Muhmmad never claimed himself as god, he . Besides, Bhagwat Gita was written down by Ganesha and Vyasa after hearing it from Krishna and it was passed down for 5000 years, interpolations are always possible so no reason to consider these scriptures infalliable. Hinduism made Buddha as one of it’s own and regards him as a reformists. According to swami Vivekananda Buddhism is the fulfilment of Hinduism and not against it so Buddhism can be called as a refined form of Hinduism the article is correct but Hinduism isn’t just about Krishna it is much more much deeper what ambedkar has missed out is the South Indian shaivite and vaishnavism part of Hinduism the problem with Hinduism it is misinterpreted and then criticized but the things mentioned about Buddhism is true and actually many a times these two things have been the same and must remain like this. Ambedkar compares the four religious teachers to find another distinction between Buddha and the rest. In place of Karma, Buddha substituted morality as the essence of Dhamma.”, Also read: There are 2.9 million atheists in India and it’s been around in Asia for centuries, Taking his comparison of Hinduism and Buddhism further, Ambedkar writes about the second point of difference thus: “The second point of contrast lies in the fact that the official gospel of Hinduism is inequality. When he diagnosed Hinduism as a religion of inequality because it sanctified caste or when he converted to Buddhism with his followers, Ambedkar was … That is the reason the Indian Continent has so many different religions or Sampradayas practising their own ways of lives barring Christians, Muslims, Parasis and Chinese who follow their own ways of life or religion set of principles. Ambedkar’s Buddhism as the critique of Hinduism that precedes and suffuses this Buddhism. It is symptomatic of this greater responsibility that Ambedkar converts not only as an abstract individual, nor even as an individual Dalit, but also as a Dalit leader (or, in his early formulations, a Mahar leader), as one whose actions form a collective Dalit or Mahar identity. On 14 October 1956, Dr BR Ambedkar, the architect of the Indian Constitution, took a life-altering decision. Babasaheb Ambedkar was well familiar with the great work of Professor Narasu so much that he republished the Essence of Buddhism in 1948 and supervised the plates of various photos that were included in the book. Dr Ambedkar believed that Buddhism itself can provide a positive force for good in society. Paperback, 9780904766288, 0904766284 He knew that even the most violent iconoclast will not be able to destroy the core of His religion.”, Comparing Buddhism with Hinduism, Ambedkar writes, “Hinduism is a religion which is not founded on morality. He says that both Jesus and Mohammed claimed that what they taught was the word of God and (thus) was beyond question. A good part of his ideas ensued from them. In 1956, when Ambedkar and his followers converted to Buddhism, there were very few Buddhist bhikkus in India, and none of them had Marathi as mother tongue. ', 'Freedom of mind is the real freedom. Ambedkar combined fearless and trenchant criticism of religion with a deep sympathy and understanding of it. In this Sangh all are equal. If the teaching of the Buddha was democratic, then democracy is not an invention of the West – as the manner in which Dr. Ambedkar drew his inspiration from so many European and American scholars and leaders suggested -, but it’s a product of the Indian history. Ambedkar and Buddhism | Bikshu Sangharakshita | ISBN: 9788120829459 | Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch Amazon. Ambedkar, as mentioned in his declaration, departed to a large extent from the earlier sects of Buddhism. Ambedkar, who belonged to the Mahar caste which was considered untouchable in Hinduism, converted to Buddhism after studying the religion for … In 1937, Lokanatha published a pamphlet “Buddhism “Does Hinduism give any mental and moral relief to the millions of Backward Classes and the Scheduled Castes? 1956 Died 6 December, aged 64. It is completely understandable as they have not gone through the conversion movement in past as Maharashtrian followers did. Posts about Buddhism written by Pardeep. His conversion to Buddhism was his modernist project to redefine the character of India as a secular nation-state. Biased media!!! Famous sage Sootji – being borne in a Shudra family himself, imparted knowledge and wisdom to a large number of Rishis and Munis as described in famous Puranas such as Shri Madbhagvat Maha Puran. 1948 Married Savita (nee Sharda Kabir)– a Brahmin doctor.. 1951-1956 Devoted his energies to studying Buddhism and exploring the idea of the conversion of Untouchables.. 1951 Started to write The Buddha and his Dhamma which was published posthumously in 1957.. 1956 On 14 October, Ambedkar converted to Buddhism along with 380,000 of his followers in Nagpur. It gave up Himsa. Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar's speech on Buddha or Karl Marx at Fourth Conference of the World Fellowship of Buddhist, Kathmandu on 20th November 1956. Dr. Ambedkar was deeply inspired by the Buddhist philosophy, which is well reflected in his works and life. Those set of Laws, Rules and Regulations, may even be called a way of life for the citizens of that Nation. No other religious teacher has shown such courage. People like Galileo were executed in Europe , while Aryabhatta and Brahmagupta both discovered things contrary to Hindu scriptures of that time. In the essay, compares the personalities of founders of four religions, which “have not only moved the world in the past, but are still having a sway over the vast masses of people”. Do your homework. He found Buddhism spiritually satisfying as it preached love and compassion for all (karuna). Being based on reason and experience, the followers were free to modify or even to abandon any of his teachings if it was found that at a given time and in given circumstances they do not apply. Despite reformist movement over many years, the caste system is deeply ingrained. He was not even satisfied with calling himself a God. A person whose mind is not free though he may not be in chains, is a slave, not a free man. But he converted to Buddhism only in 1956. Ambedkar agonised that Buddhism had not only ‘ceased to live in India but even the name of Buddha has gone out of memory of most Hindus’. Dr. B.R.Ambedkar, on 31st May, 1936, in his address to a public meeting at Dadar (Bombay) on the subject of “why go for conversion?” said, “I should like to impress this thing on your minds very clearly that religion is for man and not man for religion. I’m a dalit…. Today it appears to be extinct. Such an expectation would be an utter futility. But the Lord Buddha said, « O Bhikkhus, you have come from different countries and castes ». In place of God there is morality. Ambedkar and Buddhism by Sangharakshita. They were afraid of permitting repair, because the liberty to repair may be used to demolish the structure they had reared. Could Mr Ambedkar have ever claimed that every person of his own cast is equal in wisdom, education and understanding to his own self? “Hinduism is floating on a volcano. His intellectual affinities with the Western developed during his stays in the United States and in England. Jesus, Mahommed and Krishna claimed for themselves the Mokshadata. You can never take Buddhism out of Hinduism or Hinduism out of Buddhism. Nothing emphasises this more than the calling given in Vedas, that is –, ” UTTISHTHAT JAGRIT PRAPYABARAN NIBODHAT”. If Hinduism & Buddhism were so distinct why then the Historians like Romila Thapar keep mentioning about lack of these identities & fuzzy identities in ancient India ? In his philosophy, liberty and equality had a place. In the following pages I have given a brief account of Ambedkar’s career, described why and how he became a Buddhist, and explained what Buddhism meant to him. They had rules regarding seating arrangements, rules regarding Motions, Resolutions, Quorum, Whip, Counting of Votes, Voting by Ballot, Censure Motion, Regularization, Res Judicata, etc. In the 1930s, Ambedkar proclaimed that though he was born a Hindu, he would not die a Hindu; and on 14th October 1956, with 400,000 followers, he converted to Buddhism in a mass meeting in Nagpur. Or Call us on- 9354229384, 9354252518, 9999830584. His interpretation that Hinduism is more conservative than others is false, as Muslims and Christians also take Quran and Bible to be work of God. He never claimed any supernatural origin or supernatural powers nor did he perform miracles to prove his supernatural powers. The four are Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed and Krishna. It deals with Ambedkar's conceptualization of Buddhism and the possibilities it offered for liberation and upliftment of the Dalits. Vedic philosophy never anywhere, preaches conversions unlike Muslims and Christians. “The Vedic mea… A PhD and yet so ignorant. This present edition is scrupulously annotated, with inclusions of references to the Buddhist scripture and other texts which have served as references for Ambedkar. Considering it as a religion of modern world, he would base all his analysis of religion on its touchstone. Christians tried to erase Greek knowledge and science when they became dominant in Europe. Later in an interview to the Press, Lokanatha said that Ambedkar was impressed with Buddhism and that his own ambition was to convert all Dalits to Buddhism. These components of Dr. Ambedkar’s ideology of Republicanism reflect his liberal values, which are even more obvious in his deep attachment to the rule of law. This is evident from a tangible fact: on 13 October 1956, the day before he converted to Buddhism in a grand ceremony in Nagpur, he addressed a press conference in which he announced that he had drafted the constitution of his new party, the Republican Party of India. The basic problem of Hindu society has been its societal organisation wherein so called lower castes remained discriminated against for ever. He drew out the social message of Buddhism, its potential to help relieve inequality, greed, hatred and ignorance in all its forms, both in the individual and in society. About the Book The main theme of this book Buddhism and Ambedkar is to prove that Babasaheb Dr. B.R. It was prepared to give up the doctrine of the infallibility of the Vedas. These Identities become political in the modern discourse & the role of colonization in making every micro to macro identity political can & should not be overlooked. The Buddha was satisfied with playing the role of a Margadata.”, Also read: Can you be a true democracy & let go of caste, Ambedkar asked Indians. Dr Ambedkar’s confidence and understanding about how Buddhism can change the world is needed now more than ever. What about Buddhism over Islam or Christian? Buddha was not prepared to give up his opposition to the doctrine of Chaturvarna. He not only preached against it, fought against it, but did everything to uproot it. Ambedkar saw deep affinities between Buddhism and the French Revolution. In other words, the closeness was not only intellectually but also emotional. On the morning of 14 Octobe 1956,at a mass rally in the Indian town of Nagpur, rour hundred men and women turned their backs on a millennium of degradation and slavery. Ambedkar had declared his decision to renounce Hinduism in 1936, in his ‘Annihilation of Caste’ speech. Moreover, it was in affirmation with principles of liberty, equality and fraternity that guided him throughout his life. But it is not. Ambedkar and The Dalit Buddhist Movement in India (1950-2000) Dr. Shaji. 1891–d. “All throughout the Bible, Jesus insist(s) that he is the Son of God and that those who wish to enter the kingdom of God will fail, if they do not recognise him as the Son of God. But he further insisted that he was the last messenger. I have derived them from the teachings of my Master, the Buddha. He refused to be satisfied with merely being the Son of the God or being the messenger of God; he was not content even with being the last messenger of God. It is true that in Buddhism there is no God. Vedic philosophy emphasises mainly on eradication of ignorance and motivates or advises principly towards attaining true knowledge to meet the supreme objective of every human being as he may decide for himself after knowing the truth of life or existence. The civilisation existing across Indus river valley came to be called India and later the inhabitants of these areas were given the name Indians or Indies or Indus which further got distorted to the word Hindus and finally the way of life practised by these people came to be known as Hinduism. The second part deals with Ambedkar’s both explicit and implicit deliberations for selecting the right noble faith, that is, Buddhism whose foundation was egalitarianism, based on equality and compassion. It was published posthumously without citations, bibliographies and other scholarly apparatus. Yagans, Yagas and sacrifices to Gods. Ambedkar embraced Buddhism as a last resort since he believed that … On the other hand, Buddha stood for equality. An excerpt from Dr. Ambedkar and Democracy about Ambedkar's analysis of the affinities of Buddhism with democracy that led to his conversion. In 1931, his “Appeal on behalf of the Depressed Classes Institute”, by which he tried to collect 40,000 pounds sterling, asked “the Europeans and the Americans” to help a “deprived humanity” — a part of the human race (Dr. Ambedkar often resorted in his Marathi writings to the word manuski in English translated as  “humanness”). And Ambedkar’s critical view on Islam? When he diagnosed Hinduism as a religion of inequality because it sanctified caste or when he converted to Buddhism with his followers, Ambedkar was … That what they taught was the word praying Budda, because of his ideas from! Was propagated by his Republican party of liberty, equality and fraternity guided. This reading of Buddhism, became in his ‘ Annihilation of caste ’ speech impossible... Prosper in any sense of the Vedas a also closeness of personal sympathy that to... ’ Buddhists say the secular character of the Indian civilization, through.. It has against Jainism. ” religions of the overthrow of Paganism by in. 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